Chapter 13- You told them right?

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"What's happening here?" Jos asked joining the lads 
"Well we sent the Curran boys on a suicide mission" Mark laughed
"Not our fault, they won't believe us that MS can get angry" Eion argued
"So we told them to go flirt with Kia infront of MS" Mark continued
"You told them MS is her brother?" Jos asked concerned
"You told them right?" Jos asked again seeing Eion and Mark's amused faces.
"That's the fun part, we didn't" Mark laughed
"Come on Jos, watch your idol getting angry, it can be fun sometimes" Eion commented
"Oh boy" Jos said

"Tommy" She smiled reaching the lobby
"Hello beautiful, you want coffee, don't you?" Tom asked seeing his friend
"Yeah I do and haven't I told you to not use adoring terms around my team, if you like to live" She reminded
"And suddenly my team isn't yours anymore" Tom said keeping his hand on his heart
"I do understand why Virat always acts the way he does when he is with you" Mahi mumbled
"No, no, Mahi bhai he is messing around. Actually when Cheeks got selected for Surrey I got aquatinted with few members and he is one of them" She explained hitting Tom lightly who just chuckled in response.

"Ohh hello Mah- MS, Sam has told me a lot about you" Tom said grinning like fanboy
"You are a good bowler Curran" Mahi remarked
"He is my coffee supply whenever I can't sleep" She admitted 
"That's it?" Tom asked
"Fine, he also listens to me" She shrugged
"Aww I love you too" Tom teased
"But I don't" She replied 
"I like Sam more" Mahi mumbled
"Please he is even a bigger flirt" Tom scoffed 

"Gorgeous" Sam called out jointing the group
"MS" Sam acknowledged
"Did you just addressed my sister as gorgeous?" Mahi asked
"She is- you are? Why am I surprised?" Sam said trying to process the information 
"Yes he is just like Rohi bhai" Kiara answered

"Well what else do you call a gorgeous woman?" Sam asked 
"Beautiful?" Tom asked looking towards Sam
"Yeah that too" Sam shrugged
"Mahi bhai no" Kiara exclaimed holding Mahi's arm
"Jesus" The Curran boys laughed backing away just in case Mahi changes his mind.
"What are you guys calling her?" Stokes asked holding the boys by their ears

"I see you forgot about Stokes who can get as angry as MS when someone tries to flirt with her" Jos laughed
"Thank god Jonny is not here" Mark commented
"Sharma too" Eion added scared to even think about what could go wrong.

"It's just a prank Stokes, we don't mean it" Sam said immediately
"Talk about yourself" Tom scoffed 
"Can you repeat that boy?" Stokes asked pulling Tom's ear tightly
"Alright we are sorry" Tom apologised
"Now, what do you call her lads?" Stokes asked still pulling their ears.
"Kia di, Kia di" Sam answered trying to escape from Stokes's hold
"No way in hell I'm calling her that" Tom added
"Tom Curran, choose your next words very carefully" Stokes warned twisting his ear.
"Kia help" Tom cried
"Stokesy leave them" Kiara said not being able to see their condition
"Don't listen to her, she can never see juniors getting their share of punishment" Mahi commented 
"But Kia" Stokes tried to say 
"It's all fun and games Stokesy, leave them please" She requested
"Fine" Stokes sighed leaving them

"Okay now I don't mind hurt locker being in the story too" Mahi shrugged
"Why thank you" Stokes replied
"I've been meaning to ask this, what sort of nickname is Kia?" Mahi asked
"Ask Tom, he kept it" Stokes replied
"It's after the Oval" Sam answered
"The stadium in London?" Mahi asked
"Kia Oval, Kiara, Kia, it suits her perfectly" Tom explained

"Maine kaha tha na dono saath mai hai" Rohit commented seeing Mahi and Kiara in the lobby
"Let's go, everyone is searching for you guys" Virat said pulling them away to the other room.

All the players turned the team bonding session into a party while their hosts were missing and started blasting songs.

"Cheekuu I missed you" Kiara exclaimed hugging her fiancé
"Is she drunk?" Rohit asked
"Kiara look at me" Virat said trying to get a hold of her 
"You love me?" She asked slurring her words a bit
"Did you have a drink?" Virat asked
"Nooo" She answered 
"You don't love me" She sighed
"Ofcourse I love you, I love you so much" Virat replied
"But I love someone else" She said
"W-who?" Virat hesitated
"Kian, I lovee him moree" She slurred
"Oh god" Rahul laughed
"The look on his face" Rohit said trying to control his laughter
"You scared me" Virat sighed hugging her

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