Chapter 15

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*Phil's POV*

"Morning" I smiled at Emily and Anthony as Dan wheeled me into the kitchen "You two are up early" Emily said "And so are you" Dan added "I need to get Anthony's school bag then drop him off to school and head to work, so I'll see you guys later" she smiled, Anthony gave me and Dan a hug before heading out the door behind his mum. "So, the two things on our to do list are getting things for a kitten and then going to the animal shelter" Dan smiled feeding me pancakes he just made "Do you want to get a kitten Dan? This isn't only because I want one is it?" I asked "Of course I want one, we're at the point of our relationship as well" he said kissing my forehead. I ate a little bit as I didn't want to get ill, pancakes somewhat agreed with my stomach. Dan carried me upstairs and helped me change into something warm as it was snowing outside, I stared out the window looking at the white fluffy snow falling to the ground "You like the snow?" Dan asked and I nodded "I used to love playing in the snow, sometimes at night time I would go outside and just lay in the snow and stare at the sky, its relaxing" I sighed "Well how about later tonight we can go on a nice little date in the snow. But first let's go shopping and then go to the shelter" he smiled leaning down and kissing me softly.
We drove to the pet shop to buy things for the kitten, there were really cute toys, accessories, and cushions. We spent about an hour looking looking through things, there was a nice employee who gave us some advice on what to do if you're getting a pet for the first time, we also got plenty of food.
"Okay so now let's go to the shelter" Dan said putting everything in the trunk, when we got there we were greeted by a very nice lady "Daniel! Good to see you. And who might this be?" She smiled at me "Hey Jane. This is Phil. Phil this is Jane, she was friends with my grandmother" Dan introduced us to each other "So I'm guessing he's someone special" she winked "Yes. We'll we are engaged" Dan laughed awkwardly blushing "Oh you two are so adorable" she said pinching our cheeks, making me blush too "Thank you. Um we actually came to look at kittens, we planning on getting one" Dan explained, she told us to follow her and she led us to a room with a bunch of kittens behind glass doors "Oh they're so cute" I whispered "Which one do you like Dan?" I asked "They're all so cute, the choice is yours babe" he smiled, he wheeled me down the hallway as we looked at kittens, I kind of just want to stay here forever. A kitten caught my eye, it was smaller than the rest, a little sickly, had black fur with blue eyes, but she was so cute "Aw who's this?" I asked staring as the kitten "This poor little one, she's a cutie but no one wants her. Its her last day here" Jane sighed "Wait. What do you mean?" Dan asked "Well no one wants her, she's so tiny, we will have to put her down" Jane said sadly. The kitten walked up to the glass door and stared back at me, I put my hand on the glass and she Nuzzled the glass trying to get to my hand, she looked up and meowed at me, I know what I want "I want her Dan" I said quickly "Are you sure dear?" Jane asked, I looked at her and Dan and nodded "Alright I'll get the paper work" she smiled heading to her office. Dan crouched down and looked at the kitten "she's perfect, what do you want to name her?" He asked "Lilly" I whispered. We got the paper work done and they put her in one of those traveling cages so we won't have difficulty with her in the car. The minute we got home we let her out of the cage, we did not want to keep her in there, she walked out looking at us confused "Hello" I whispered, Dan gently and carefully picked her up and set her on my lap, I gently stroked her head with my finger and she Nuzzled my hand "She's so cute" I whispered "She seems to like you" Dan smiled, I smiled back at him  "We should feed her" I said, Dan nodded and got her food bowl and food, I put her down and Dan sat on the ground and tried getting her to eat, it took a while as she wad just a kitten and was really playful.
"Hey guys!!" Anthony said running into the house "You got a kitty?" He asked sitting down next to Dan "Yes her name is Lilly" I smiled watching him play with her, Emily stood smiling and watching the two play "Oh by the way, I'm looking for houses and apartments, so we won't be a bother" she said "No no you aren't a bother at all, I know Phil loves having Anthony around" Dan said, Anthony was now sitting on my lap with Lilly on his lap. "Hey um do you think you two can watch the kitten after dinner? I wanted to take Phil out for a bit tonight" Dan asked "Of course" Emily smiled.

*Dan's POV*

After dinner I drove to a park where there was no one just me and Phil. It snowed quite a bit and was still snowing, I put Phil in his chair and wheeled him along the clear walking path "I love the snow, I miss having fun" he sighed "You can still have fun" I said "Yeah but I'm in one of those just laying back and looking the sky mood" he whispered looking up. I carried him out of his chair and laid him down in the snow and looked down at him "Have you been kissed in the snow before?" I didn't wait for his answer I just kissed him softly "Well I have now" he laughed, we stared at each other for a moment and then he pulled me down into the snow,he looked at me and laughed "Very funny" I said trying to keep my laughter in but failed to do so, he smiled at me he had one of the cutest smiles ever, I reached over and moved his fringe from his eyes "I don't think you like your hair in your eyes" I said "Actually you're the one who doesn't seem to like it" he laughed "Well yeah then I can't see your beautiful blue eyes" I said, he put his hand on my cheek and kissed my nose "Oh so are you going to call that girl we met?" He asked "If you want? She seemed nice" I said "Yeah she did. I think she has a crush on you" he laughed, I looked at him and laughed "We are on a date and you're talking about a girl we just met thinking she likes me? You jealous?" I asked winking "Maybe" he joked "Well you don't need to worry about any girl or any guy, I'm all yours" I assured him wrapped my arms around him and pressed my lips on his, he kissed me back, I held onto him and turned over so I was laying down on my back and he was on top of me, we layed there making out for about 10 minutes "I think we should go home I'm cold" Phil said breaking the kiss, I kissed him once more and then carried him back to the car.
When we got home I turned on the electric heater in our room, made hot chocolate and snuggled close to Phil "Your cheeks are bright pink and cold" I said placing my warm hand on his cheek trying to warm him up "I had an amazing day today, I love you" he whispered kissing my hand "I love you too" I said softly kissing him, he kissed me back more passionately. After finishing the hot chocolate we laid down and pulled the blanket on top of us and drifted off to sleep.

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