Chapter 3 Continued Part 2

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Hey guys, how's it going? Are we liking the story or you know, not??
*sigh* anyways...
Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Todd opened the door and I blinked. I don't know who I was expecting, but it wasn't the person on the other side of the door. It was the stranger, Daniel and oh my God, he looked even hotter than Friday. I only knew it was Daniel because of his long shaggy blonde-brown hair. He was wearing long denim jeans, a plain white T and a leather jacket with black sunglasses. He took off the sunglasses and hung them on the front of his shirt. His clothes made his height stand out and they also made his blue eyes and blonde-brown hair stand out. He gave off the vibe of a relaxed teen. I realised I had to look up to see him. He was just taller than me. He was about Todd's height. Man, I felt short standing next to both of them. Oh my God Todd was standing there! I shut my eyes for a second then opened them.
"Um hi." I said awkwardly trying not to look into his eyes because I thought I'd melt and also trying not to look at his glasses as that meant looking at his chest. I'd enjoy the view and all but I'm not sure it would be appropriate. Why was I thinking this? I only met him on Friday but somehow I felt as if I'd known him my whole life.
"Hi." he replied back, with a smile. I stopped breathing, his smile was amazing. He had nice, straight white teeth. I quickly glanced away and when I looked back at him, his smile had gotten wider. I glared at Todd, who was still standing there taking him in, until he finally looked at me and realised I was staring at him. He snapped out of his trance. He winked at me and leaned in near my ear, and of all things he made kissy noises before he walked away. Oh my God. I was going to kill him. I remembered the phone call from Friday. Yes that's right, I'm hanging out with Daniel today. I cleared my throat.
"So, where are we going?" I asked, trying to get out of the house as fast as I could so Todd couldn't embarrass me any further.
"I was thinking an Indian restaurant." He said, and then as if the question had just occurred to him, "Do you even like Indian?"
"Yes, I love Indian."
"Do you want to go now or do you want to get changed first?" he asked. I looked down and saw that I was still wearing the clothes from yesterday. I open the door wider and he stepped inside. I couldn't help myself, I had to do it.
"What? Don't like my clothes or something?" I said in a hurt voice. His eyes went wide from surprise at the statement. He was quick to reply.
"No. No, that's not what I meant. Do you want to go now then?" he said. Todd came out of the kitchen, laughing. I bit my lip to help stop myself from laughing. Daniel looked confused.
"Ah, buddy. Don't worry about it. Nice one, Willow." Todd said still laughing. Daniel after a second realised that I'd been joking with him. I kinda regretted saying it because it could have gone either way. Way one would be that he left and I'd screwed everything up or way two would be that he laughed. I hoped it was way two that he would chose. He chose way two. He started laughing.
"Oh. That was a good one. I fell right into it, didn't I?" he said.
"I'll be right back." I said over my shoulder as I raced up to my room. I leant against my closed door for a second. What to wear? I smiled then it vanished as a chill ran down my spine a second before someone or something touched the small of my back and a pair of lips touched my neck. I gasped as a voice said, "I miss you very, very much." A male voice. So it was someone not something. Then the hand left and I turned around, but no one was there. What do I do? Do I call for Todd? I wasn't going to but then I remembered those eyes and I couldn't stand them again so I called him.
"Todd!" I screamed and backed away from the door ready for him to burst into the room. I put the back of my right hand against my mouth to stop myself from breaking down and screaming. Todd burst into my room just as I thought but Daniel was with him, right on his heels. Tears pricked at my eyes and I let them spill. I didn't think I was that freaked out but then once I saw Todd I couldn't help it. There were only a hand full of tears but Todd saw how freaked out I was. I ran to Todd and he met me half way. We stayed there for a few moments. Daniel cleared his throat and we both blinked. We'd forgotten that Daniel was there. Wow, that's awkward. For both of us.
"Um, maybe today's not the right time... ? I'm... ah gonna go. I'll see you Tuesday." he said awkwardly as he turned to leave. He gave a little wave as he left.
"Wait! Today's fine." I blurted. He stopped for a second unsure whether to stay or go. He sighed and turned back to face me. Daniel glanced around and I realised that he was in my bedroom! And I knew he was taking it in and judging me on what was in it. I knew because everyone did it.
"I don't think today's fine, Willow." Todd whispered loudly to make sure Daniel heard. His voice dropped so I could barely hear it as he asked, "What happened, Willow?"
"I'll tell you later ok." I whispered back; then said, "Can you leave so I can get ready?" Todd glared at me all the way to the door, silently telling me he thought this was a bad idea. But what was I supposed to do? Daniel was already here. I knew my brother was also trying to tell me not to go. All I could do was look back at him with sadness in my eyes. Daniel was standing in the middle of the room, staring back and forth between us trying to figure out what was going on. Wow and I thought this was awkward for me, imagine how uncomfortable this must be for him.
Todd levelled a finger at me and said through clenched teeth "Fine"- his finger moved to Daniel- "You. Out. Now." Todd didn't wait for Daniel; he strode into the room and grabbed Daniel's arm to drag him out. He shut the door behind them. He was angry. I rubbed my eyes with my hand. Could this day get any worse?

When I finally made it downstairs, I was wearing black jeans and a dark blue T-shirt, Todd's 'suitable-dating-wear' for me. He picked it out himself. I have never gotten the chance to wear it yet. I hope Daniel doesn't ask about boyfriends from my past because there were none. I wonder how many girlfriends he's had. He would've had heaps, surely. I bet the girls just threw themselves at him. He'd have so many to choose from. Stop thinking about that! Goodness! This was making me feel like crap. But it was also an eye opener. I promised myself that I wouldn't become one of his girlfriends that he just used then disposed of like last week's garbage. Todd nodded but it was a sharp jerky movement of his head when he saw what I was wearing. I nodded back, signalling I remembered the rules.
"Oh I forgot my bag. I'll be right back." I raced back up the stairs and grabbed the little black bag on my bed. That's when I saw another letter on my bed. I groaned and picked it up. I opened it up and froze. Completely froze.

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