Chapter 35

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*Phil's POV*

It was day before Christmas eve, we were done Christmas shopping and done decorating. I would have been more excited for the holiday but I wasn't feeling my best at all, I felt drained, physically and emotionally, I felt a pain in my insides, I knew whatever it was it won't be good news that's for sure. "Are you alright Phil? You look ill" Dan asked. "Technically I am ill" I chuckled. "You look so tired though babe, are you sure you're okay?" He asked stroking my cheek, I reached over and placed my hand on his face tracing his features, it missed being able to see him clearly. "I'm fine, I'm just exhausted and I miss being able to see you.." I sighed gently cupping his cheeks with both my hands bringing his face closer to mine for a soft kiss. "I know its not Christmas yet, but I wanted to give you one of your presents now" Dan got up and made his way to the tree picking up a wrapped box. "Here open it, I know you'll like it." He said excitedly. I unwrapped the box and pulled out what seemed to be an iPod "I know how much you love books so I downloaded a bunch of your favorite audio books, this way you won't miss out." He smiled. I put the iPod on the table and then reached out to hug him "Its perfect, thank you. I love you so much" he hugged me back tightly and kissed my ear "Its no problem I love you too."

The rest of the evening we spent cuddling on the couch having a nice conversation and sharing soft sweet kisses. Everything was okay until I felt a sharp pain in my head and lungs, I gripped my chest and squeezed my eyes shut tightly. "Are you alright?!" Dan asked sitting up, I shook my head I was in too much pain to say anything. That's all I remember after that I just remember blacking out.

*Dan's POV*

I waited in the waiting room walking back and forth, tears filling my eyes I felt light headed and my heart was racing. All I could do was just hope that he's okay and alive, its the day before Christmas and Phil is in the hospital. I was in the waiting room for about two hours until his doctor came in and sat next to me. "H-hes not dead is he?" I asked instantly, my voice was really shaky right now. "No he's alive. But I'm afraid I have some bad news Daniel.." She looked down at her clipboard sadly, my stomach felt like it was in knots I felt like I was going to be sick. "I'm afraid Phil doesn't have a lot of time, I'd say a few months maybe 5 months at most.." She explained. That's it, I couldn't hold my tears back anymore "A-are you sure y-you can't do anything?" I asked between sobs "I'm sorry Daniel, what's important is that you try to make the time he has happy for him" she whispered squeezing my shoulder. "Can I see him?" I asked, she nodded and led me to his room.

"Hey babe" I forced myself to smile, I leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "Hey" he smiled back sweetly, I wonder if he knew. "So you can go home tonight.." I said stroking his cheek with my thumb. He reached up and placed his hand on my cheek "You've been crying.." He whispered, I wiped my tears away quickly "Its fine don't worry.." I said. "Dan, the doctor told me about my condition.. I know I don't have much time left" he sighed "I'm ruining Christmas.." I felt my heart break hearing that "No no don't say that, listen we're going to spend the time you have left being happy together.." I whispered squeezing his hand. "You're not mad at me?" He asked. "Don't be silly, why would I be mad at you" I brought his hand up and kissed his finger tips softly. "You deserve someone better, I'm just causing you pain.." He sighed. "No don't say that, I love you so much you can't imagine, I don't want anyone else" I assured him, he smiled at me slightly. "What are we going to do now? Can we go home?" He asked. "Yes but before that I have an idea." I squeezed his hand. "We're going to go get married, now."

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