Chapter 1 Continued

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Wednesday, 15th October 2014.
Trevor and Daniel to the side or above...

As we ran to Maths, our first class on a Friday, someone bumped into me and because I was running, well jogging, I was caught off guard and we both fell. The books I'd gotten out for Maths went all over the floor as we ran into each other and all the strangers' books went everywhere as well. I grunted in pain as when I fell I landed on a couple of books, one of the corners going into my ribs. Ouch. Sharp. I rolled over and sucked in a breath, hand on my rib cage where it hurt. Sonny was there with her eyes wide and mouth open in shock. We looked at each other for a second before I sat up and looked up at the stranger. The stranger was a guy. He was a good looking one too.
"Sorry." the stranger said as he picked up our books. He was kneeling and when he went to stand up he grabbed my hand and yanked me up as well. It hurt my shoulder blade. The stranger pulled me up so that my face was inches from his. I watched as his eyes trailed over my face, taking in every detail. Strangely, I felt comfortable. If it was anyone else I would most likely be going a dark shade of red, but I wasn't, not with this handsome stranger. As he studied my face, I took in his tall lean build, his blue eyes and his longish blonde-brown hair which really suited him and his nice face. He was wearing denim jeans that went down to just above his knees, like Todd's, and a dark blue muscle shirt which showed off his bicep muscles well. He looked like a model. I was a bit freaked out that this handsome stranger was studying my face. I saw his eyes widen in surprise and something else that I couldn't catch as he then looked down and started sorting through our books and I stepped back from him. I looked at Sonny in a 'he's-a-bit-weird' way. She nodded and winked meaning 'yeah but hot though'. I nearly laughed. She can read me well but it works both ways. We know each other better than we know ourselves, she says. When he had separated his books from mine, he handed mine back to me. When he handed them back I hadn't realised he was giving them back so my arms didn't catch them until they had hit the sore spot on my ribs. That was going to leave a bruise.
"It's ok." I replied, shyly, remembering the statement he said before. Sonny looked at me, eyebrows raised. I raised my eyebrows at her in a 'what-am-I-supposed-to-do' look. She looked at me again but I looked away. "What's the hurry?" I asked, changing the subject.
"I'm new here and I need to get to my first class, Maths. Do you know where that is?" he asked innocently in a sweet voice. Oh.
"Um yeah, we're headed that um way. It's our first class too." I said. We studied each other's faces for a minute again and I got lost in his blue eyes. I forgot that Sonny was there until she cleared her throat.
"And we're going to be late." Sonny added just to make sure we had heard her. I'd forgotten all about her. How? It was those eyes, I thought, it had to be.
As we raced to the Maths part of the building and we came to the 'T' section that had Maths on the right and English on the left, I heard laughter from the left so I looked. Todd and his friends were laughing at something or... someone. I stopped running and turned toward them curiously. When I got to them, they were still laughing. I pulled Todd out of the way and he immediately stopped laughing and looked at me, surprised. I saw what they were laughing at. It was a boy. I looked at Todd with a disapproving look. He didn't meet my eyes. Lucky for him. I walked over to help get the guy out of this little circle, knowing that if any one of Todd's friends moved to stop me, Todd would stop them. I held out my hand to the boy in the middle of the circle.
"Are you ok?" I asked as he looked at me. He was just taller than me with a nice lean figure, dark brown hair, brown eyes, a nice straight nose and nice, inviting lips. He wore a soft grey long-sleeved shirt that was pulled up to just above his elbows with a little V neck with five buttons going down it but the top three were open and revealing skin and you could see the bumps from his biceps meaning nice strong muscles were underneath, he also wore black jeans with dark grey Converses topped off with a dark grey beanie showing some of his fringe coming out underneath. It took all my strength not to let my jaw drop, as needless to say, this guy was drool-worthy handsome as well.
"Yeah." he said and his brown eyes looked into mine. It should have been awkward but it wasn't. I couldn't look away. Then all of a sudden he wraps his arms around me in a hug. I was shocked into stiffness. I shook it off after a second. Ok, I thought as I patted his back awkwardly.
"Willow, get that guy off you before I get over there!" Todd yelled, outraged. I looked over at him and he'd taken a few steps toward us. Even from here I could see the anger and there was a hint of terror in his eyes. His body language was tense and it made him look protective. I sighed. What was I going to do with you Todd? The stranger stepped away from me. Todd cleared his throat. I ignored him.
