Chapter 12 Continued Part 5

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Heeeeey guys....*hides* sorry about not updating last week!!! I swear I'm sorry!!
So I've got a new story up, go check it out!!
It's obviously on my page, it's called 'Island Boy' and it is different from this genre of my writing, I'm just saying.......
Wednesday 20 May, 2015

I opened my eyes with a gasp and sat up. I breathed heavily.
"Are you ok?" Trevor asked concerned. It reminded me of Todd when I blacked out the other day. He had the exact same tone of voice and expression on his face. It hadn't been more than twenty minutes since I left home but God, I missed him like crazy.
"Um, yeah I'm ok." I said. I put a hand on my forehead then put it back down on the floor. "Ow." I said and winced. I looked around me. There was glass everywhere. I raised my hand back up off the floor to look at it.
"What?" he asked and looked at my hand as well. There were little bits of glass sticking out of my skin. Great. This was just great. I was bleeding with a vampire next to me. In his house. Oh crap!
"Did I break something?"
"Oh um yeah. You broke a lamp. Don't worry, I didn't like it anyway." He said with a smile. That's what everyone said when something was broken. Great.
"Sorry about your lamp."
"Don't worry about it. Come on, let's get that glass out of your hand shall we?" he said. Nah, I just wanted to keep it in there, I thought defensively.
"Ok." I said. At least I had shoes on so I wouldn't get glass in my feet. I held the hand with the glass in it against my chest while I used my other hand to help me up. I used the frame of the bed beside me to pull myself up. I stepped over most of the glass so I didn't get any stuck in the bottom of my flats or break the glass into even smaller pieces.
"Come on." He said after I got away from the glass. I followed him out the door and into the hallway. Oh he didn't! Oh he couldn't have! But he did! I was walking behind him and I realised he had no shirt on. He still had on the jeans he was wearing before and they looked good on him even from behind. I did not just think that. No way did I just think that. His back was tanned like the rest of him. He wasn't like brown brown, he was more light brown. Like lightly tanned but still darker than me. How can he be tanned when he was a vampire? You're not actually in the Twilight series where the vampires are white idiot, the little voice said. Oh I know I'm not in the Twilight series. I was just wondering, I thought back to the little voice. I looked away from his back. I didn't look down I just looked at the walls the rest of the way to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and was motioned to sit down at one of the stools. The kitchen layout was very nice. When you walked into the kitchen from the hallway, the fridge was right there on the right, and then the bench went around in a half square but just came short because on the left side when you first came in there was a gap between the bench and the wall. The stools were on the other side of the gap. I walked through the gap and pulled up the second chair along from where I was. There were a total of four chairs along the bench. Did he even use his kitchen? Do vampires even eat? I placed my injured hand on the table and tapped my leg with my other. Of course it was my left had that got hurt. It was like my left side was cursed. If I got an injury it was on my left side. I have never broken anything but bruises, cuts or soreness and anything along those lines were always on my left side. Trevor was getting the first aid kit from the bathroom. It didn't take him long because of his vampire speed but he didn't show it to me. He must have stopped outside of the kitchen and then went back to human speed I realised as he came back into the kitchen. I looked back down at my left hand. There was a little blood from some of the cuts the glass made. He came through the gap and took seat number one. He opened the little red kit and grabbed out the tweezers and a small round container. He reached for my hand but I moved it toward me slightly.
"Trust me." He said. I heard Elizabeth's words in my head, 'Trust them'. She had told me to trust them and I trusted her because she was me but also because she was like a big sister to me. I still felt that way toward her even if she did leave me. I looked up from my hand into his brown eyes.
"I do." I said and placed my hand in his. He started pulling glass out of my hand. I could feel each individual piece sliding out of my hand. He placed the glass in the small round container. I saw that in his trip to the bathroom he hadn't bothered to get a shirt. It made me feel sick, getting the glass removed from my hand. I couldn't watch it but I didn't know what to do to get my mind off it. I looked straight ahead. That got my mind off of it. Completely. I was staring at his bare chest. He had quite the chest. It was tanned as well. He didn't have a six pack or abs but he looked close to having them. I wondered how his chest would feel. Firm? Soft? I was deep in thought about it when he cleared his throat. I blinked out of my trance and looked up in surprise. He had this look of happiness, amusement, wonder and sadness all mixed in together on his face. I couldn't meet his eyes but when I looked back up from my bandaged up left hand his smile had gotten wider and he was bitting his bottom lip. I had to look away. I was blushing. He laughed and again I looked up. He still had that look on his face and I didn't know why and it was annoying me. Seeing him sad cut me to the bone. I felt like leaning over to him, pulling him closer by putting my right hand at the back of his neck while my left slipped around his waist and kiss him. I wonder what it would be like, kissing him. Would it be slow and sweet? Or would it be fast and hot? Would it bring back memories? What would happen to Daniel if I did? He'd be mad and I don't want him angry at me. I looked in to Trevor's eyes. He looked back. I wonder if he was trying to figure out what I was thinking. I was trying to figure out what he was thinking. Was he thinking the same things I was? Was he thinking about kissing me? It looked like he was debating something.
"Am I hurting you?" I whispered to him. I was looking at his face and it changed from deep in thought to surprise to confusion then he looked at me funny. He looked at me like he couldn't believe I'd just said that. That was what was annoying me. The sadness in his expression before was caused by me, I was sure. He opened his mouth then closed it then opened it again. He moved his hands so that they cupped my face. I closed my eyes for a moment from his touch. His hands were soft against my skin.
"Hurting me? How could you be hurting me?" he said. I still had my eyes closed. But I opened them and stared straight into his confused brown eyes.
"For not remembering you." I said. He smiled sadly.
"No. I would never be hurt by you for not remembering."
"But I heard you and Daniel talking back at my house. You said that she- meaning me - remembered everything after about ten minutes. Twenty tops. Is there something wrong with me for not remembering in that amount of time? Is there something wrong with me for not remembering?" I asked, scared. I was confused about what was happening. He bent down and put his forehead against mine. It felt nice.
"There is nothing wrong with you. Nothing. And there won't be, ever. You're perfect. If you never remembered and we had to start over again, I wouldn't care. I wouldn't care about anything about you. Your appearance, your voice, your family. I wouldn't care. I don't care. As long as you were you I couldn't be happier. Nothing compares to you. Nothing." He said.
He just said I was perfect.

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