Chapter 12 Continued

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Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Both boys were surprised by my sudden outburst. It looked like it hurt them a lot because they covered their ears. Then I couldn't see. The pain was so inhumanly that my eyes shut and tears ran out of my eyes and my hands drew back in to my body and covered the sides of my face. I still screamed, and screamed, and screamed. I moved so I formed a ball. It didn't help, it hurt more but I was in so much pain that I couldn't move anymore. I didn't know if it was just me but it felt like the floor was moving, like there was an earthquake. I thought I felt something touch my arm. I thought they were hands. Why did I think that? How did I make this excruciating pain stop? Could they help make it stop?
"Ow. Shit." I heard someone say as they touched me. Must be hands. The pain in my head eased a little. I didn't feel worn out and tired anymore, no, I felt like I was on fire. I felt like my skin was on fire.
"What?" I heard another voice say. Who was touching me? Todd? Trevor? Who was the other voice? Why did I care who was who? I just wanted the pain to stop.
"She's burning up. It's started. I better call him." The first voice said.
"Better call who?" the second voice said confused and angry. Just shut up and help me! Help me stop the pain. Please. I wanted to say everything but I couldn't. All I could do was scream and hold my head. I felt the tears escape, travel down my face for a few seconds then disappear. I thought they evaporated off my skin. My skin must be on fire, I thought. I stopped screaming suddenly and the room went quiet.
"Daniel." The first voice answered. I thought it was Trevor. Todd must be the second voice and Trevor the first. "Hold in there darling. It'll be over soon. I promise. I'm right here. I'm right here. Daniel will be here soon. He's coming darling. He's coming." Trevor whispered to me. Darling? At the word my heart beat got faster for a moment then went back to normal over drive speed. Death by her heart, it'd say on my grave stone. Why was I joking about this? Or maybe he shouted but to me it was a whisper. Why did I think that? My eyes moved to him. His eyes looked back into mine looking pained. I wonder what he saw in my eyes. Fear? Pain? Both? Trevor had pulled out his phone and was saying something into it when the pain started again. I burst out screaming and whatever he was saying was defiantly lost to my ears. He placed his phone away from him and pulled me into his arms. I was jerking around from the pain but he was strong and kept me in his embrace. I didn't realise but I'd turned into his embrace. My arms went around him and I held on while I screamed into his shirt. For some reason I thought, God how embarrassing, but got over it pretty fast. The pain started to ease again and my scream eased with it until the room was quiet once more. I breathed heavily as I felt worn out and tired again. I laid my head on his shoulder. His grip softened once I'd stopped screaming and struggling.
"Make it stop. Please." I whispered, begging. Why is this happening? And how come Trevor knew so much about it? Why was I trusting him? He was a vampire! Mortal enemy to me!
"It'll be ok." Trevor said. Ok? He wasn't going through the pain; I was! My eyes drifted close. I heard the front door open and close. Great, more people. Awesome. Who was in my house now?
"Where are you?" our visitor called out from the hallway.
"In here." Trevor answered. There was the sound of footsteps getting closer then I heard the visitor stop just behind Trevor. Trevor never let go of me and I didn't move.
"Hey there beautiful. It's nearly over." The visitor said. I moved my head a little so that I could see over Trevor's shoulder. I opened my eyes sightly and saw who it was. It was Daniel. I smiled the tiniest bit then realised that he could only see my eyes. Then I remembered what he said. After the beautiful part. Nearly over. Nearly over? What's nearly over?
