Chapter 25- Change of plans

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"I don't want you to go away" Virat said making a puppy face
"First you suggested I should leave with Kian because of the cases and now you are making a puppy face" Kiara sighed sitting down on the bed
"You should but it's hard to let you go... well I'm not letting you go, you are not getting rid of me, I mean that in a good way but you know what I mean" Virat babbled holding Kiara close to him
"You cutie" Kiara smiled pulling his cheeks
"Whatever you want me to be" Virat said
"Now leave me, Kian is running around the room" Kiara said trying to get away from his grip
"I can't even hug you in-front of our kid now?" Virat asked raising his eyebrow
"Mr.Kohli I know what you want and Kian cannot see us kissing" Kiara said
"Future Mrs.Kohli, I think our son has seen us kissing before" Virat replied 
"On accident and don't you dare kiss me in-front of him" Kiara remarked

"Eyes close" Kian called out standing behind Kiara.
"Good boy" Virat smiled
"WHAT ARE YOU TEACHING HIM?" Kiara gasped hitting Virat slightly
"Good things, he knows to close his eyes and now I can kiss you" Virat shrugged
"My eyes are closed too" Siraj teased entering the room
"Mine too, make it quick skipper" Devdutt added
"Cheeks what the hell?" Kiara asked turning red

"Uhh... you should not kiss when kids are there, especially when your grown up kids are there" AB said pointing to Siraj and Devdutt
"You think I haven't said that" Kiara replied
"No, I thought you must be busy calling him cute names" AB mocked
"Cheeku can you leave me for a second" Kiara said trying to catch AB.
"Please don't kill my bestfriend" Virat said
"He is not your bestfriend" Siraj and Devdutt said together
"Who paid you this time?" Virat asked
"Rohit bhaiya" Siraj shrugged
"And he didn't paid us, he asked us very politely, the last time he was here" Devdutt answered
"Yeah right. Rohit asked politely" Virat scoffed

"Mumma, I want sister" Kian said tugging at Kiara's T-shirt
"Yes, you have Sammy and Akhira, Aadhya, Arya, and Aditi, you haven't even met Ziva and Gracia yet" Kiara replied
"I want sister" Kian repeated
"I think he is asking for his own little sister, like AB Jr and John have one" Devdutt said
"Yes" Kian nodded in agreement
"Kiara let's give him a sister" Virat smirked
"SHUT UP VIRAT" Kiara said throwing a cushion on his face.

"This is how you are going to ask her for another child?" AB asked
"I was just teasing her" Virat laughed 
"Mumma pwease" Kian requested
"Kian I can't just get you a sister" Kiara replied
"Why?" Kian asked
"Be-because I can't, this isn't something you can demand" Kiara said trying to find an answer herself
"I WANT" Kian whined
"Why don't you ask Jonny to get you one?" Kiara scoffed
"What?" Kian asked
"Yes yes, ask your Jonny mamu to get you a sister" Kiara smiled wickedly calling Jonny and handing Kian the phone.

"Hello Kian, how are you?" Jonny answered the video call
"Mamu, I want sister" Kian said
"Excuse me?" Jonny asked
"John has, I want" Kian said
"Ask your mother then" Jonny said
"No, aap do" Kian requested and Jonny just spat out water in shock while everyone else in the room was just laughing.
"Kian give the phone to your mum" Jonny said recognising the laughter

"Iru what in the world are you asking him to do?" Jonny asked
"Come on bhai, give him a sister. He really wants one" Kiara laughed
"Mamu pwease" Kian requested
"Kian I can't- KIARA I SWEAR I WONT LEAVE YOU FOR THIS" Jonny shrieked
"Lower your voice JB" Mark said joining the call
"Woody, she is telling Kian to ask me for a sister" Jonny explained
"Then get Kian a sister, I think it's time you had kids Jonny" Stokes teased  joining in
"Mamu, sister" Kian requested
"Kian I-" Jonny tried to say while the others on call cried due to laughing so much.

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