Chapter 23

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*Dan's POV*

Fast forward a few weeks, Phil was downstairs feeding the kitten and I was in the bathroom trying to sort my hair out, which was not cooperating with me so I decided to leave it with tiny curls, I hated my natural hair but I just can't be bothered. Giving up eventually I went downstairs "You didn't straighten your hair today" Phil said as soon as he saw "My hair isn't cooperating today" I sighed putting a snapback on sitting next to him, he reached over and pulled the hat off "Phil give me my hat back you know I hate my natural hair" I pouted as he threw the hat back "No you should keep your hair like that more, you look adorable" he said "My hobbit hair isn't adorable its the complete opposite" I wasn't over exaggerating, I actually really hated my natural hair I was really insecure, I got my hat and put it back on again "That's better" I mumbled sitting back down "No its not, I love your natural hair" Phil pouted giving me puppy "Don't look at me like that" I laughed slightly but he didn't stop, he looked so cute and innocent and I eventually gave in "Okay fine you win! You're so cute I can't say no to you" I laughed tossing the hat to the side "Not at as cute as you" he said innocently kissing my nose.
Today was basically a lazy day for us, we had nothing to do so we just layed down on the couch together and talked. "Phil, we haven't talked about wedding plans that much" I pointed out "I was hoping we could just do something small" Phil suggested, I knew he didn't want a big wedding and I was completely okay with that "That's perfectly fine with me" I smiled putting my head on his chest  "Are you sure? I don't want you going with whatever I'm saying if its not what you want" he asked "I'm perfectly fine with anything as long as I get to marry you" I smiled kissing the palm of his hand. I noticed him squinting a lot today, I thought he had something in his eyes but he was doing it quite frequently "Do you have something in your eye?" I asked looking up at him "No my vision just keeps blurring, but don't worry it'll probably get better" he said "Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the doctor?" I asked sitting up, he instantly tightened his grip and pulled me back down "No I'm fine really" he assured me "I just want to lay here with you" he whispered keeping his arms around me. We laid there in silence for a while before Phil broke the silence "I'm really excited for Emily. I love kids" he smiled "You're really good with kids as well" I pointed out "I used to help around at daycares when I was a teenager, they loved having me there because I was so great with kids" I explained "Well maybe someday you and I could extend our little family" I suggested, he looked down at me and smiled but that smile faded slowly "But sadly we can't.." He sighed "Of course we can, I mean you never know, we could get the opportunity to" I said trying to lighten up his mood "Dan we both know that I surely don't have that much time" I said plainly, tears formed in my eyes "I'm just trying to be positive Phil, will hurt you to be a bit positive" I said getting up "I'm sorry Dan come back" he called after me "You know I can't get up and follow you so please come back babe" I sighed and walked back to the couch sitting at the edge, Phil struggled to sit up so I helped him, he grabbed onto my hand so I wouldn't move away. "I'm sorry bear, I ruined the mood" he sighed running his fingers through my curls then placing his hand on my cheek wiping away the tears, I stayed quiet but put my hand on his keeping it on my cheek. "All I want right now is to marry you and start a family babe" he whispered "And all I hope for is that we get those opportunities, you're right I need to be more positive, its just a little difficult and scary sometimes" I looked up at him, I didn't know what to say to him, I need to be more understanding with his situation too he's the one going through all of this through this terrifying situations. "Please talk to me" I whispered kissing my shoulder "I'm sorry too" I said pulling him into my lap smiling sweetly, he cupped my cheeks and kissed me softly but passionately "you're so adorable" he smiled kissing my forehead "just adorable?" I asked attaching my lips to his neck leaving kisses and marks, I pulled down the collar of his biting and sucking at the exposed skin "and hot" he moaned as I unbuttoned his shirt leaving kisses on his chest "We should go to our room" I said sliding his shirt off gently biting down on his shoulder "I think the couch is fine" he whispered lifting my chin attaching my lips to his, at this moment nothing else mattered, all that mattered to me was that I was with the person I love.

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