Chapter 39

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There wasn't much time left now, probably a few weeks at most. Phil didn't speak much anymore, he couldn't hear or see. Communicating with him was difficult, he would usually try to use his hands to explain what he needed. I knew when he needed me, he would just reach out looking for my hand or face, he could recognize me by just touching my face, same for Anthony and Emily as it was us three who were with him the most. He spent most of his time sleeping, his doctor said that his body was slowly giving up and that he didn't have energy that's why he would spend most of his time sleeping. He just fell asleep again, I made sure to make him as comfortable as I could, tucking him in making sure he was warm enough. I needed to get out for fresh air, he just fell asleep, I know it would be irresponsible but I'd be back before he wakes up.

I walked for a few minutes, hoping that it'll help me but it didn't, I just wanted to clear my head for a little while but it didn't help at all. I was stopped in my tracks when I bumped into someone almost knocking them back. "I am so sorry oh my god are you okay?" I apologized quickly. "No worries its okay it happens" the person said rubbing his head, I recognized him, it was Philip from the hospital. "Oh hey Dan, I thought I recognized your voice." He smiled. "Wait. Where's Phil?" He asked his smile suddenly fading. "Phil's at home, asleep.." I said quietly looking away feeling ashamed for saying that I wasn't there with him right now. "You left your dying husband at home on his own?" He asked his tone of voice changing. "He's asleep I needed some time to clear my head I'm just heading back now" I responded calmly. "What kind of person does that are you even fit to take care of a dying cancer patient, in my opinion you clearly aren't." That made me full of anger, I get that I did the wrong thing but its difficult for me. "You don't understand what I'm going through. Besides I'm heading back home now I don't need you or your opinion" I said coldly pushing past him. In all honesty, he was right I should not have left Phil home like that, what if he's awake what if he's freaking out and I'm not there. I sped up, and turned a corner bumping into someone else, this time a kid who looked no older than 5 years old. "Ouch!" he exclaimed falling back, I helped him up "Are you okay kid? What are you running from?" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine and I'm not running from anything.." I could tell he was lying, the look on his face told me that he wasn't being honest. "What's your name kid? And where are your parents?" I asked seeing how far he'd take this. "My names Brandon. My parents are just around the corner I was just going to them.." He lied. I crouched down so I was face to face with him. "We both know that's not true Brandon, now tell me what or who are you running from." Tears filled his eyes, his lip started to quiver. "M-my foster parents don't want me anymore, they're sending me back into the system. I-I don't want to go back there.." He sobbed looking down. "We need to get you back Brandon, its not safe out here for someone your age" I explained. "No! I can't go back there, I've been to 3 different foster homes and they all send me back I don't want to go back no one even wants me.." He cried shaking his head. If Phil was okay and here with me he would say something like we should help him Dan he looks so scared, that's what I need to do, help him. "Okay Brandon, we can go back to my house and I can call your foster parents and let them know you're okay and I'll see how I can help you, okay?"

"Who's that Dan?" Brandon asked when I looked into my room to see if Phil was okay, he was still asleep. "That's Phil, he's my husband.." I explained. I got Brandons foster parents number and called them, to my surprise they didn't even seem concerned of where he was and weren't even looking for him. "What do you mean you don't care? He's your kid" I said. "He is a foster Kid, we don't want him anymore he's your problem now." With that the person hung up. What do I do now, I have to tell a 5 year old that his foster parents refuse to take him back. I left Phil's room and made why back to the living room where Brandon was sat on the couch sobbing. "W-what did they say?" Brandon asked as I sat next to him "It doesn't matter, they're not good people I will find another way to help you." I promised him. "But why would you do that?" He asked "Well you seem like a nice enough boy, why not" I smiled. He smiled back and hugged me tightly, I couldn't help but feel some sort of connection to the kid, as if he was meant to find me, that all this is happening for a reason. "How will you help me?" Brandon asked. "By taking you in, you're going to live with me and Phil."

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