Chapter 27

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*Dan's POV*

It felt like I was asleep for what seemed like hours and hours when I was woken up by the sound of my phone, I had about five texts from Emily, some asking if I was awake and one saying that she will pick Anthony up in the morning as she's assuming that we're probably asleep. Anthony was fast asleep in my lap while Phil was asleep with his head on my shoulder, I got up making sure I don't wake Phil up and put Anthony down on the couch making my way to the kitchen to call Emily.
"Hey Emily, sorry we fell asleep" I said quietly "No worries, I just got home not to long ago I assumed you guys would be asleep" she answers back, I looked at the time it was midnight "Wow they kept you in late today" I said "Yeah today was stressful, do you want me to pick Anthony up?" She asked "No its okay he's asleep, you get some sleep too I'll see you tomorrow" we said our goodbyes before hanging up. I headed back to the living room and first carried Phil up to our room laying him down on the bed, he didn't wake up once he must have been so exhausted. I took his glasses off and set them aside kissing his forehead before going back downstairs to get Anthony.
I carried him to one of the spare rooms and tucked him in which woke him up "Dan? Is my mom back?" He asked sleepily. "She got off work late, so you're sleeping here tonight" I whispered moving his hair from his eyes "Oh okay.." He whispered laying back down "Will you be okay sleeping here alone?" I asked, he never slept over on his own his mom was always with him "I'll be fine, I always sleep in my own room" he assured me "Okay, well good night buddy" I smiled before heading out leaving his bedroom door open so a bit of light can shine in. I found myself wide awake now, I looked over at Phil who was fast asleep he looked so peaceful and adorable I just wanted to kiss every inch of his face but I didn't want to wake him up. So for the next couple of hours I found myself browsing on the internet looking for some way to entertain myself until I feel tired enough to fall asleep, I looked over at the clock it was 2:30 now, I felt a little tired but not enough to fall asleep. There was a tiny knock at the room door, I got up and opened it to see Anthony with tears in his eyes "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked crouching down "I had a bad dream..." he sniffed "Don't worry bad dreams aren't real" I assured hugging him "I can't sleep now, when I have bad dreams I just go to my mom.." He sobbed silently "Its okay you can stay with me."
Anthony was up for almost another hour after waking up from the nightmare he had, I kept my arms around him protectively so he knew not be afraid. We talked quietly amongst ourselves as Phil was asleep, he didn't wake up once he moved around a bit but didn't wake up. "My dad was never nice to me, when I had nightmares he told me I need to get over it myself and stop annoying him and mom.." He whispered "He's not a very nice man and he has no right to call himself your father" I answered "My mom would still stay with me when I had bad dreams" he explained "Because your mom is a nice person and she loves you" I whispered "I'm sorry for annoying you.." He said softly after a while "what do you mean?" I look down at him confused "I'm keeping you awake, I know its annoying" he sighed "No you're not annoying me, I couldn't sleep anyways I don't mind it, if you ever have nightmares or get scared when you're staying over then tell me" I smiled. He smiled back and then yawned, it was about 3:30 now and even I was sleepy "Good night Dan" he whispered drifting off to sleep "Good night."

*Phil's POV*

This was the best sleep I had in weeks, I slept like a rock but I was woken up to something jumping on me and licking and nuzzling my face. I opened my eyes to see Lily "You silly little kitten" I laughed silently petting her head, she jumped off and walked out the room as if her only objective was to wake me. I looked over Dan was still asleep and Anthony was there to he must have stayed over a smile formed on my face at that adorable sight. Dan woke up shortly to me staring at him "Good morning babe" he mumbled smiling reaching over to grab my hand "Did you sleep well?" I asked "I slept alright, I had trouble sleeping and then Anthony had a nightmare so I stayed up with him until he fell asleep" he explained looking down at the sleeping boy. "That was sweet and very parent like of you" I smiled kissing his hand. Anthony woke up a while later so we all freshened up and went downstairs.
I put food in Lily's bowl so she could eat then went to the kitchen to help Dan with breakfast. "Do you need any help?" I asked "You can get the orange juice out of the fridge" he answered putting a stack of pancakes on the table. "Anthony, time for breakfast" Dan called out, Anthony was playing with the kitten and came in as soon as Dan called him. After breakfast we both helped him clean up before doing anything else, when my vision started blurring again which was again really weird since I was wearing my glasses. "Babe you're squinting again whats wrong?" Dan asked crouching down so we were at eye level "Its nothing don't worry" I assured him "Its happening again isn't it, I really need to get you to a doctors" he said "You heard what he said its nothing, don't worry its fine now" I smiled "Are you sure?" He asked "I'm very sure" I assured leaning in and kissing him softly. Well honestly I hoped its fine, I didn't know why its happening all I could do is hope it'll be okay.

Heyyyy.. I was suppose to post this last night but I wasn't able to finish it and I was exhausted! I'll try to update tonight as well of I'm able to finish my assignments on time :) x

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