Chapter 3

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Chapter 3-
I heard something like a gush of wind from behind me and I felt this cold chill that came with the wind. But none of my windows were open. How strange. I turned back to my bed but nothing was there. But something was off. I could feel it. I couldn't put my finger on it but... There! On my pillow! There was a letter on my pillow. How long had that been there? All night? Did Todd put it there just before when he came in? No. No, he didn't. I thought of all the things that happened in the books that I'd read or the T.V shows I'd seen. I remembered when Angel out of Buffy the Vampire Slayer left notes at Buffy's and her friend's houses when he turned into Angelus. But I only thought about Angel to hide the panic I felt because it hadn't been there before. I had the stupid feeling to look in my closet and under my bed just in case something was in there. I walked to my bed casually on the outside, but shaking inside. Just in case something or someone was in my closet. My heart thumped painfully inside my chest as I picked up the letter. I ripped open the envelope. Normally I loved getting letters because I hardly get any. Ever. But this time, all of a sudden, I didn't like opening letters. I pulled out the piece of paper inside. As soon as I unfolded the paper I dropped the letter on to my bed and clasped both hands over my mouth to muffle a scream. The letter wasn't a letter, it was a drawing. Of me. Sleeping. Seven words were at the bottom of the page-'You are so beautiful when you sleep'. This wasn't Todd. This was not him. My heart thumped even more painfully inside my chest. I don't know how, he must have super hearing, but Todd burst into my room three seconds later.
"What? What is it?" he asked as he ran over to me. I barely managed to lower my hands.
"The drawing. Did you do it? Please say you did it. Please." I asked even though I knew he hadn't. He picked up the drawing and his eyes went wide.
"I'm sorry but no. No, I didn't do this. But I promise you we'll find who did. I promise." he said as he hugged me. We were both shaking, but not crying though. It was more shock then us being scared. Somehow I ended up in my bed, under the covers nice and warm. I rolled over and my hand touched something that felt like paper. Oh God please don't be what I think it is, I thought. I opened my eyes and wished that I didn't. Another envelope. I opened it with trembling fingers. I wished I hadn't. It was a picture of Todd and there were nine words this time. Words I didn't like. At all. The message this time was 'He's not good enough to be your brother'. I jumped out of bed and nearly ran into my door as I flat out ran to his room. I threw open my door and it hit the wall with a loud bang. I screamed his name all the way to the other end of the hall, where his room was. I banged my fists against his door, still screaming his name. His door flew open and he was standing there, blurry eyed, in his long red PJ pants and an old brown T-shirt. His hair was sticking up all over the place. His hair doesn't get like that in a few minutes. He looked like he'd been asleep for a while. Then that got me thinking. How long had I been asleep? I didn't think it was that long. Was it still Saturday? What time is it?
"What? What do you want? Do you know what time it is?" he asked angrily.
"Uh, no actually I don't know." I said honestly. That surprised him. It took him a moment to realise that I was crying. His face soften and turned hard as he realised it could only be another letter.
"What did the letter say this time? What did this creep draw of you this time? I promise we'll find him and when we do... " he whispered into my ear when we hugged. He didn't finish his sentence but I knew what he was going to say. He was gonna beat the crap out of him. Well good, I thought. This creep chose to do this when my sixteenth birthday is only two weeks away. He better watch out. He just threated Todd. Like he wasn't going to kill him enough for doing this to me, but now he had to do Todd as well and when Todd felt threatened things got bad. This person better have health insurance because he's going to need it when Todd's finished with him. How do I tell him?
"It's not me I'm worried about this time." I whispered back. He looked confused so I continued, "It's you. It's a picture of you." The colour drained from his face in seconds and his eyes widen. I didn't like seeing him this way.
"What?" he said, sounding a little scared. I ran back to my room and grabbed the awful drawing. I showed Todd the drawing and his face got paler, it was horrible. He looked sick, like someone had punched him in the stomach and he was crying. Tears run out of his eyes and down his face. Not many just enough to leave a light track. He wiped them away with the back of his hand. He probably thought I thought it was weak to be crying. That's what his football coach said to him and his team at school. He said that crying is showing weakness. Which is stupid and I tell him all the time. I open my mouth to say so but he just shook his head because he knew what I was going to say. I shut my mouth. I had stopped crying and so had he. I can't remember the last time Todd had cried or been scared but it showed all over his face. He was never scared, he would always say. He always said it was because of his body and how he always worked out. He blamed it on his abs and his muscles. I always told him that was the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I wonder what was going through his head. We stared at each other for a few minutes then my vision went hazy then everything went dark.

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