Chapter 36- Unknown feelings

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Author's note

Thank you so much for the 10K guys, I never thought I would reach this far but you defy expectations each and every day right❤️

"So you are are telling me, Mr.Hotshot never got jealous before you were in a relationship?" Stokes asked
"Ofcourse he did but back then it was an unknown feeling" Kiara replied sitting on the bed
"I was never jealous of anyone before we got into a relationship" Virat scoffed
"And what about the time when you didn't know about Bhai" Kiara argued adding Rohit and Mahi on the call

"That was fun, he brought up your bestfriend too" Jonny laughed
"You were listening to the whole conversation?" Virat asked
"Only after the part, Kiara said you guys were on call" Jonny answered
"Zero privacy in both the teams" Virat mumbled plopping down beside Kiara

"That was a fun story" Rohit laughed
"Hey I want to hear the story, of Jonny and of your bestfriend too" Stokes said
"Ohh it's a long one" Kiara laughed narrating the incident


"I miss you Cheeks" Kiara cried through the video call
"I miss you too Iru, I cannot stay apart from you" Virat sighed
"It's tough Cheeks, I am not this strong" She said tears streaming down her eyes
"Because you are the strongest Iru, please come back to us, I will face all the criticism if it means being by your and the baby's side" He said
"I can't let that happen to you, I won't let anyone question this baby. I am not coming back to India until we are married" She sighed rubbing her tummy

"Honey tell me what I can do to make you feel better? I cannot see you like this" He requested
"Can- can you just stay here on call?" She asked still crying
"Ofcourse I can, I'll stay as long as you want to" He smiled through the screen
"It gets so difficult some times, I just want to be near you." She said

"You still love me right?" She asked in a low voice
"What?" He asked in disbelief
"Just answers the question Mr.Kohli, brains don't support pregnancy" She said
"Yes, I still love you Miss.Sharma, I always have and I always will" He chuckled
"It's not funny" She said
"It actually is now" He argued

"And hey where is my I love you too Mr.Kohli?" He asked
"You are not getting one" She replied
"Found a britisher, eh?" He asked
"What if I did?" She tried to tease him
"Well that would be between me and the guy you found, if he stays alive at the end" He mumbled the last part
"What if I did, I will shift to UK Benstokes" He mimicked irritated, while Virat was busy babbling, Kiara played a song instead of responding to him

"Tumhe kaise mai bataun kya mai pa gaya hu jo tum mere saath ho" She sang
"Dedicating a song won't help you" Virat said
"Mujhe duniya mil gayi hai, zindagi badal gayi hai, tum jo mere saath ho" She sang smiling

"Kiara, time for dinner" A male voice called out
"Who is that?" Virat asked instantly
"Rebecca's brother, he offered to make us dinner" She replied quickly
"KIARA" Jonny called out again
"BHAI! CHEEKS IS ON CALL" Kiara replied quickly muting her phone

"Why the hell is he being so friendly?" Virat asked
"Cheeks he treats me like his little sister" Kiara answered
"We'll that's what you said about your bestfriend" Virat argued
"Why would you bringing him up right now?" She asked
"Because the guys aren't what you think they are" Virat said irritated

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