Chapter 39 - Just mine?

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****A day before RCB vs MI****

"Princess" AB Jr screamed running towards Sammy
"Pwince" Sammy smiled
"What the- Stop right there" Ishan said standing infront of Sammy
"Who are you? How dare you call her princess?" Ishan asked AB Jr
"I just want a hug" AB Jr groaned

"Hi pwince" Sammy smiled standing beside Ishan
"This is for you" AB Jr said and placed another flower crown on Sammy's forehead
"PWETTY" Sammy cheered hugging AB Jr.
"I-" Ishan tried to say
"You can't fight a kid" Bumrah stopped him
"WATCH ME FIGHT HIM" Rohit said as Hardik was holding him back.
"It's okay it's okay" Hardik consoled 

"CHACHU" Kian shouted from the distance
"MY FAVOURITE NEHPEW" Hardik cheered in response
"But that does not makes sense, he is the only nephew you have, he is the only boy, except your kid and Zoravar but he is too grown up for this now" Sky argued

"That's why none of the girls get angry with their Hardik Chachu, I'm the best" Hardik smiled
"Best chachu?" Kian asked
"Yes I'm the best chachu, right Kian?" Hardik asked and Kian shaked his head no at the question
"No? Then who is the best chachu?" Hardik asked
"It's me" Sky smirked
"No" Kian answered
"Then who?" Sky asked
"It's me you guys" Ishan said
"No one" Kian replied
"No one?" The three said shocked
"No" Kian agreed

"SI CHACHU, SI CHACHU, SI CHACHU" Kian cheered happily sighting Siraj in the party and running towards him immediately
"K, MERA BACHA" Siraj sighed hugging Kian tightly
"What? What happened?" Virat asked walking towards the group immediately
"Why didn't you told us Kian had a favourite chachu?" Ishan asked
"But he doesn't" Virat answered

Meanwhile Siraj and Kian were busy having the moment of their life, not being with Kian was impossible for Siraj, even if it was for a few weeks and Kian not meeting his Si Chachu seemed intolerable. Siraj was tickling Kian all over while Kian was laughing so hard that his eyes were brimming with tears.

"Thank god Rahul is not here" Virat commented looking at the scene infront of him
"THIS IS NOT FAIR, Sammy" Sky shouted
"Ishi chachu" Sammy called Ishan while playing with AB Jr.
"Coming Sammy" Ishan answered going towards the pair
"Hardik, Agasthya needs you" Natasha called out
"Coming wifey" Hardik answered
"Sammy picks Ishan, Hardik has Agasthya, who do I get to play with?" Sky scoffed going towards a corner
"Aree Sky atleast listen to me" Virat sighed

"Forgot about me Sky?" Kiara asked sitting beside him
"Bhabhi I missed you" Sky replied hugging Kiara immediately
"That is the saddest hello I have ever seen, what happened to my junior?" Kiara asked hugging him back
"I missed you guys" Sky answered
"Kian met Siraj?" Kiara asked laughing slightly
"Kian met Siraj" Sky sighed
"He bites my ears off talking about Siraj" Kiara said
"That is not helping" Sky argued

"Well, I will let you in a secret then, you know the shot you hit going down on one knee" Kiara said
"The AB Devilliers shot?" Sky asked
"For Kian its "Sky chachu" shot" Kiara smiled
"What? How?" Sky asked
"Well he saw you hitting that shot first and he remembered it, so the last time I was seeing AB hit that shot, Kian pointed to the screen and cheered "Sky chachu"" Kiara narrated the incident smiling at the memory
"Does he remembers shots by any other player?" Sky asked
"Only his dad's cover drive" Kiara laughed
"So I'm the first-" Sky tried to ask
"You are the first player whose shot he remembers, JB was quite annoyed at that" Kiara replied

"What do you mean it's Sky's shot?" AB asked overhearing the conversation
"Are you spying on me?" Kiara
"But that's my shot, I mean I hit that first, my own nephew does not knows about it? Where is my biscuit?" AB asked acting heartbroken
"He is not your biscuit, he is my fiancé, AB" Kiara sighed
"But he will remain my biscuit Ki, you see I met him first you see" AB teased her

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