Chapter 2- The Explanation?

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"I reckon I owe you guys an explanation" She said sitting on the floor.
"Oh really" Rohit mocked sitting beside her on the floor
"When I ran- when I took a holiday, I went to London" Kiara said switching her words once she saw the angry faces of her so called brothers
"That means the tour when we were England, you were there" Jinx said connecting the dots
"That's when the little guy was born" She smiled
"Okay he is two years old, it will be easier getting him gifts now" Yuzi said calculating the age.
"No please he has a lot of gifts, the England team doesn't stops buying him gifts" She said
"And how the fuck are they involved in this?" Bumrah asked angrily
"See even Jassi is angry" Bhuvi commented
"Right so back to my story, a week later I met Jonny in a park and we bonded instantly. Few days later when I was with Jonny I found out about Kian" She smiled remembering Jonny being more excited for her kid than her. Jonny couldn't stop smiling once he realised he was going to be an uncle, he almost ordered a stroller the same day.

"He knew who you were?" Bhuvi asked
"No actually he found out that because of a call made by Yuzi, it was when Cheeks was having his episode when he was with you guys. He then saw my phone screen which had our pic on it and put all the pieces together" She explained

"Yeah but why does he calls him mamu?" Yuzi asked
"Because Jonny hasn't left me alone ever since, he took care of me and treated me like his sister, his family treats me like I'm one of their own. Two weeks after finding about Kian, Jonny convinced me to move in with him, he went to all the appointments with me without fail" She answered

"I remember him punching the shit out of Virat bhai when we were in the hospital" Rahul snorted laughing
"You knew about the baby?" Bhuvi asked
"I was there when he was born, don't look at me like that we are bestfriends" Rahul said
"Why did he punched Cheeku?" Jinx asked
" "Because of all the trouble my sister went through because of him" His words" Kiara mimicked Jonny
"I swear he'll do it again if he gets the chance to" Rahul laughed along with the others.

Rohit immediately hugged Kiara.
"Rohi bhai" She said shocked but hugging him back.
"You went all through this, bahar kisi ko jaanti bhi nahi thi, hum bhi nahi the, my little sister is so strong. I am so sorry I shouted at you" He said tearing up a little
"Thank you Rohi bhai" She smiled.
"Why didn't you called us?" Jinx hit her lightly
"Sorry Ajju" She said holding her ears.

"He didn't sleep on the flight?" Virat asked holding a sleepy Kian in his arms.
"With his uncles and precious mamu on the flight with him, not a chance" Kiara answered
"Precious mamu" Bunrah said bursting a balloon near him.
"You know what bhai is going to sleep too, Kian can sleep in his room" Kiara said but Virat was reluctant to let go of his child after finally reuniting with him.

"He is going to sleep for atleast two hours Cheeks, you won't get to have fun with him anyways" Kiara explained
"No" Virat said hugging Kian who could fell asleep any moment.
"It's okay, he is going to be here with you" She assured him getting a hold of Kian.
"Rahul call bhai in, I know he is roaming outside" Kiara said
"Why do you call him bhai so much?" Rohit asked irritated
"He can't be roaming outside, never mind he is, Jonny, Kiara is calling you" Rahul said opening the door.

"What were you doing in the corridor man?" Bhuvi asked
"Nothing much" Jonny answered
"You have to start letting go a little bit" Kiara said
"I do, I do let go of you guys when I'm on tours" Jonny defended himself
"Thank you for taking care of my sister" Rohit said hugging Jonny
"Our" Bumrah coughed
"She is my sister too, no need to thank me" Jonny smiled 

"Mumma" Kian whined
"Little guy is sleepy?" Jonny asked holding Kian in his arms, who nodded his head sleepily
"No tv, you both go to sleep" Kiara warned them
"Yes ma'am" Jonny and Kian answered before Jonny winked at Kian who started laughing.
"I'll be there in 15 minutes and I better not find Stokesy and Jos in your room" Kiara shouted after them.

"You hangout with them way too much" Rahul commented
"Ohh right maybe I live with one of the team member in England" Kiara mocked
"Have you thought of going home?" Ajju asked and soon the happy atmosphere of the room turned gloom
"Yeah Kian needs to meet his grandparents" Kiara said clearing her throat. 
"You think about that after two years?" Rohit asked 
"Ohh haven't I told you guys the reason I ran- I went on a vacation?" She asked switching her words again

"Story time" Yuzi tried to lighten up the mood
"Where are the youngsters by the way? I didn't met them, I need to see Rishab" Kiara asked trying to avoid the topic
"Topic mat ghuma point pe aa" Bhuvi said

"Bhaisab cold coffee milegi?" Kiara asked Bumrah
"Yaar mai incharge kaise banta hu har baar" Bumrah whined
"Tum la rahe ho ya Tom Curran ko bolu?" She asked
"No more English players, mai la raha hu coffee" Bumrah replied annoyed with the blackmail.

After Bumrah arranged coffee and snacks, the team decided to sit in Kiara's room.

"So?" Bhuvi asked
"I had this huge fight with my dad and things started escalating, it started with my social media position in ICT, then my involvement with you guys and reached to a point where Virat was dragged in it" She explained
"He doesn't likes us? Virat toh chutiya hai hi" Rohit commented
"Not funny" Virat said
"He thinks I was way too involved with you guys and didn't thought about my life" She answered
"You were though" Jinx said
"Jinx it's his expectations against what I wanted, it's always what's he thinks is right, I mean why doesn't he listens to what I say? What about what I wanted?" She said frustrated

"It's not like you stayed with us" Bumrah said remembering the days of pure panic when Kiara decided to not contact anyone on the team.
"I didn't intend to leave you guys, not without saying goodbye. I just wanted to get away for a few days" She tried to explain her decision
"Heck I even fought with the love of my life and decided not to tell him about my decision, throwing my phone away for two days" She continued
"One of the worst decision of your life" Yuzi said remembering the day when the event took place and Virat tore apart three punching bags and many hotel cushions
"Yeah I know" She answered embarrassed

"Iru do whatever you want, I have no issues till you are not getting hurt" Rohit said and Kiara remembered why she had the most precious bond with Rohit.
"Actually I'll be staying with them for a few days" She said hastily
"No" Virat blurted scared that he will lose her for good this time.
"Cheeks I'll FaceTime you daily" She tried to assure him
"Take Kian to meet them but please don't stay there, you told me my baby is going to be with me for the whole tour" Virat said holding her hands
"Just a few days honey, I am joining BCCI so I have to be here with you guys throughout the tour" She kept a hand on his face
"Promise me you will call even you have the smallest argument" Virat said
"Promise" She smiled kissing the back of his hand

"Oh my god turu lob" Rahul said making everyone laugh.
"Don't act so innocent guys, I know you will be dropping by at every chance you get" Kiara laughed
"You bet we will" Jinx said
"Make sure to bring Jonny with you otherwise him and Kian both will eat my head" She added
"Mai toh nahi launga usko aur inme se bhi koyi nahi laane ka" Rohit spoke irritated
"Not even for Kian?" She asked smirking
"Abhi voh mereko bolega toh Jonny kya uski puri team ko uthake aur car mai pack karke le aaunga" Rohit said
"Kian is a cute name though" Bhuvi added
"You gave him a middle name too?" Yuzi asked
"You guys won't like it" She said
"Tell us na" Yuzi requested

Author's note

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