Chapter 10

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*Dan's POV*

I was flooded with so many emotions, I was scared, I was confused and I was angry. Scared because of what Frankie was capable of, angry because he tried hurting Phil and confused because I just shot him in the shoulder and I don't know what I'm doing. I was stood in front of him point the gun towards him, he tightly gripped his shoulder and looked up at me, he didn't look scared or angry he looked surprised, so did Phil, so was I. "Who knew you had this in you. Is it crazy that I'm even more attracted to you?" Frankie smirked "Shut up." I replied coldly. "Dan.." Phil said quietly but I ignore him and kept my focus on his brother "Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you" I said coldly "You don't have it in you" he laughed bitterly "Do not test me" I snapped. Phil stood up from the couch, and came up behind me,I could tell he was in pain, he gently placed his hand on my shoulder "Babe put the gun down, I'll call the police and they can take care of it" he whispered and I shook my head "Not after what he's done" I said angrily, I wasn't just talking about how he raped and abused me but because he tried killing Phil, he hurt him so many times "This isn't you Dan.." Phil whispered again "He's too chicken to kill someone" Frankie smirked "I said don't test me" I spat, to be honest I was scared, I can't take a life but he's a threat to so many people and a threat to Phil. He stood up and walked towards me "You're too scared to kill someone, face it Dan you're too much of a good boy" he mocked "Don't come any closer" I said quickly gripping the gun "Dan, babe put the gun down.." Phil said silently, my hand was trembling, I was about to do as told but then Frankie tried charging at me making me move back and knocking Phil into the table "Phil!?" I called out worried, "I-Im fine" he said using his crutches to stand up,I know he was hurt. "Aw you just hurt your boyfriend" Frankie said pouting "I told you to shut up" I said pointing the gun towards him again "I'm calling the police" Phil said walking painfully towards the the kitchen, Frankie tried going after him "Don't take another step" I threatened, he looked at me with an evil grin "Stop with the threats Daniel. We all know you don't have it in you" he laughed "You deserve everything I did to you, and guess what I'm gonna do it all over again" he said walking towards me, without thinking I shot him in the leg. He let out a cry of pain trying to force himself to get up "Is this the best you can do?" He hissed, he pulled out a knife from his pocket "I've change my mind, I don't want you anymore. I'm going to kill you and then I'm going to kill Phil and I'll make sure he suffers" he said coldly. He came at me with the knife, I panicked and shot him, in the head, he fell back, he was dead. I stood there in shock and stared at his lifeless body on the ground, blood flowing from his wounds. "Oh my god.." Phil whispered coming back from calling the police "Dan?" He looked at me "H-he came at me w-with a knife, I-I got scared" I cried. Phil helped me to the kitchen and made me sit on the stool "I-I killed someone Phil. I'm a murderer" I whispered, he got a cold glass of water and made me drink it trying to calm me down. "It was self defense babe, you had no choice" he whispered wrapping his arms around me, I hugged him tightly and cried, I never cried so much in my entire life. There was a loud knock at the door, it was the police "I'll get it" Phil whispered, I grabbed his hand in fear "Babe it will okay, just tell them what happened, you're innocent" he kissed my forehead and left. I was sat in the kitchen for 15 mins, I heard talking, they were asking Phil questions about Frankie. "Where's Daniel? We just need to ask him questions too" I heard a cop ask, my heart dropped, Phil came into the kitchen and the cop followed "She just wants to ask you questions" he said squeezing my hand. The cop was really kind and patient with me, there were times when I would choke on my own words and cry "Daniel, you're not in trouble. Take a deep breath and tell me what happened okay?" She said sweetly and I nodded, the questions took about half hour "So tell me,what happened before you shot him?" She asked "H-he threatened to kill me and then said he'd make Phil suffer and then he came at me with the knife" I said with a shaky voice "That's all we need to know. Phil we've had calls about your brother before, he was really dangerous" she said "I know, that's why I couldn't force him to leave, he would've hurt Dan even more" he said sadly. They took the body and cleaned most of the blood, they told us to take care and be careful and left.

*Phil's POV*

Today was eventful, my brother was dead and honestly I did not care, he raped and abused my boyfriend and then tried killing him, this isn't the first time he's done this, he was an awful person. I locked the door and walked back to the living room, Dan stood there staring blankly at the gun in his hand "They forgot the gun?" I asked and he nodded "I killed some one with this.." He whispered "Babe it was self defense, you didn't have a choice" I whispered but he didn't seem to be listening, he seemed out of it, I stared at him trying to figure out what was going on in his head, and then he turned the barrel towards himself, I knew what he was thinking about I dropped my crutches and and snatched the gun away "What the hell Dan!?" I shouted, he stared at me in shocked. I put the gun in the drawer, Dan eyes were filled with tears, he was still in shock from happened today "Come on let's get you upstairs" I whispered wrapping my arms around him and taking him to our room, it was only 5 pm, he sat down on the bed and just stared blankly "Lay down" I whispered kissing his forehead and he did, I sat on the edge of the bed and moved his hair out of eyes then stroked his cheek, he looked at me "what's wrong?" I asked "w-will you lay down with me?" He asked, his voice sounded tired, I nodded and laid close to him. "I'm not a bad person am I?" He asked me with tears in my eyes "No, he was going to try to kill you" I said softly "I was more worried about him hurting you" he whispered, I kissed his forehead "We don't need to worry about him anymore" I whispered, he wrapped his arm around me to pull me close and I winced in pain, I had this awful pain in my ribs, Dan lifted my shirt slightly exposing a huge bruise on my ribs. He drove me to the hospital and turned out I had broken ribs, they said it will take time to heal and I should ice it to help with the bruise. Dan was still frightened "I'm sorry this is my fault I pushed you" he whispered sadly "Its not your fault Dan" I said squeezing his hand, I should change the topic "So I was thinking about how you said your surprise will take our relationship to the next level. Are we getting a pet?" I asked, he looked at me and laughed slightly "No that's not it silly. But we can get a pet too" he smiled "Can we get a cat? And name her Lilly?" I asked and Dan smiled nodded. He drove silently for the next few minutes,he put his free hand on my leg "We have to go get you a suit tomorrow" he said "Are you sure Dan? I mean we can reschedule" I suggested and he shook his head "No, I'm not rescheduling, and this will be good for the both of us and help us move past this" he said squeezing my leg gently. I leaned over and kissed his cheek, still wondering what the surprise is.





Yeah so two updates tonight! I couldn't type yesterday because the weather was bad and my power went out the entire night and came back at 4 am .. Gotta love winter in Canada xD

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