Chapter 12

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Hey there guys...
We are coming to the business end of the story..
I hope you guys enjoy this, I love this end of the story...everything will be explained soon, maybe,'ll have to find out... :)
Ps this is Willow's dress (the one on the left slightly behind the one on the right is the design on the front and the other dress shows the side view of the dress), how pretty right?? (I just added it to Chapter 9 as well as I forgot when I first put the part up).

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Chapter 12-
I was going back to my room when I stilled. My werewolf senses went up to ten again. I shut my eyes and I heard a door slam quietly, the locking beep sound of a car and then footsteps coming up the grass. I heard the footsteps hit the front porch in seconds. A second later there was a knock at the door. It would've taken longer to cross the front yard than that and whoever it was wasn't running and it didn't sound like they were in a hurry, so how had they gotten to the front porch so quickly? Oh well, maybe my hearings a bit off.
"Hey Willow! There's something I want you to do just quickly. Answer the door please?" Todd called.
"I thought so." I said from the bottom of the stairs. My senses had gone back to normal. I opened the door to find Trevor. He answered first.
"Hey. Sorry I forgot my wallet." He said. That was a long time not to notice that you were missing something, nearly two hours.
"Hey. Ok, come in." I said and he entered. "Um do you know where it might be?" I asked as we walked down the hallway.
"Maybe at the couch?" he answered.
"Ok, let's start there." I said and went to the couch. Todd was clearly surprised at seeing Trevor again.
"Oh, hey Trevor. Did you forget something?" Todd asked and paused the game.
"Um yeah my wallet." Trevor answered.
"Ok. Let's find it then." Todd said warily. Was he seriously thinking Trevor just came back here to see me? We searched the couch and the whole living room and still couldn't find it. Todd looked at Trevor funny when it didn't turn up. Yep, he was seriously thinking he was joking just to get back here and see me. Trevor seemed to be getting anxious. Wait a second. I left the living room and went back into the kitchen to the seat Trevor was sitting at when he first arrived here. Bingo. I crouched down and picked up his wallet. It was a flip open one so it was open at full length. I straightened and took a breath to say that I'd found it when something caught my eye. It looked like a little photo, like the ones you put in your wallet. I crouched back down and picked it up. It was old. Like really old. I held it with care so I didn't rip the old paper. It had fallen out of his wallet; it must have but it had fallen with the picture facing the ground. I opened his wallet to put the photo back in the photo space but stopped when I turned it over. Oh. My. God. How did he get that? The picture was of me and him. From the vision. The one about the ball in the 1800s. I was wearing Charles Fredrick Worth's beautiful yellow dress and he was wearing the same black suit from that night even though it was black and white and the paper had faded to a yellowish colour, I knew it was what we were wearing from that night. It all suddenly clicked into place. I covered my mouth with both hands, dropping the wallet and the photo. A vampire was following me. Trevor was that vampire. But how did I fit into this? I wasn't a vampire! I was a werewolf! How was I in that photo? I looked the same as I did today. This very instant. And so did Trevor. It's a sick joke. It's a sick, sick joke Willow; it's not real. It can't be. It can't be real. It's photo shopped or whatever. Yeah. It has to be. Don't show anything's wrong, Willow. Don't let him win. Don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you fall to pieces at his sick joke. I dropped to my knees and picked up the wallet and photo with trembling hands. Just do it so then you can give it to him and he can leave. Hurry up; just get the photo in the stupid photo space. Come on! Come on! It wasn't going in. I was still trying to put the photo in its place in the wallet when Trevor and Todd walked in.
"Oh you found it." Todd said.
"Oh no." Trevor said at the same time, horrified.
"What's wrong?" Todd asked me. I didn't think I could talk. I just kept trying to put the photo in its holder but still couldn't get it in. I wasn't looking anywhere else except the wallet and the photo.
"Don't be afraid. Please. Let me explain." Trevor said and I thought he crouched down in front of me. His hands appeared in my line of view and then tried to seize both the wallet and the photo along with my hands but he only got the wallet. He touched my hand accidently when he went for the picture again. I screamed and fell back on my bum and started to crawl, backwards, away from him when he reached out for me.
"What the hell's going on?" Todd asked confused.
"It's none of your business. Leave." Trevor replied to him angrily.
"What?" Todd asked surprised and confused. He had just been starting to like him and now Trevor had just yelled at him. I saw whatever good feelings Todd had had for Trevor just vanish. Good I hoped they did.
"Just leave. Please." Trevor said more quietly. For some reason I'd let him take the wallet but not the photo of us. Why had I not let him take it? It wasn't in my palm, half the picture was sticking out of my lightly clenched hands; it would've just slipped out of my hand and he could've left. Why didn't I let it go? I tried to move my fingers so I dropped it but my fingers wouldn't budge. My breath started to get quicker and shallower like I'd just ran a marathon. I got the distant thought that this was what getting high was like-your eyes going wonky and you start seeing things and everything seemed too big because you'd became too small. I shut my eyes and reopened them as I kept seeing colours swirling around the room and I knew that it was only me seeing them. I put my arms out to the right of me to stop myself from falling over. It didn't work to well. My arms started to slide out from under me so I started the motion of lying down. My head rested on my arms. I felt so worn out and tried when only moments ago I felt so alive. Because my head was resting on my arms I had no choice but to look up at the two boys in my kitchen. They seemed to be yelling from the way they were standing, all tense. Todd was starting to shake and Trevor was standing still and all I could do was lie there. Todd! Be careful! He's a vampire! I thought hazily. I couldn't open my mouth to tell him about the danger. Trevor had just slipped right under my radars. I should have realised sooner. All the evidence flashed across my mind in seconds. I remembered today. His hand was cold against my skin when he held it. He was fast. There were no bruises on his body and there was no blood spilt from him in that fight. I guess I just over looked the classic signs of a vampire because he was hot. Man, I should've steered clear. I should've left him with Todd and his friends on Friday. Wait, no. Todd could've been hurt. His friends could've been hurt. My breathing had slowed and so had my heart beat. Was that good? Or was it bad? Something was off. My eye sight kept getting smaller. Why was that? My eyes were closing that's not... Why did I care? I let out the rest of my breath in a puff. They stopped arguing and looked at me. My eyelids were slits, I could barely see out of them. I saw Todd try to push past Trevor but Trevor didn't let him pass. I'm sure Todd growled at Trevor and Trevor showed his teeth-his sharp ones, because Todd stopped for a second then got angrier. His mouth started moving really fast and I was so slow that I missed it all; I just knew he was yelling because of how his mouth was moving. Todd, please, be careful. Don't get hurt, I thought trying to plead with him as if we were talking. Trevor just looked at him, not doing anything. I felt myself sipping into unconsciousness. Have I been drugged or something? Unconsciousness was a few seconds away. And I would have been unconscious but this searing white hot pain came bursting out of nowhere, right throw my head. It wasn't that bad at first then after a few seconds, it got worse. It felt like a train was going through it and my skull was about to explode with pain. I screamed out.

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