Chapter 7

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Hey everyone, how are we?
It's Christmas tomorrow so I thought I'd wish you all a Merry Christmas!!
Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Chapter 7-
It was ten-thirty. Where the hell was Trevor? He was supposed to be here an hour ago. Another half hour had passed. I woke up on the couch. I glanced at the clock and gasped. It was five-thirty. Oh my God! Instead of wasting my day on the couch- although I was glad I caught up on some sleep- I could have been on my 'hang out' with Daniel. My muscles were stiff from being on the couch for so long. I stretched as I walked to my comfy warm bed upstairs. I couldn't get back to sleep so I read for a while.

I must have fallen asleep again, because Todd was shaking me gently whispering "Get up Willow. Wake up." I groaned loudly. I had not slept well or felt this relaxed for a long time and now I was and people wake me up? Can't I ever win? Why was I falling asleep so much? Why was I so tried?
"What? What do you want? Trying to sleep here." I mumbled.
"This guy named Trevor is at the door, saying you and him are supposed to hang out." He said.
"Ah, no. It was at nine-thirty this morning. Wait what time is it?" I said still half asleep but becoming more aware of things.
"It's nine-thirty at night." He said, sounding confused. I sighed and rolled out of bed and felt dizzy from standing up to fast. Todd steadied me in case I fell. That has happened, it was pretty funny. Then I had to use the handrail to guide me as I walked downstairs and said to Trevor who was waiting at the front door and smiling like an idiot, "What do you want? We agreed on nine-thirty and you never showed this morning!" He must have seen, finally, how furious I was. I felt as if my whole body was on fire. I was actually disappointed that he didn't show this morning. But maybe it was a sign. A sign of what, I didn't know.
"I'm sorry, I meant night. So come on, get dressed and we can go." he said with a smile on his face. Was he serious? I looked at him for a second and realised he was. What was wrong with him? It was nine-thirty at night. Although his outfit made his dark hair and dark eyes stand out and make me feel less furious at him, I held firm. He was wearing a black leather jacket, similar to Daniel's yesterday, black jeans, a black T and black combat boots. Well the boots I could only just make out in the dim light from the hallway light as the porch light needed to be changed. I'll have to remind Todd to change it tomorrow, I thought. He looked like a Goth. It suited him well.
"No." I said simply and shut the door in his face. Why did I feel like I'd just ripped out my heart and stomped on it a million times at the look on his face? I ran my hand over my head as I took a second to think about it but I decided to do it. I reopened the door. That surprised Trevor. "Look, I needed to do something today. Something... happened yesterday and I needed to get my mind off it and I thought yeah this will do perfectly when you called this morning. I wanted to hang out with you today. But then you never showed. I have to say I'm a bit disappointed. Sorry." I said. He opened his mouth then closed it in surprise. I didn't think he realised how much I wanted to go.
"I never meant to disappoint you, I swear. That's the one thing I didn't want." Trevor said in a way that I knew he meant it. He had pleadingly eyes when he said it. He wanted forgiveness.
"Goodnight Trevor." I said. I waited before I shut the door this time. He stood there for a second.
"Um. Goodnight Willow." He said sweetly and walked away into the darkness to his car. Todd opened his mouth then closed it as I walked past him to my room. "What? Did you want me out at nine-thirty with some strange guy, did you? If so I'm sure I can get him before he drives away in his car." I said in my mean-girl voice. I seem to be using it a lot these past few days. He just held up his hands in silent surrender.
"No I was just thinking about how well you handled that situation." He said as I continued my journey up the stairs. I stopped and sighed.
"I only need one guy in my life and he has a room right down the hall from me. He's all I'll ever need." I said confidently. He stood taller after I said it.
"And I'll only ever need you." He said quietly. I smiled at him. I had to pull myself up the rest of the stairs. I was still so tried. Why? I got under the covers and fell asleep instantly which was unusual for me.

My alarm rang at seven-thirty. I hit the button to shut it up and got up and locked my door.
"I don't care about school, not today." I whispered to myself and the door. I went back to bed and pulled the covers over my head; and waited. Twenty minutes later Todd banged on my door, which was the thing I was waiting for.
"Willow? Willow, get up now. School." He said, still banging. He tried the door handle, realised it was locked and knew I was awake. "Come on Willow. I know you're up." He continued.
"No, not today." I said simply. He stopped banging for a second.
"Did you just say no to me?" he asked sounding surprised. Good. I think a hint of that bad mood was back. Where was it coming from?
"Yep." I said. Yep. There was a hint of that mood still in me.
"You do not, I repeat do not, speak to me like that young lady." He practically yelled.
"Oh yeah? Wait for it- no! I'm tried and I've had enough death wishes for a whole lifetime. My teachers will understand why I'm not there! Now leave me alone!" I screamed. He stood there for a second then stomped away down the hall. Why was I so tried? It was like I hadn't slept a day of my life and now it had caught up with me. I had to sleep, so I did.

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