Chapter 29- Home

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"This is a nice place you got Iru, it makes your going away a whole lot better" Rohit said after touring the entire house
"Yes it's the prettiest place in all of UK" She replied
"These gloves aren't Virat bhai's" Rishab commented picking up the wicket keeping gloves kept in the hall
"Because those are bhai's" Kiara replied taking the gloves and walking away.
"You had to bring up the gloves" Virat sighed going behind her

"How the fuck he hasn't talked to her yet?" Rohit asked angrily
"Give him time Rohit, all he knows is Kiara isn't talking to Mark and Jos" Ritika replied 
"Because she thinks that idiot doesn't wants to talk to her. Only if he would drop a text to her, I won't see her getting sad" Rohit said
"Keep yourself in Jonny's shoes, he is scared. You know how protective she is towards the juniors" Ritika asked
"That is why I called Stokes, to talk some sense into him" Rohit replied
"Have some patience Roh, I am sure Jonny will be here" Ritika said leaving with the other wives towards the garden.
"Rahul call Stokes and remind him what is going to happen next week" Rohit instructed Rahul, who nodded and went away.

"You are the host today, so stay with them" Virat said bringing Kiara back to the living room
"Iru, finally we are together at rakhi" Rohit smiled trying to cheer his sister
"Yes Rohi bhai" Kiara smiled sadly
"What is wrong?" Rohit asked pretending to be unaware about the situation.
"Bear hasn't been- It's- its nothing you should worry about, we are finally together at rakhi" Kiara said not wanting for Rohit to also get mad or upset at her.


"Jonny just talk to her" Stokes said
"How can I Ben? She has never stopped talking to Woody, not even when she was angry at him" Jonny said
"I haven't stopped talking to her" Stokes said
"I was part of the squad which went after her team. You weren't" Jonny replied frustrated
"Look Jonny, as much as I hate to admit it, Kiara and your relationship is beyond that, it's beyond us and you are the only one that matters to her" Stokes explained
"Would you risk reaching out Stokesy, when you know there is a chance she won't reply back?" Jonny asked
"I would Jonny, I would reach out to her a million times before punishing myself for the mistakes I didn't even made" Stokes answered
"Easier said than done" Jonny scoffed 
"You know what's easy Jonny? Pretending that the situation is beyond your control. You are not punishing yourself, you are punishing her. Do whatever you want but it's rakhi next week, so you better show up, no one is ruining that day for her and- and Rahul is calling me, this man never lets me be her bestfriend" Stokes sighed

"Hello KL" Stokes answered merging the calls
"Did you talked to Jonny?" Rahul asked
"I was, I was just talking to him" Stokes replied not mentioning that Jonny was listening to the conversation
"Iru has been excited for this day from the past few months. She is finally back with us and we want this day- this week to be perfect for her, she wants both of her brothers there, she will get her brothers there. Get Jonny here or don't bother showing up yourself" Rahul threatened
"Rahul how am I involved in this situation?" Stokes asked
"You like to call yourself her bestfriend na? Then do it, because we both know, I will certainly drag Jonny out of his hotel if he doesn't shows up by 11 am" Rahul said
"Calm down tiger, I will get him there" Stokes replied
"Ohh and Jonny might have forgotten this, she never eats food before she has tied rakhi to her brother, so he better not be late" Rahul said ending the call

"Hope you heard that" Stokes said
"I did" Jonny answered feeling guilty for his actions.
"How come she never eats food? Cause the first time she tied you rakhi, she was pregnant" Stokes tried to remember
"And Woody scolded her for ten minutes straight for staying hungry" Jonny said
"We were playing against NZ and she got to meet us at noon" Stokes said
"Hence the scolding Stokesy" Jonny sighed


"What are you looking at?" Rohit asked sitting beside Kiara in the garden
"That home next door, it's bhai's and there might be a chance he is there" Kiara replied
"How come you decided to stay in Yorkshire?" Rohit asked handing her the coffee mug
"It was mutually decided by the lads that I cannot take care of myself so I had to live near one of them and this home "happened" to be for sale when we were house hunting" Kiara explained
"It's true, you cannot take care of yourself, that's why we are so protective of you" Rohit laughed keeping a hand on her shoulder
"You guys are overprotective, obviously my doctor and everything I needed was here, so I decided to stay" Kiara completed

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