Chapter 13 Continued Part 15

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Wednesday 16 September, 2015
Enjoy guys :)
Ps, new cover..yeah or nah?

I put a hand on my head when my eyes opened. I blinked fuzziness away. I was getting use to this. I was standing in a room with a low bed and there was yelling from another room. Where was I this time? Was I going to see Elizabeth and Trevor again? Referring to my past self as a different person, I thought sadly, well technically she was. The walls of the room looked like stone, were stone. When was I? If I was with Daniel, did that mean I was going to see us? Why had I had a memory with those words he said? What did they mean? I walked through the doorway then came out in another small room. There were two people standing in the middle of the room. The women had her back to the man and the man was yelling at her. She was yelling back. Geez, I was seeing an argument. Great. The women was dressed in an old, worn out, dirty and ripped in some places brown dress that went to the floor. She had black hair that fell down to the bottom of her back. The man didn't look much better. He was wearing old, dirty, ripped pants and a long sleeved shirt, both pieces of clothing covered in dirt. I moved into the room more, getting closer to the people in the room. The man's hair was brown but then I looked closer and saw that it was blonde-brown but covered in dirt.
"Daniel." I whispered and reached out to him. I realised what I was doing and let my arm drop back to my side.
"I have to." The women said. Daniel's face twisted in pain and anger.
"No. You, don't. Please. Don't go out there." Daniel replied to her. I moved to see the women's face. Again I got the overwhelming feeling of surprise and terror as I saw it was me again.
"I have to do something. I have fought for myself and my Father many times before this. Before you were even a thought in your ancestor's minds I was fighting. Fighting for this. Fighting for us. I lost many in battle so don't let their deaths mean nothing!" she said. Battle?
"Don't talk about that now. I will lose you if you go out there. You won't come back."
"Why won't you let me fight for us? Don't you want us to work?"
"Of course I want us to work. Are you mad? But we're in the middle of a war! If you go out there and something...    happened, how am I supposed to live? How could I go on without you?"
"I don't know. But you would. You're strong and courageous, you'd be alright." She said. His forced laugh had a hint of terror in it as it rang out in the room.
"I'm nothing without you Isabella." He said. She blinked and tears sprung to her eyes. She blinked them back then laughed and turned around to face Daniel. She had a look of anger on her face. Oh no.
"It doesn't really matter. See that's where everyone before you makes the mistake as well. You always think I have fallen for you but I haven't. All of you are like toys. I play with you for a while then toss you out. I never loved you, I am sorry I led you on, it's just you human men are always fun to mess with." She said coldly. Daniel's face crumpled, then hardened.
"You're lying. I know how you feel. I feel the same thing."
"No. I don't. I have had many years of practise. I am sorry but I must be going. Goodbye Daniel. We will not cross paths again."
"No. No. You're not going out there!" Daniel yelled desperately. There were those words, the words that sent me into this memory. She walked passed him. He tried to stop her but she walked out of his reach and out the door. Tears ran down my face as Daniel fell to his knees and put his head in his hands before he touched his forehead to the stone floor, crying. My hand moved from my mouth to my heart. I gasped for breath. This was awful. How could I not have thought about this side of things? That things for me and Daniel weren't like things between me and Trevor? How could I not have thought about being poor with Daniel and having a rough time? More importantly, how could I think we were rich and happy both times? You don't have that kind of luck. This time when the memory started to fade away, I was glad. I was glad to get out of that place.

I woke up feeling horrible; I was looking up at the roof. I looked at where I was. I was in a Queen Size bed that had light brown coloured sheets on it. I turned my head to look at the room I was in. I looked around and I wasn't in the spare room. Was this Daniel's room? It was the same size as the spare room and the walls were the same as the hallway- wood. I felt excited about being in his room for a moment before guilt overwhelmed me a second later as I remembered what I just witnessed. How could I have done that? The door burst opened and Daniel came through. I sat up. Tears brimmed at the edge of my eyes and I couldn't meet his eyes when he looked at me. My head ached a little bit.
"Are you all right? What happened?" someone said. That wasn't Daniel's voice. My eyes flew back to the door. Are you serious? Trevor was standing there, arms folded across his chest. I looked down at my hands. I nodded.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine." I whispered. I took another deep breath but it didn't help. I was still in shock about what I'd just saw. How could I do that?
"How could you do what?" Trevor asked suddenly there next to me on the bed.
"Wait. What the hell is happening? Have I missed something?" Daniel asked annoyed and confused. Right, he didn't know.
"Yeah, you have." Trevor answered.
"What then?" Daniel asked him.
"Well, I'm not too sure. She hasn't told me anything really. Willow, what's going on? How come you black out and then remember things about us? What did you see?" Trevor asked me quietly. 
"I- I- I black out and then see things from my past selves. I've mostly been seeing things about Trevor and I but then I saw- I saw the most horrible thing. I can't believe I would say something like that. Oh Daniel, I never meant any of those things I said to you that day. I don't know how I see it but I do. How could I not have thought about those things? How could they slip my mind?" I said shakily.
"What are you talking-" Daniel started. Then his eyes went wide as he realised what day I meant. "Oh. You saw."
"Yes I did." I said, tears escaping from my eyes. "It's as if certain words or places or things or sometimes it's nothing and it just happens by itself, bring back memories. Sometimes I am just there watching on like a bystander and other times I'm actually me from back then." I continued. I looked up at them. They were looking at each other.

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