Chapter 22

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*Phil's POV*

It was 10 am in the morning, Dan was still fast asleep, I laid there staring at him and admiring how beautiful he looks. He looked so peaceful, I reached over and touched his face gently forgetting what a light sleeper he actually is and waking him up "Is everything okay?" he asked yawing "Yes everything is fine, go back to sleep" I whispered stroking his cheek, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him "I should get up and make you breakfast" he said sleepily nuzzling my neck, I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed the top of his head. I could tell he was still really sleepy, he stayed up late because of me and he still kept drifting off to sleep and was forcing himself to get up. "Sleep babe" I whispered in his ear wrapping my arm around him keeping him close as he fell back asleep within seconds. I wasn't tired so I just watched him sleep for the next hour until he woke up. "Are you watching me sleep?" He asked laughing sleepily "Im admiring you as you sleep" I said moving his out of his eyes "That's creepy" he said pulling me closer so I was on top of him now "No it's romantic" I said kissing his collarbone and tracing his tattoo with my thumb. "I almost forgot those were there" he said tracing mine "Me too" I laughed silently. We laid in bed in each others arms for the next few minutes "I really need to get up now and make breakfast" he said sitting up putting his shirt on.
He carried me downstairs and set me in my wheelchair, he made breakfast while I poured cat food in Lilly's bowl for her. "So what do you want to do today?" Dan asked as he washed the dishes from breakfast when my phone started ringing "Wait,Emily's calling" I said picking up the phone "Hey Phil, are you and Dan free? I need a favor" she said on the other end, she sounded worried "Yeah we are, is everything okay?" I asked "Yeah, I um have to go to the hospital for something so I was wondering if you watch Anthony for a bit.." I was starting to worry now "We can watch him but is everything okay?" I asked concerned "I-I'll explain later I promise" she said hanging up. "Is everything alright?" Dan asked putting the plates away "I don't know, Emily has to go to the hospital so she wants us to watch Anthony" I whispered "What? Why? Is everything okay?" He asked worried "I don't know, she sounded scared.." I said.
Ten minutes later there was a knock at the door, we opened it to see Anthony standing and Emily watching from the car, she didn't come inside she just waved at us and left, she looked terrified but kept a smile on her face. "Hi Dan! Hi Phil!" Anthony said hugging us both "Hi! Is your mom okay?" I asked him as he climbed onto my lap "I don't know she said she felt sick and said she needs to go to the hospital" he sighed "Do you think my mom will be okay?" He asked sadly "Hey I'm sure she's fine, don't worry" I said softly "But what if she gets sick like my brother did" he whispered tears forming in his eyes "Don't worry, she'll be fine I promise" I smiled, I hope she will be, I wasn't sure exactly. I looked up to Dan, hoping he had an idea to cheer Anthony up a bit "Hey how about we go get ice cream?" Dan asked picking him up and grabbing his car keys making him smile a bit.

*Dan's POV*

Ice cream cheered Anthony up a bit, it helped divert his mind a bit, he and Phil were busy trash talking about my video game skills. "Okay I think that's enough trash talking. I let you two win" I laughed "Yeah sure you do, admit it you're awful" Phil joked rolling his eyes. "Phil is right Dan, you are horrible at most games" Anthony laughed. I took a spoonful of ice cream and smeared it on their noses "There that's what you get for being mean" I laughed, Phil stuck his tongue out at me before wiping it away. "Come here I'll help you" I laughed grabbing a napkin and wiping Anthony's face.
"Hey its you two! Dan and Phil right?" A familiar voice said coming inside the ice cream place, it was the same girl we met when I brought Phil here when he was upset "Remember me? Samantha!" She smiled "We remember you, how's it going?" Phil asked "Alright, what about you? How are you feeling?"  She asked him "Um I feel okay today" he smiled. She looked over at Anthony as she didn't recognize him "And who is this? Is he your son?" She asked me "This is Anthony, he's our friends son we're just spending time with him today" I explained " Aw that's cute! Well I should get to work, see you around" she waved at Phil and Anthony and smiled at me before leaving. "Who was that?" Anthony asked "A girl who has a crush on Dan" Phil joked. I rolled my eyes and laughed "She doesn't have a crush on me" I said. My phone started ringing, it was Emily "Hey what's up?" I asked answering the phone "C-can you guys come to hospital please? I-I need you" she said, she was crying. I quickly got Phil and Anthony and drove to the hospital. Emily was sat on a chair in the waiting room, he ran over as soon as she saw us hugging onto me and crying "Hey its okay we're here" I said softly comforting her, I got her to sit down and kept my arm around her, Phil held her hand "Mommy what's wrong?" Anthony asked he was close to crying as well "What's wrong Emily?" Phil asked squeezing her hand, she took a deep breath calming herself down first "I-I was seeing someone after my divorce and things were getting really serious, I felt off for a few days and it turns out I'm pregnant" she said softly "But you have experience you already have a son, what's wrong?" I asked "So I called him and told him and he said he can't do this anymore and that he didn't really have feelings for me a-and basically I'm on my own" she said sobbing "Listen you're not on your own, Dan and I will do anything we can to help" Phil said softly "Exactly, you don't need that asshole, you have us. And plus I'll have no problem kicking his teeth in if he shows his face" I said trying to cheer her up making her laugh softly "And you have me too mommy" Anthony said softly, she smiled and picked him up he sat on her lap and kissed his forehead "Thank you guys" she said softly. "So what is this I'm hearing?" An unpleasant voice said, it was asshole of a doctor, Emily's ex husband. "Its none of your business" she said coldly holding back sobs "I was right about you from the start, all you do is sleep around" he said "We aren't married anymore, it was someone I was dating its none of your business" she said standing up, I stood up and took a step forward "You're nothing but a little whore" he said coldly, tears formed in Emily's eyes from those harsh words "Shut up! Don't speak to my mom like that" Anthony said angrily, the doctor grabbed his arm hard "You do not speak to me like that you hear me you little brat. I'm your father now show some respect" he yelled, I pushed him back and grabbed the collar of his shirt "You don't speak to her like that and you do not speak to him like that, you have no right to call yourself his father" I said coldly. "Who are you to speak, you are not his father" he said trying to make me release my grip "I might not be his dad but unlike you, Phil and I actually care about him and love him, and if I see you trying to lay a hand on him ever again and if I ever hear you speaking to Emily like that again you'll regret it" I glared at him. Emily put her hand on my shoulder and pulled me back but I didn't release my grip, he didn't try fighting he knew I wasn't kidding with my threat "Dan he isn't worth it, don't waste your engery on him" Phil said softly, I let go of his shirt and he walked off mumbling something to himself angrily. "He deserves to get hit after speaking to my mom like that" Anthony said "I should've hit him, right Anthony?" I said laughing slightly trying to calm myself down. Emily hugged me quickly and tightly "Thank you for sticking up for me. I haven't seen you this angry before though'" she laughed softly "Well he was an ass and he pissed off" I said "To be honest, that was hot" Phil joked winking at me making me blush "Aw well Phil found that to be a turn on" Emily teased poking me in the ribs, we all laughed for a good few minutes. "I should get going now" Emily said softly picking Anthony up, she still looked really upset "I have an idea, you two should stay over at our place tonight" I suggested "I bothered you two enough today.." She said looking down "It'll be fun, we can order pizza and watch movies! We all need a nice fun night" Phil smiled "We aren't taking no for an answer" I said wiping her tears away, she looked up and smiled at me "Alright, thank you"

Sorry I didn't update yesterday I was thinking about what to do with this chapter! I know this is random and out of no where but just stay tuned!! ;)

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