Chapter 12- Jersey for a kid

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Jonny couldn't leave Kiara alone, well not after the melt down and the guts she had to put everything aside to focus on him and his problems. According to her, his problems were more important at the moment and needed urgent attention.

"You are coming home, mum and Rebecca wants to meet you" Jonny said on the call
"Bear I cannot come there" Kiara replied weakly 
"Are you coming here or should I come there to get you?" He asked
"I am on my way to the station right now" She said standing up knowing Jonny won't give up.
"That's more like it" He smiled

"Little angel" Janet hugged her
"Thank you so much for convincing Jonny to return home we were so worried" Rebecca hugged her
"It's really nothing" Kiara blushed
"It is because I know my son is an idiot" Janet hit Jonny on the head
"Mum" Jonny gasped rubbing the back of his head.
"She saved you from making a controversy too Jonny" Rebecca hit him
"Reb behave yourself I am your elder brother" Jonny said

"You look so weak child, have you been eating properly?" Janet asked and Kiara managed to nod her head.
"Never mind I'll get you kids some food" Janet said walking towards the kitchen and Rebecca followed her.

Kiara read the message on her phone, the phone slipped from hands sending her into a little shock.

"Kiara what happened?" Jonny asked
"Virat got injured" She managed to say before blacking out
"KIARA" Jonny screamed catching her before she could fall.

"REBECCA, MUM GET THE CAR" Jonny screamed picking her up.

**At the hospital**

"Ch-Cheeku" Kiara mumbled waking up
"Kiara ohh thank god" Jonny said sitting beside her and holding her hand
"How is Cheeku?" Kiara asked sitting up
"Kiara slowly, you just fainted" Jonny said keeping a hand on her shoulder
"Where is my phone? I need to talk to him" She started to panic

"Good you are awake" The doctor said entering the room
"I need my phone" She said and the doctor looked at her like she was crazy.
"She is very tensed right now, I am sorry" Jonny added
"Well she needs to do less of that from now on" The doctor replied
"Is there something we need to worry about?" Jonny asked
"Quite the opposite, Congratulations Miss.Sharma you are going to have a child" The doctor announced
"I AM GOING TO BE AN UNCLE" Jonny screamed excitedly throwing punches in the air.
"WHAT?" Kiara screamed
"I will be back with your other reports and then you can ask me questions" The doctor left the room

"Uhh you alright?" Jonny asked
"Can you give me my phone?" She asked
"Here I dialled his number" Jonny smiled handing her the phone.

"Hello Kiara, I miss you so much" Rahul answered Virat's phone
"Hand him the phone" Kiara said still processing the information
"He is getting examined by the doctors but no need to worry they are saying-" Rahul tried to explain
"Now" Kira interrupted him
"No no don't get stressed I am trying to get in" Rahul said trying to ask the doctors to leave for five minutes.

"What did you do?" Kiara asked switching to FaceTime
"Saved a boundary" Virat replied not looking towards the phone
"Honey can you please look at me?" She asked politely
"Can you come back?" He replied shrugging

"ARE YOU IN THE HOSPITAL?" He shrieked looking towards the phone
"Yes" She answered calmly
"Sit your ass back down you are injured" She scolded and he sat on the nearby chair.
"Will you please-" Virat tried to say

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