Chapter 35- Stadiums & cute meetups

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"Rahul take a deep breathe, remain calm and think" Rahul said inhaling in and out
"I have a perfectly good idea how to cheer you up but you have to stop crying for that, okay?" Rahul said wiping her tears as soon as an idea crossed his mind
"Okay" Kiara answered
"Boys do you know, who Iru is spending all her time with?" Rahul smirked calling his fellow teammates.

Five minutes later loud noises were heard outside the door.
"Open this damn door" Washington pounded on the door
"Rahul I swear to god if you don't open this door" Ashwin threatened
"BHABHI" Rishab screamed
"Good lord, who all did you called?" Virat asked opening the door
"HATT JAO" The three shouted entering the room and saw Kiara clinging on to Rahul like a little kid

"Acha sila diya tumhne mere pyaar ka" Ashwin sang as soon as he saw the scene
"Bhabhi" Rishab gasped sounding betrayed
"Kiara bhabhi" Washington smiled bending down to Kiara's level
"Yes Washi?" Kiara asked softly
"Saw some posts on Instagram?" Washington asked and Kiara nodded her head
"Why do you worry about them? We are here with you and trust me we are not letting you leave anytime soon, that sounds a bit controlling but I meant it in a good way" Washington babbled politely holding her hand
"Cheeks he got your babbling habit too" Kiara smiled
"I don't babble" Virat and Washington said together

"You guys want to hear how we met?" Rahul asked excitedly
"Ughh we all have cute meeting stories" Rishab groaned
"Not as cute as mine" Rahul smiled
"It's true" Virat agreed
"How do you and bhabhi not have a meet cute?" Washington asked shocked
"Because your bhaiya was a jerk back then" Kiara laughed
"THIS IS WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH" Virat said offended
"Be happy I'm laughing and not calling Rohi bhai for your rude attitude" Kiara scoffed
"I'm sorry, please don't call your brother, he will kill me" Virat apologised immediately raising his arms in surrender


"Years of coming to this stadium and I still get lost" Kiara mumbled to herself walking around the stadium trying to find the team dressing room
"Only if my boyfriend could appear from nowhere like batman" Kiara groaned not being able to spot even the door
"May I help you miss?" A boy in his early twenties asked almost chuckling at the sight of the confused women infront of him
"Can you please point towards the team dressing room" Kiara requested
"Well you are on the other side of the stadium but I was heading there too, you can walk with me" The boy offered
"Oh my god, he doesn't knows me, this is going to be so fun" Kiara whispered to herself

"You said something?" The boy asked
"Nope, lead the way" Kiara giggled
"Alright, how come you are allowed inside the stadium?" The boy asked smiling
"You know it's not good to laugh at other people and I know someone in the team" Kiara answered
"I am not laughing at you" The boy lied
"And you are a bad liar too, just like him" Kiara commented
"Him? You have a boyfriend in the team, who is it?" The boy said connecting the dots
"Why boyfriend? Why not a brother?" Kiara asked
"Because sisters have an annoying habit of bragging about their brothers as soon as they get the chance to and you haven't done that yet" Rahul replied

"It's true she started bragging about the team as much as she got the chance too" Ashwin commented
"Even Virat bhaiya?" Rishab asked
"Surprisingly, she never bragged about Virat" Ashwin answered
"Ofcourse she didn't, now, listen the whole story" Rahul interrupted
"That story is not cute" Ashwin added
"Where is the cute?" Rishab asked
"Can we skip to the good part?" Washington asked
"Wait for it" Virat said

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