"We better get to class." I said. As we walked away I asked, "What's your name? I don't think I've seen you before."
"It's my first day. My name's Trevor." He said.
"Well it's nice to meet you Trevor. Where's your first class then Trevor?" I said. Why did I say his name twice? There was no need for it but I did it anyway. Weird. His name seemed to roll off my tongue like it was the most natural thing in the world.
"Uh. Hold on a sec." he said then reached into his left front pocket and brought out a piece of paper.
"On my timetable it says my first class is Maths, do you know where that is?" he asked.
"Yeah that's my first class too."
"Cool." he said as he glanced at me sideways and smiled. I couldn't breathe for a second. That smile was just... Ok so there were some new guys at school, but two on the same day? That's weird but at least they're both hot, I thought as we walked to our class. One for me and one for Sonny, I thought. I knew she'd be thinking the exact same thing. But who gets who? Do we chose or do they? Ha! Sonny's class was right next to mine and I saw her and the other stranger walk into the classroom. I thought we were longer than that. Unless they walked really slow. I wonder what they talked about on the way here. Now I was itching for lunch to come around so that she could tell me everything! I couldn't remember the last time we had been this excited about boys. Real boys. Not fictional ones. Oh wow, they'll never know that. I walked into our classroom feeling excited and took my seat while Trevor gave Mr Smith his note. Mr Smith wore one of his brown out-of-date vests, the ones from the Eighties that looked hideous, a cream coloured long sleeved shirt underneath, with black dress pants and black leather lace up shoes, and to top it all off, he had his black hair slicked back. I shivered. Yuck. Some of the girls in the room started to whisper about Trevor. I heard a lot of 'wow, he's hot!' and 'yeah I know!' from girls talking to their friends. I glanced sideways and saw most girls looking at their friends across the room with the look of 'he's hot' on their faces.
"There's a spare seat next to Willow." Mr Smith said. Trevor looked around the room and all the girls in my class smiled, fluffed their hair and battered their eyes at him. Oh geez. But he didn't seem to notice. Last time there was a new guy he fell prey to the girls at this school. Good luck buddy, I thought towards the stranger. I wonder what's happening next door in Sonny's class. Oh, I thought, there'll have to be another contest! I remembered with the last new guy, Sonny and I made bets on how long he'd last before he got sucked into the popular group. Sonny won. She said three days, I said a week. It was two days. She was closer so I lost five bucks that day. I bet these new guys won't make it to tomorrow without being sucked in. The other guy was cute but these two newbies were hot. Simple as that. No other word. When his eyes landed on me I waved. His whole face light up when he realised he was to sit next to me. I think the whole class saw. That's a bit awkward, I thought, but at the same time in your face. The girls behind me whispered to each other- "Why does he have to sit next to her?" and the answer back was "I know she's not even pretty." Ouch. Not. I smiled wickedly and as Trevor slipped into his seat, he raised his eyebrows at me. I shrugged not even going to bother telling him about them. When class started Mr Smith went on and on and on with his lecture about Trigonometry; finally, when the bell rung, most of the class ran out the door just in case there was more. The rest of the day pasted in a blur. The next thing I really noticed was that I was in my room, but I remember glimpses of some of my other classes. I remember saying bye to Sonny and that I'd talk to her later. And I remembered the end of school, just before I got into Todd's car, that I saw a blue Mustang parked in the parking lot. I'd never seen it before. But the one thing that made me blush and smile was when I was coming down the front steps of school and I looked to my left and there was Trevor who smiled that dazzling, heart stopping smile he gave me earlier. Then I looked to my right and there was Daniel who just tipped his imagery hat with a smile then walked off, just like Todd. There was something about Daniel. Something strange yet wonderful and... light. And there was something strange yet heart stopping about Trevor. But with him there was this... darkness to him. But it was deep deep down. I blinked, the memory fading from my mind. How can I feel these things about them when I don't even know them, I thought as I walked downstairs to get some food. I felt peckish, I wanted something but I didn't want something. The phone rang taking my mind off of it.

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