Chapter 12

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*Phil's POV*

Everything was perfect, Dan asked me to marry him, and I said yes obviously, I didn't even have to think twice about my answer, I knew I love him and wanted to be with him. Our relationship was perfect, but my health wasn't, it was getting between everything, my legs were getting worse "Dan, I can barely walk, my crutches arent helping either I think I need a wheelchair" I said in pain trying to stand up "Maybe it's just stiffness, try again" he suggested standing in front of me "I can't, it hurts so much" I said "Babe you need to try, just take one step" he said, I did, it hurt so much I could barely lift my leg, even with my crutches I lost my balance and fell forward but Dan caught me and helped me sit back down. "I have to take you to the hospital now" he whispered "No they can't do anything" I shook my head "But I need to take you, they can at least tell us what's wrong" he said "I know what's wrong Dan! My legs aren't fucking working anymore" I yelled "Babe calm down, I need to take you" he said staring at me shocked "There's no point Dan!" I shouted, its not Dan's fault this is happening I feel bad for yelling but I was so frustrated at the moment. "Why are you shouting at me!?" He asked raising his voice "This isn't my fault" he doesn't get it "I am in so much pain right now, I know what's happening to me Dan! The doctor can't do anything and you're making me more frustrated!" I said "I'm just trying to help Phil" he sighed "You're not helping Dan! You're making it worse" I shouted, he stood up "Know what, you need to relax, let me know when you're calm" he said simply and went upstairs. I need to try walking a bit, maybe it's not what I think it is, I grabbed my crutches and got up with great difficulty, I couldn't move my leg at all and I fell instantly, I couldn't feel my leg at all. "Dan? I need help" I called out "Why? Do you need someone to yell at?" He asked coming down the stairs "I fell.. And I-I can't feel my left leg Dan.." I said softly, he rushed to me and picked me up "That's it I'm taking you to the hospital" he said "N-no" I stuttered "I'm taking you Phil" he said sternly.
"Dan? What's wrong?" The nice doctor asked "He fell he said he lost feelings in his left leg" he answered. She examined my leg "I'm sorry but its paralyzed, its only a matter of time before the other one gets paralyzed too" she said. I knew it, and there's nothing they can do, she got me a wheelchair and then we left "Babe I'm sorry.." Dan whispered "I hope you're happy. Is this what you wanted to hear!?" I sobbed, he stopped and crouched down so he was facing me "I just wanted to be sure Phil.." He said softly "Well now you're sure and they can't do anything!" I cried, he didn't get mad at me like last time, this time he cupped my face with his hands and kissed me softly "I know this is hard for you, but can we please not fight about it?" He said he softly while wiping my tears away, I looked the other way "hey look at me please" I whispered, I turned his face towards me, his eyes were full of tears "I don't like fighting with my fiancé" he said, hearing the word fiancé made me smile slightly,he leaned in and kissed me again "I'm sorry" I whispered "You don't need to apologize" he smiled "Come on let's go get some ice cream"
Dan ordered one for the both of us to share as I didn't feel like eating. "Eat a little bit please" he pouted and I shook my head "I'll just throw up" I sighed, he looked at me with worried eyes. "Excuse me? Are you okay?" A little voice asked, I looked over a little boy who looked about 8 years old stood next to our table, he had light brown hair and hazel eyes "Do you feel better?" He asked again, I shook my head "I don't.. Sorry.." I sighed looking down "Why? What's wrong?" He asked "I-Im..sick" I said softly "My brother was sick too, he had that tube in his nose" he sighed "Where's your brother?" Dan asked "Mommy said he went to heaven.." He said softly "what's your name?" I asked him "My name is Anthony. Who are you?" He asked "My name is Phil, this is Dan" I introduced the both of us "Are you two friends?" He asked "We're engaged" Dan explained "That's so cool!" He smiled, I couldn't help but smile back at him "There you are! I'm so sorry if he bothered you" a lady apologized, she must be his mother "No it's okay, he made our day a bit better" I smiled, we introduced ourselves "If you don't mind me asking, what's wrong? You look like you're having a bad day" she asked "I just got back from the hospital, I'm paralyzed" I sighed looking at my leg "Oh I'm so sorry.. I know what a pain cancer can be" she said sadly "Its okay" I sighed "Tell you what? I'm taking Anthony out for dinner tonight. You two should join us, and I'm not taking no for an answer" she smiled "That sounds great, it'll be good for Phil" Dan smiled, we exchanged numbers "Dress nice!" She called after us.

