Chapter 13 Continued Part 4

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Wednesday 1 July, 2015

"Well? Are you joining me for breakfast or not?" I continued when he didn't move. He looked at me with a smile, shook his head then started walking toward me. He let me enter first. All along the bench where we sat last night were plates of food. I saw pancakes, toast and cut up fruit.
"You don't have to eat any of it. I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to." He said.
"Are you going to force food down my throat?"
"No. Why would I do that?" he asked confused.
"Because then you'd be forcing me to do something- sallow. Where are the plates?"
"You're crazy."
"So I've been told. Also, I said I was not really a breakfast person but I said not really meaning sometimes I was. I think today I am." I said smiling. He was looking right at me. I blinked and he had crossed the few steps that separated us so that he was right there in front of me. He raised his hand to my face then realised what he was doing. He stepped back and looked away.
"Sorry. I didn't mean... " he trailed off. I raised my hand to his face and touched his cheek. I left my hand there.
"No, don't be. It's my fault. For what it's worth, I'm so sorry." I whispered.
"I know but it's not all your fault, some of the blame is on me for what I did last night. I should never have acted like that. It mustn't be easy for you."
"You have no idea. Slipt the blame fifty- fifty?"
"Deal." He said. I lowered my hand from his face. Today was going to be very interesting, in the bad and weird way not the good way.
"Plates?" I asked.
"Here." He said and handed me a white plate.
"Thanks." I said. I don't like to go first with most things and I think he sensed that or he knew that because he got his food first. He had made just enough for us. How had he known how much I'd eat? I sat down with most of my plate filled with fruit, three pancakes and a piece of toast. He sat down beside me with his plate consisting of two pieces of toast, four pancakes and about a quarter of his plate had fruit on it. He put a hand over his mouth. "Because I know you." He said answering my thought through a mouth full of toast. How did I forget he was a mind reader? He shrugged.
"Can you read everyone's thoughts or just mine?" I asked curiously after I had finished a mouth full of my toast.
"Everyone's but I only chose to read yours."
"Wow. You know how to make a girl feel special." I said and took another bite of my toast. He laughed.
"So what are you going to do about your birthday?" he said. I slowed my chewing down. I shrugged and looked straight ahead.
"I have no idea what to do. I have nowhere to do anything so what's the point? I think I'll just skip it this year." I said honestly. He started coughing. I looked at him surprised. He had the back of his hand over his mouth. Was he choking? I patted his back. It seemed to help because he stopped. "Are you all right?" I asked, concerned.
"Yeah. I guess. Thanks." He said.
"What happened?"
"I started choking."
"I saw that, but why?"
"Because you said you were going to skip your birthday." He said. He can't be serious. "I'm deadly serious." He continued. I looked at him. I thought about a white room with nothing in it. It was a lot harder that I thought to keep it there. I wanted to think about other stuff but didn't. He seemed surprised by what I was doing. "Would you consider having a party if you had a place?" he asked. That surprised me enough to lose my white room.
"But where?" I asked around my last piece of toast.
"Why not here? In my guest house? I could say my parents are out of town?"
"Thanks." I said and picked up a pancake.
"Who were you thinking of inviting?"
"Before you and Daniel showed up? It would've just been me and Sonny doing something, maybe a sleepover or something. But since you guys are here I was going to invited you to I guess. I can't believe I'm talking to you about this!"
"Why? Something wrong with me?" he said. I shoved a spoonful of fruit into my mouth and adverted my eyes. "Oh that's harsh." He continued and took a bite of his last pancake. I gave him a one shouldered shrug. I started eating my last pancake. These were good. Did he make them himself? I looked at him out of the corner of my eye; he was just sitting there eating his fruit like he couldn't hear me. I know you're listening to me, I thought and I saw him try not smile. He ended up turning his head away from me. Oh. I see how it is! You thought I was harsh? Can't even think of anything around you, I thought. He turned his head back to me. "You can it's just that you shouldn't think of anything about me. Like yesterday for example." He said playfully. I blushed as I remembered what I thought about last night. "See? You just did it again."
"You have to give me some slack! I didn't know!"
"It slipped last night. I wasn't going to tell you, you know."
"What so you could just listen to my thoughts all day long?" I asked in disbelief. Could he really do that? The corner of his mouth rose. "Do you know how hard it is to not think about anything?" I continued. It's pretty hard, I thought knowing that he'd hear me. He didn't answer me so I went back to eating the rest of my fruit. Once I had put the last mouthful of fruit into my mouth, I stood up. Trevor had finished and was just sitting there, doing nothing. As I past him I grabbed his plate and put it in the sink along with mine. "Thanks for breakfast. It was lovely." I said. He nodded. He had my bag in his hand and like Daniel, didn't give it to me when I held my hand out for it.

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