Chapter 13 Continued Part 9

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Wednesday 5 August, 2015

What would happen if I stood on my tippy toes and touched his lips with mine? I so wanted to kiss him. It only took twenty seconds of courage. Just do it! What are you waiting for? He leaned back just as I was about to stand up on my tippy toes. I was so close. I'd missed my chance.
"And that room there is the media room." He said and pointed to the first door on the right. That was all the doors, in this hallway anyway.
"You have a media room?"
"How big is it?" I asked. I loved media rooms. Sonny had one at her house in the second living room. If you wanted to watch something, you'd just turn on the projector and hit paly. You could watch DVDs or you could watch movies on a USB, all you had to do was put it into the DVD player which was on a little table at the front. It was like being at the movies but cheaper and you had a lot more room. She had a blue coloured couch that was at the back of the room which you'd sit on. It was so much fun when I went over and we watched movies until really late. That hadn't happened in a while. Oh, but tomorrow we can do it again.
"Pretty big I guess. Do you want to watch a movie after dinner then?" he asked.
"Alright then."
"What have you got planned for dinner?" I asked, curious. It was killing me not knowing. I hope it wasn't too special because I had no clothes that went with 'nice dinner'. He smiled at me.
"That's for me to know and you to find out." He said. I looked at him suspiciously. He looked out of the corner of his eye at me then looked away. He knew it was killing me.
"Give me a hint?"
"Now where's the fun in that?" he said. I shrugged.
"So, what are we going to do until dinner then?"
"I could think of a few things." He said and raised his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.
"What are we going to do?" I asked. He thought for a second.
"Wanna go for a run?"
"A what?"
"A run?"
"Yeah that's what I thought you said."
"Why not? I could show you a few things."
"Wait. What do you mean by running?"
"Running. You know, one foot in front of the other when moving fast?"
"Nah. I knew what running was but I was asking about if you meant human or wolf?"
"Oh. I meant wolf."
"Ok. Why not right?"
"Why not. Come on. Let's go." He said and grabbed my hand. He led me down the three steps and through the kitchen to the glass sliding door. He opened it and dragged me through. He dropped my hand and changed. His wolf was a dark brown colour. For some reason I didn't think he'd be anything else. It suited him not because he was bad but because it reflected him. He was sweet and nice and good with a hint of naughtiness to him which you dismissed, like chocolate. I just compared him to chocolate, I thought. Oh Willow. Where were his clothes? How could he do that like that? He looked at me with his big black eyes. He didn't understand why I wasn't changing as well. I could see him changing back to human form. I turned away from him. He spun me around. "What's wrong?" he asked. What's wrong? Was he serious? Wait. What if Todd got it wrong? What if you could change back into human form with your clothes on? What if you just thought them when you were changing back? I opened my eyes to see his concerned face. He had the shirt he was just wearing still on.
"Nothing. It was just. How do you do it?"
"Do what?" he asked. I lowered my eyes to the ground.
"Change back with your clothes on? I was made to believe you didn't." I said embarrassed.
"You just think them when you're changing back. Come on." He said smiling.
"Ok. I love your colour." I said. He smiled.
"Don't I know it." He said and winked. He just referred to the other me. It hurt. He changed into his wolf self. I relaxed and thought about becoming my wolf self. I felt myself drop onto the ground. It felt weird to be seeing everything from this height. I remembered we can talk through our mind.
"What did you want to show me?" I thought.
"Follow me and you'll find out."
"Are you sure we'll have enough time to go and make it back for our nice dinner?"
"What if we are heading to it right now?" he thought. I looked up at the sky. I hadn't even realised that it had started to go dark. That got me excited.
"Okay then, Daniel. Let's go." I thought. He turned around and started running toward the forest. He disappeared within the trees. I followed him. It felt weird running like this. I'd never actually run when I was a wolf before. I was a fast learner though. I could see him up ahead leaping over things and weaving in and out of trees. If he moved I moved. We hadn't been running for very long when he stopped. I came up beside him. We had stopped in a clearing near the edge a cliff. I hadn't even realised there was a cliff! How had I not known that? Well I'd never been out in the forest let only this far. Was this on his property? He changed back into his human self. This time he was wearing a different pair of blue jeans and a white button down shirt instead of what he was wearing at school. If you think of nice clothes does that mean you wear them when you changed back? I tried it. I thought of wearing my black skinny jeans, my light blue button down shirt and my black flats. As I was changing back I thought of having my hair up in a plat. I opened my eyes. I was looking at my normal height. I looked down. Fingers, shoes and clothes, thank goodness. That would've been embarrassing. He smiled. I walked over to him.
"Close your eyes." He whispered in my ear.
"Ok." I said. "But if you run off and leave me here, I swear-" I continued but was cut off by his laughter.
"How could I ever leave you?" he said. I shrugged. "Stay right there." He continued.
"Ok." I said.

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