Chapter 11

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Wednesday, 25 February 2015
How are we guys??

Chapter 11-
He gave me a look.
"You should come shopping with me more often and we should definitely go back to her." I said.
"Are you serious?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Oh my God! I can't believe you didn't notice!" I said, laughing.
"Notice what?"
"Have you considered glasses?" I asked with a serious expression.
"Why would I need glasses?" he said. I thought he was getting a little nervous about where I was going with this. But how could he not have noticed? And how could I resist not going further?
"To open your eyes!"
"My eyes are fine!" he said.
"Give me the receipt." I said. He handed it to me.
"Why do you need it? Why are you doing that?" he asked me. I turned it over to the suppose-to-be-blank back. It wasn't blank.
"Because she gave you her number. This is the real receipt." I said and held up both.
"Why would she do that?" he asked. This time I did slam my palm into my forehead.
"Because she was hitting on you, you idiot." I said, full-out laughing. His eyes went wide and he wore a look that showed he was honestly surprised.
"Oh." was all he said.
"So I guess this belongs to you." I said and held the piece of paper with the number out for him to take.
"I don't want it." He said.
"Well I don't want it."
"Then throw it out."
"You throw it out." I said. How convenient, there was a bin. I tossed it into the trash bin.
"Don't worry, you're not the only one. Todd doesn't like to come shopping without me because every time we come, she gives him her number and does the 'Call me' phone sign thing. It's quite funny. Then, all Todd's friends complain about it with him." I said. I considered telling him about what Bailey did to her. He acted really interested in her and started talking to her then he just left before getting her number. She chased after him as he was running away. I wish I had of been here to see it when it happened, it would've been priceless! I decided not to tell him.
"Oh, so not just me? That makes me feel better I guess." He said.
"How come you didn't notice anyway? It was pretty obvious. I would've been able to spot it even if I was blind!" I said. He unlocked his beautiful machine when we reached the parking lot. He opened his door but didn't get in.
"Because I was already looking at what I wanted and I already knew that so I knew I didn't need to look any further because I'd already found it." he said then smiled, winked and got into the car. I couldn't move. Couldn't think. I stood there, flabbergasted. Wide eyed and open mouthed I stood until I blinked. Oh. My. Freaking. God. Did he just say that to me? No, he couldn't of. He couldn't of. Sonny bagsed him. I can't do anything. Anything about what he'd just said. It must have been my imagination.
"You getting in anytime soon?" he said. I looked into the car. He'd wound down the window and that's where his voice had come from.
"Um yeah." I said and hopped in. He turned the key in the ignition and the car started. What was I going to say? Was I going to say anything? Would he say why the hell he just said what he said to me? I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. He seemed to be happy. Like, vibrating with happiness. He was humming as well. Oh God. I wished Sonny hadn't bagsed him. But in a way I was glad. He was way hot in everyone's eyes, of course mine were included, but in everyone's eyes I was a freak. Everyone would love that a hot guy was dating a freak. They'd be all over it like sharks on a frenzy. Oh and Sonny would make it a bigger deal when she told them she'd bagsed him and I'd stole him away from her.
"I'm not sorry, you know." he said all of a sudden. We were halfway to my house.
"For what?" I said, knowing the answer already.
"For saying what I said before." He said. That was the answer I had expected. We pulled up in front of my house just in time.
"Come on. The cake's still on." I said and got out of the car. I held open the front door as he caught up and walked in. I checked on the cake. It was fine. Still needed about ten minutes. "Well, I'm gonna get started on dinner."
"Willow? Is that you?" Todd called out of the living room.
"No it's just some random hobo in here!" I called back. I heard laughter from the other room.
"Well make me some dinner Hobo." He called back.
"Ok home owner." I said. I smiled down at the Taco box. We're so weird.
"You always talk like that?" Trevor asked.
"Most of the time." I replied. I grabbed one of the bigger amounts of mince from the freezer and put it into the microwave. I got the fry pan out and flicked on the stove. I got the salad out of the fridge. I wiped down the bench before I placed my chopping board and four bowls on it. I got my knife out. I loved my big sharp knife. It made me feel like a serial killer which I kind of liked. Everyone imagines killing their enemies! I thought about doing it with a knife sometimes. Maybe I should ring that mental hospital... I brought my own kitchen equipment because I was tired of having to wash up utensils before I started cooking. It took me twice the time to make dinner and I got in triple the trouble for it as well.
"You like tomatoes?" I asked him.
"Yes I do."
"Well here, start chopping please." I said. Instead of walking to my board the quick way, he went all the way around the bench and passed behind me to go to my right. He went to touch the food. "Wait! Don't touch that! Wash your hands first." I said. He walked to the sink and washed his hands.
"What are you going to do?" he asked as he dried them.
"Well I would sit here and watch you cut up the salad and stuff but I have to cook as well."
"I wish you could do both."
"So do I." I said and got the meat out of the microwave when it dinged. The meat was half way cooked through when he finished cutting up all the salads.
"Thanks so much for helping out Trevor, I really appreciate it." I said honestly.
"It's ok. No problem."
"Todd! Set the table! Oh and get the nice stuff, out of the cabinet ok?" I yelled.
"Whatever." I heard over the Zombie killing game.
"Where are my manners? I'm so sorry, did you want a drink?" I said.
"Sure." He said. I grabbed out a Diet Coke for him. I slid it across the table to him. I went back and stirred the meat. It was done. I flicked off the stove and put the meat into another bowl. I checked on the cake again. It was done. I turned off the oven and took the cake out and placed it on to the cooling rack.
"Ok. We're done." I said. I picked up two bowls and Trevor followed. We set it down in the middle of the dining room table. I went back and got the other bowl. "Pick a seat." I said. He sat down in my seat. I went back and got three more drinks out. I also put them down but I put them down next to our nice plates, one each chair.
"Are you done yet? I'm starving." Todd said, not looking away from the T.V screen. He killed a zombie by shooting it in the head a few times. Stan nudged Todd a little harder than he should have making him hit the wrong button leading him to miss a zombie and dying, making Stan win.
"You know if you hadn't cheated, I would've won." Todd said.
"Ha. You wish man. I beat your ass and you know it." He said back and walked passed him to join us at the table. I sat down next to Trevor, Todd sat across from me and Stan sat beside him.
"Um I don't think so man. Next game man, you're mine. Oh and don't even think of cheating man, let's make sure it's fair." Todd said.
"Not at the table ladies. Keep it for the game." I said to them. They stopped. "Eat up." I continued.
"Wait, we have to make it ourselves? Why didn't you make it?" Todd said a little surprised. My eyes widened in surprise then narrowed in embarrassment. Are you serious?
"Excuse me?" I said to him angrily and stomped on his foot under the table.
"Nothing it's just, you know." he said.
"Well I didn't." I said through clenched teeth.
"These are delicious Willow." Trevor said after taking a bite of his already made Taco.
"Thanks. At least someone appreciates my cooking." I said bitterly.
"Dude. Just shut up and eat." Stan advised Todd.
"It's good advice." Trevor added. Todd held up his hands in surrender and got himself a Taco. I got myself a Taco as well. It was good, of course.

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