Chapter 37- Unknow feelings Pt.2

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Author's note

Thank you so much for the love guys, as I said I lost all my work earlier so I lost the motivation to write. This update is for all the folks who have always loved my book❤️

The next day unexpectedly was a day off for the whole team, sure Kiara scheduled the day hoping to spend some time with her brothers and bestfriend but after yesterday's incident she wasn't entirely sure what was going to happen, so she decided to do what she does best, her work.

"Put this over there" Kiara ordered the decorators around while few members of the team were hanging around in the hall.
"Ki please talk to me" Virat requested trying to gather Kiara's attention
"I'm working, no not there you guys" Kiara exclaimed ignoring him
"What did he do now?" Bhuvi asked
"I don't know he is always doing something to piss her off" Bumrah shrugged continuing his game with Bhuvi
"Hey shut up" Virat remarked

"Ki atleast look at me, you can do it later" Virat said standing infront of her
"Move, this is my workplace" Kiara said annoyed and Virat stepped aside to let her continue.

"Miss.Sharma, there is a flower delivery for you" The delivery guy called out
"Flowers? Did one of you ordered flowers?" Kiara asked looking at the staff who shook their head in denial.
"Ohhh, the staff is requested to leave the room" Kiara ordered thinking it's one of her boys who bought the flowers.

"Okay who got flowers and for whom?" Kiara asked the boys
"Not me" Bhuvi and Bumrah exclaimed
"No ma'am, these are for you, I was instructed to hand over the flowers specifically to you" The delivery guy said taking out a bouquet of sunflowers
"Sunflowers" She squealed happily
"Ohh Iru got flowers from her new boyfriend" Rohit smirked entering the room
"He is not my boyfriend" Kiara rolled her eyes
"What boyfriend?" Bhuvi asked

"They are pretty, aren't they Ki?" Bumrah smirked looking at Virat
"They actually are" She smiled looking at the flowers, a smile similar to what she always gives when Virat gifts her something.
"They are not pretty, Ki I'll buy you better ones" Virat said annoyed by the smile
"But these are from her boyfriend na" Rohit smirked running away
"He is not his boyfriend" Virat said and Kiara's anger had no limit to it, instead of presenting her with the choice, Virat was trying to make her life decisions for her.

"Are you guys even listening to me? Get out of here, do I need to hire someone else?" Kiara screamed as soon as she saw someone entering the room
"Woah sis calm down" Bhuvi remarked continuing with the game
"I swear this is my work- Bhuvneshwar that's not a toy, all of you out" Kiara shrieked snatching away the prop from their hands
"You could have said it more politely, Jas was the one who got me involved" Bhuvi said walking away
"Not cool sis, Bhuvi she didn't mean any of it" Bumrah said following Bhuvi

"You know I can't stand when you are angry at me, I can't function properly. Don't punish me like this, just look at me once and I'll go away" Virat requested
"What else do you want from me?" Kiara snapped finally looking at Virat with tears in her eyes
"I'm sor- I'll go away" Virat left the room immediately scared that he might have pushed away Kiara more than he thought.

"Okay spill" Yuvraj said finally showing himself
"Yuvi bhai there is nothing to talk about" Kiara said almost crying
"I'm not Shaana, you cannot lie to me about Cheeku" Yuvraj scoffed signalling Kiara to sit by the stage
"I don't think Cheeks is just a friend to me but I'm afraid he doesn't feels the same way and I don't want to lose him" Kiara tried to laugh with tears in here eyes.
"Seriously that dumbass?" Yuvraj asked
"I need my friend, stop being my brother right now" Kiara groaned
"But he likes-" Yuvraj tried to say
"Okay you cannot talk to me like that, I am not your employee" Bhuvi burst into the hall
"Seriously right now?" Yuvraj said signalling to an almost crying Kiara

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