Chapter 32

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*Phil's POV*

"Okay so any idea what you want to dress as? I got some Halloween makeup and fake blood as well" Dan said putting a bag in front of me. "I'm not sure, you can pick for me.." I sighed. Its not that I wasn't interested, but I got a call from my doctor about my tests and let's say it wasn't good news. "What's wrong Phil? You don't want to go out tonight?" He asked crouching down so we were at eye level. "No I want to, its just I got a call from my doctor about the tests.." I whispered. "And what did she say?" He asked. I took a deep breath "She said the cancer spread to my brain, and that I'll probably end up losing my vision. A-and there's nothing t-they can do.." My voice was shaky, not because of what was happening but because I had to look Dan in the eye and tell him this, his expression broke me, his eyes filled with tears. "Can't they give you treatments? Or an operation or anything?" He asked and I shook my head. "I've stopped responding to treatments Dan, they can't do anything" I sighed. "A-are you dying?" He asked his voice shaky now. "They didn't say but its obvious that I am Dan.." I whispered. He didn't say anything else he just got up "Um excuse me for a second"

*Dan's POV*

I made my way upstairs to my room, closing the door and falling onto the ground in tears. He can't be dying, I refused to believe that. I picked up my phone and dialed Emily's number. "Hey Dan!" Her voice chimed "H-hey.." I tried keeping my voice steady but failing. "Dan what's wrong? Have you been crying?" She asked. "Mhm.. Its Phil. His doctor said that the cancer is spreading to his brain and he'll even lose his vision but they can't do anything.." I explained as tears starting falling down my cheeks again. "Dan I'm so sorry.. Is Phil okay emotionally?" She asked "He's better than me, he was hesitant to tell me" I sighed. "I know it hurts Dan believe me I've been through this. But remember its scary for Phil as well. I'll tell Anthony that something came up tonight and you two can stay home okay?" I couldn't cancel on Anthony, besides Phil wanted to do this, he wanted to live a normal life without his illness getting in the way, and plus this might be good for us. "N-no don't do that, we'll be there. I think it'll be good for him to have a fun night." I sighed before hanging up the phone.

I made my way back downstairs feeling bad for walking out like that, Emily was right this is scarier for Phil who is actually going through all this. "Phil?" I called out walking back into the living room, he looked up at me "You've been crying, I can tell" he whispered looking at me with sad eyes. "I-Im sorry for running off like that.." I said walking up to him, I grabbed my hand and tugged at my arm taking the hint I sat on his lap burying my face in his neck holding my tears back. "Are you still up for tonight?" I asked him. "Of course, what are we going as?" He asked smiling slightly. "I wanted to go as a vampire, you can be my snack" I laughed slightly. "Umm okay, only if you're a gentle biter" he joked. "No promises" I winked attaching my lips to his neck kissing it softly before biting it a little harder than usual. "Never mind I think I like harder better" a small moan escaped his lips making me laugh. I kissed up his neck before kissing his lips, he started kissing back instantly I moved a bit so my legs were on either sides of him. "You'd make a hot vampire" he said as we pulled away for air. "And you'd be a delicious snack" I winked before attaching our lips again getting lost in that moment. "We need to get ready" I sighed pulling away, he kept his arms around my waist not letting me get up from his lap. "We have time" he mumbled against my lips. "Not enough time" I giggled pecking his lips. "Later.. I.. Promise..." I said between pecks not wanting to get up either. I pulled away but as soon as I was about to get up he pulled me back in for one more kiss. "Alright let's get ready now"

Just realized the last update was 5 days ago oh my :O So sorry guys! Been super busy with school!

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