Chapter 13 Continued Part 14

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Wednesday 9 September, 2015

"Sorry." He said embarrassed, looking down at the floor but I could see his cheeks had gone a deep shade of red. "My wolf... I can normally keep him under control but... I don't even know why or how but... He's never done that before, ever... " he trailed off then looked at me with happiness and realisation all over his face, "You tease."
"It's ok, about your wolf, and really, a tease? I have no idea what you are talking about." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Breakfast?" I continued while he shook his head.
"Right." He said and I dropped my hands from around his neck so he could move away and finish breakfast. All I could think was 'every girls dream' and where the hell did this side of me come from? I didn't even know I possessed a side like that, it was sexy and naughty and I liked it! After a moment though I had this funny feeling inside of me and I looked out the window again to the forest outside, I felt as if something was there, just beyond my sight and it gave me goosebumps. I looked back over at Daniel who had his back facing me; I waited until he had poured the next batch of pancakes before I grabbed the bottle of mixture off the table. He raised his eyebrows at me. Well I think he did. He still had mixture everywhere from rubbing his face against mine and I couldn't really see his face. He reached for the bottle but I put it behind my back. He just stepped closer to me, put his arms around me to my back and took the bottle off me. Mixture dripped off his face onto mine.
"Urgh." I said.
"Afraid of a little pancake mixture are you?" he teased. I went over to the sink, leant over it and turned on the water. I started to wash off pancake from my face. After I had scraped all of it off, my face was left dripping wet. I dragged my hands down my face again getting excess water off it. The rest would dry off pretty quickly.
"Cutting it a bit close are we?" I said, thinking back to what I said about if it's over half an hour it's free.
"Nah, I have plenty of time." He said and looked at me. I shrugged. I leant against the bench and looked out the windows. Something was definitely annoying me, like something was out there but I couldn't see it, I just knew it. "What's wrong? You ok? You keep staring out that window. Is there something out there?" he asked me after a moment, turning his gaze to follow mine. I hadn't thought about it while we were having our pancake mixture thing and everything else but now that my mind wasn't distracted, that feeling was still there but it felt as if it were getting stronger, in a sense.
"I don't know. I feel as if something's out there but I can't see it. It's annoying me." I said. "No, wait. It's not annoying me, it's scaring me." I corrected. I felt as if that person leaving the letters was back. It was making me feel shaky and as a result I started to shake my right wrist again. It was strange how one second I was fine and having fun and then the next I was scared. He washed the pancake mixture off his face at the kitchen sick then bought his shirt up to wipe his face of the excess water. I turned away from him, giving him privacy, and resisting the urge to look out of the corner of my eye to see the abs I knew he had.
"It will be ok. I'll keep you safe." He said. I looked up into his eyes. He wasn't joking.
"I know, so thank you." I said. He pulled me closer to him and placed his chin on top of my head. When he had finished cooking the rest of the pancake mixture he grabbed out two plates, two glasses and the toppings for the pancakes. He had Golden Syrup and Maple Syrup. Instead of sitting on the other side of the bench and looking at the kitchen, we sat facing the windows. I didn't eat much and I ate slowly. I knew I was making it worse. Whoever it was out there loved that I was getting more anxious by the second. Elizabeth had told me to trust my gut and my gut was telling me that something was out there. Daniel grabbed my hand on the bench and squeezed it. I didn't respond, I just kept staring out into the trees. It was making me anxious because I couldn't see it. I needed to see what was out there, if there was anything at all.
"I'll keep you safe." Daniel repeated.
"I have to go out there and see what it is."
"Are you crazy? Like bloody hell I'm letting you go out there!" he said.
"I have to. I was told to trust my gut and that there were people out there that wanted to hurt me. You'd want to get to the bottom of it wouldn't you?"
"Who told you that?"
"Not important."
"Yes it is."
"Elizabeth. That's who I was when I met Trevor for the first time. She told me. I need to go out there."
"What? How do you know this stuff if you don't remember?"
"That's not important right now. I'll tell you later or whatever. But right now I need to know what's going on." I said.
"You are not going out there!" he said angrily but also scared. My eyelids became heavy as he said it and this time I knew I was remembering something. I felt myself slipping off the chair until Daniel righted me. I was sure he was saying something to me. I couldn't catch it though. He had me in his arms, making me lean into him. I could see the panic and fear in his eyes and I tried to smile to ease his pain.
"Don't... worry... this... happens... a... lot. I'll be fine." I whispered slowly before my eyelids shut completely.

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