*Dan's POV*

"How am I even supposed to change now?" Phil asks as I carried him upstairs putting him on the bed "I'll help you don't worry" I assured him pecking his lips "Dan you know I'm going to be a lot of work now right?" He sighed "So? What's your point?" I asked "I'm just saying I'll need a lot of help don't snap at me" he said defensively, "No no you're taking it the wrong way, I meant whats your point because I don't mind helping" I said quickly "I'm sorry.." He said sadly laying down staring up at the ceiling, I laid down next to him, there was space between us, I wanted to give him some space, he had to deal with so much today I didn't want him getting mad at me. I reached over and stroked his cheek, he looked over at me, moving was a little difficult for him as he isn't really used to his leg being that way "Dan? Can you hold me close to you?" He asked, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close "Is that better?" I asked and he nodded resting his head on my chest. "Dan?" he said my name softly "yes Phil?" I asked "I love you" he whispered looking up at me, I kissed his forehead "I love you too" he snuggled closer to me "Come on I need to change and then help you change" I said helping him sit up, I got out nice clothes for the both of us. I changed my pants and then took off my shirt to change into the button up dress shirt when I noticed Phil staring "What?" I asked slipping the shirt on and walking to him "You never change in front of me" he said making me laugh "I'll go to the bathroom if its a problem" I said "No no its fine" he said quickly, I was about to button my shirt but Phil stopped me, he ran his hand down my bare chest, I leaned in and kissed him passionately and quickly, he groaned when I pulled away "We need to leave in 10 mins babe" I said and helped him change his clothes.
Having the habit to, I put my free hand on Phil's leg as I drove "How long as your hand been there?" He asked "Not too long, you didn't feel it at all?" I asked softly and he shook his head, I pulled my hand away but he grabbed it and put it back on his leg smiling at me slightly. We had  a nice time at the dinner, Emily and Anthony were a lot of fun and great company "Did I tell you my husband works at the hospital?" Emily asked "Don't tell me he's the cancer specialist" I said and she laughed "Don't tell me, he's an ass?" And I nodded "he's an ass at home too, I'm actually divorcing him" she sighed "You're a great person you can do much better" Phil said and she smiled "So what has he done to you?" She asked "Well first of all he doesn't know the meaning of being gentle, he hurt me" Phil said "And he always threatens to kick me out because Im making Phil worse and he says a hospital is no place for PDA when all I actually did was  hug Phil so he could sleep" I laughed "That's just him, he's a homophobic asshole. I'm sorry about that" she laughed awkwardly "Its not your fault, plus its fun pissing him off" I laughed. Phil and Anthony got along really well, they spent the entire time talking. "Dan, can we go home? I feel tired" Phil asked quietly "Is everything okay?" Emily asked "Phil is tired, I should really take him home" I said "I understand, we had a great time, do call soon" she smiled "Bye guys! We should play together soon" Anthony called after us and we smiled and waved. During the drive home Phil grabbed my hand and placed it on his leg, I guess he didn't want things to be any different. I wheeled Phil into the house and sat on the couch "That was fun" I smiled "It was, they're nice people" Phil said "Anthony seems to like you" I added and Phil smiled "Yeah, he's a great kid" he said. We were cut off by a loud knock on the door, I got up to answer it and Phil followed me in his chair, whoever it was was very impatient. I opened the door and a man stood there "Are you Daniel Howell?" He asked, he didn't sound friendly "Yes. And who are you?" I asked, Phil frooze and started at the man in shock "H-hes my dad.."

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