Chapter 33

418 12 1

Wholly Given


It was early in the morning when I woke up, I wasn't really prevailed to arouse at this kind of hour so I just sat down and looked at my left. Staring at my mag-ina, I won't be able to live again if I loose one of them. They're the most tantalizing treasures I'll forever keep until my last breath.

Lea, she came into my life in a very unusual and unexpected way. Our first meeting wasn't actually that nice, me thinking she's a burglar stealing something, at the kitchen.

But reminiscing, I can still vividly remember how she looks like when she was trying to dig something from the refrigerator, which I guess were chocolates. And she looked so adorable, a good sight to remember.

Look who's head over the heels.

Obviously! Who wouldn't? Lea's imperfections are what's making her perfect. She's the woman of her own, sculpted herself into a great person, acquiring of what the world has to offer, knowing what she should take and let go, doing what she thinks can bring her the utmost outcome. But still, she do those thing in a mindful way. Analytical enough to think of what it might cause to others.

After a few minutes of staring, I stood up and gave both of them a peck on the forehead then fixed the comforter over Lea's body. Its Saturday today. Atlast, the results of all waiting will be paid off. Lolo will finally have the equity of justice and Lea, her awaited moment of knowing who her father is will come to life.

A notification just popped out of my phone. I opened it to check.

From: Unknown.

The truth may be revealed, but the wound will never be healed.

I'm getting really frustrated. I have been receiving some text messages from that unknown person yet I can't just block him/her. There's something in me telling that I should not do that or I'll regret it. And I'm sure, blocking him/her won't do anything better. It can still text my number and would also know my new number if ever I'll change.

I'm skeptical though if I should really believe what that sender is telling me. It's not that I'm really buying it all, certainly, some texts are kind of weird and - uncanny. But the way it was written, short but has meanings. And the fact that those text would be sent before I'll meet up with my private investigator, it's like that person is warning me that one time, a thing I won't like will happen.

Exiting from the app, I turned my phone off and placed it over the counter. I'm now here at the kitchen. Everytime, if I'm not busy or would wake up earlier than Lea. I'll usually cook our breakfast so we can eat together. Sharing the first meal of the day with my own family, which I dreamt of before, is really fulfilling.

But what I love the most every morning weekdays is me waking up with my favorite black coffee's aroma as my wife is facing the sink or the stove cooking something. The foremost way to commence my day.

She really did learn cooking, at first, some foods are cooked toasted as what I like to call so I won't make her self esteem lower, because every word that you'll say to her, her mind and heart would really absorb it like a mamon cake especially bad ones so I somewhat be acknowledged with my chosen words than hurting her when she's just starting to gain confidence again.

To continue, she tried and tried and when I have time, I also taught her how properly do it, sometimes I would see her watching on YouTube or even at late afternoon snacks she'll cook rather than making me buy something, and ofcourse, she practiced more until she became better and her pancakes, eggs, hotdogs and bacons are perfectly cook the way we both like.

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