Chapter 12 Continued Part 3

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Hey guys, I'm so so so sorry for not updating for three weeks!!!! Three weeks ago I had to work the night shift at work which I never do on a Wednesday and yeah it was real late when I got out then I had to work the next day as well so it was straight to bed, then the last two weeks I had no internet as we went away for Easter.....
How was your Easter?
Also, my friend posted the first chap of her story up here, you guys wanna check it out?? 'Raven' by Slade9149
It'd mean a lot to her
Thanks guys!

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

As we walked across the front yard to Trevor's blue Mustang I turned to Daniel.
"Daniel, I think it's better that you came second in the scissors, paper, rock match because now you can I don't know, tidy up and do all these things that Trevor can't do now cause I'm there." I said to him because he was looking pretty bummed about not going first. But I could see once my words sunk in it made him a lot happier.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." He said. His long legs carried him a few steps in front of me so he could open the car door for me.
"Thank you." I said as I put one leg into the car. "See you tomorrow then." I continued.
"See you tomorrow." Daniel said as I hopped in with my bag. Daniel went in front of the car and across the road to his car I assumed. I wonder what he drives, I thought.
"Ready?" Trevor asked me. No I'm not ready to leave the comforts of my entire life, I thought. But I just nodded looking at my house. "Ok." He continued and we started driving away from my home. We didn't talk during the first part of the trip. We pasted the shops that we stopped off at to pick up the Taco stuff for dinner. How could a great evening become a bad one in just over a half hour? The thought reoccurred to me that I have no idea who the person driving the car is. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye. The only thing I knew was that he knew who I was and that he was a vampire. My heart started beating faster. Trevor's a vampire and I'm in his car! Yet I can't leave without finding out what he knows about me. We drove for another couple of minutes before Trevor started talking to me.
"What do you think it will be like? My house, I mean?" he asked me. I had no idea. I hadn't given it much thought.
"Um I don't know what to expect. But I'm sure it will reflect you very well." I answered. He nodded.
"Not much further." He said when we turned into big beautiful iron gates. He must have pushed a button to get the gates to open while I looked outside the window at them. I turned back to him.
"You can't be serious. You can't live here." I said amazed, despite everything that had happened.
"I am serious. This is where I live."
"Wow." I said as we drove up the driveway to the house. The gates shut once we were through. His house was a two-story house with stairs going up to the front porch. I couldn't see the colour of his house because it was dark. He drove into an open garage door and killed the engine.
"So. Ready?" he asked me. He seemed a little nervous.
"Sure." I said back. I had no idea what to expect. We exited the Mustang and walked to the door connecting the garage to the house. Trevor held open the door for me to step inside. Wow. His house was amazing! It was so open and it seemed bigger on the inside. The walls were a light blue and on one wall there were all these pictures. I looked at them. Wow, I guess. Some must have been of him and his family from whenever, him being a vampire and all. Then others I wish I'd never seen. Some of the others were of me and him from all these different times. The ball in the 1800s, then it seemed like there was a picture every twenty years based on the style of the clothing. But why every twenty years?
"Oh wow." I whispered as I looked at a photo of him in a British uniform. Must be from the First World War. He looked... good. I shouldn't think that- I'm in his house and I have no idea who he is. Well I must because of all the photos of me and him from all different decades but it was like I had no memory of any of it. Why was that? Who was I? Who am I? What am I? I moved on to another photo.
"Oh no." I whispered. In the photo he was wearing a Nazi uniform from World War Two. He was a Nazi soldier? He helped Adolf Hitler kill thousands of people? Innocent people? Trevor cleared his throat.
"Oh that. That uh well uh. I had to do that otherwise I'd die." He said awkwardly.
"Yeah, I figured." I said. But if you weren't proud of it you wouldn't have it hanging up on your wall, would you?
"Would you like anything to drink or to eat?"
"Uh no thanks." I said. I've seen the T.V shows about how people go into others people's houses and then the home owner poisons them. Not a risk I'm willing to take. "Well uh, I'm pretty tired, it's been a long day, plus school tomorrow so... " I continued. He seemed surprised.
"Oh ok. This way." He said. He seemed really nervous for some reason. I should be the one that's nervous! I had no idea who he was and why I was here and how I fitted into all this. He obviously did but wasn't sharing. I followed him as he walked out of the living room and past a doorway on the left with no door, and when I looked inside I realised it was the kitchen. I stopped. It was big and neat.
"Are you sure you didn't want anything? Anything at all?" he asked.
"No. I'm fine thanks. I was just um looking."
"Ok. Well if you want something, just say so and I'll get it for you."
"Thanks, I will." I said unsure if I'd actually ask for anything. We continued down the hall.
"That's the bathroom." He said and pointed to the door on the right as we walked past.
"The door at the end there's mine then this is the spare room."
"Well I think I'll clean my teeth again then um go to bed." I said awkwardly, nodding.
"Ok, um I'll let you get to it then." He answered, nodding as well.
"Ok." I said and opened the door to the spare room. Trevor stood there smiling like a love sick puppy as I shut the door on him. Ok. Ok, ok, ok. The room was... nice. It felt homey and familiar somehow. But I'd never been here before. All of a sudden I saw this... image, in my head. But it wasn't like the ones before were I'd be just be seeing it. This one was as if I was actually there. Like I was a part of the image, the real me, not actually in the person.

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