"Nearly over?" I whispered nervously. My head dropped back on to Trevor's shoulder as I realised what was nearly over. The pain was nearly over. Meaning there was more to come. "No." I whispered and tighten my grip around Trevor and closed my eyes. But before my eyes closed I saw Trevor look at Daniel. I'm sure the look on Trevor's face showed how much he didn't appreciate him saying that. But the look only lasted a few seconds because just before my eyes shut completely Trevor looked back at me. Trevor kissed my forehead. I felt the pain start to come back again. I moved my right hand from around Trevor and extended it even further out to Daniel who grabbed it. Why did I do that? The pain didn't come through my skull, well it did but instead of the top of my head it came through my mouth. Through my teeth. I tried pulling my right hand back but it didn't come back so easily. Daniel moved closer to me and Trevor and let go of my hand. I moved my left hand so it joined my right at my mouth. It muffled the scream a bit but not much. Daniel placed a hand on my back and rubbed as I leaned into Trevor's shoulder. My hand started to dampen. I moved it back from my mouth to look at it. I screamed more. It was blood. My mouth was bleeding. I turned away from them because, of all things, I started to choke on the blood. I spat it out onto the floor and it covered the white tiles, turning them red. I'm gonna have to clean that up later, I thought. I'm choking on blood and I'm complaining about cleaning it up, typical. Daniel kept rubbing my back while Trevor held my hair back. What the bloody hell was going on? What was happening to me? And how come Trevor and Daniel knew so much about this? I couldn't scream unless I wanted to choke on my own blood. It stopped-the blood and the pain all of a sudden. Then the pain came back. I threw my head back and screamed this time as the pain came, literally, through my teeth. When it finally stopped and I bought my head back down I touched my mouth with one hand. What? My other hand moved up and touched my mouth as well.
"No. No no no no no!" I whispered. "How can this be?" I continued. I had two pointy teeth. Like vampire type pointy teeth. My face twisted suddenly. It didn't hurt, at least. My hands tentatively touched my face. But it wasn't my face. I blinked as I realised that if I'd ever touched the face of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer vampire it'd feel like this. Sonny loved that series and had showed me a couple of episodes from season two one time I was over her house. I liked them. But, now? Not so much. The vampire teeth changed and I physically felt the change as I was touching them when it happened. The impossible dawned on me. No, that can't be possible, I thought. The impossible being that I was two different types of vampire. I felt my face for conformation and it was true. My face had changed from the Buffy vampire to smooth skin except around my eyes. Around my eyes it felt like the veins in my face had risen a bit. This is impossible. This cannot be real. It can't be. But I bet if I looked in the mirror the bumps around my eyes would be veins and they would be blue. I was sure. Just like the vampires out of the Vampire Diaries. Another series Sonny watches. Man, I better not let her show me any more episodes of anything she watches. I raised my hand back up to my face. The teeth where still there. Maybe it's just like being a werewolf; when you calm down and relax you change back to human. Daniel stopped rubbing my back and Trevor let go of my hair as I straighten back up. I breathed in and out heavily to calm down. I felt my pointy teeth slide back into my normal teeth.
"You ok?" Trevor asked me as he put his arm around me. Daniel had moved to sit with me on my left. He patted my knee a couple of times. I was in shock. I couldn't believe this was real. He just asked me if I was ok. How could I be ok? I grew vampire teeth and that wasn't even the worst part. I grew two sets of pointy teeth and they weren't even the same kind of teeth! They were different. But I nodded.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I said but didn't look at them; I was looking at my clasped hands in my lap. A hand appeared from my left side, Daniel's hand. He grabbed my chin and moved my head until I was looking him in the eyes. I adverted my eyes. He didn't like that too much.
"Look at me." Daniel said harshly and tried to make my eyes meet his by turning my head. Trevor used his vampire speed reflexes to grab Daniel's hand and he squeezed. They both stared at each other as if they were having a conversation like me and Todd can do when we're wolves. My chin started to hurt but I'm sure Daniel's hand was hurting more from Trevor's grip. But Daniel didn't show any sign of hurt in his body language or on his face. All of a sudden Trevor ripped Daniel's hand off my chin but my face followed for a second as Daniel didn't want to give up his grip. Daniel growled at him and in return Trevor showed his teeth. I was focused on their hands and working up the courage to say something to them when I looked over their hands for a second and realised what I'd forgotten about.
"Todd." I said.

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