Chapter 16- Crazy Journalists

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The break between the series meant a lot of work for the team managers and public relation representatives, so many deadlines to keep up with and so many conferences to cover.

Kiara was working out the content schedule in her diary while walking towards the conference room where Morgan was giving his interview to check on him, that's  when she heard someone scream her name. It all happened so quickly, reporters started crowding her for answers or her picture, the paparazzi's managed to shove her against the wall, one of the cameras hit her on the head. Kiara couldn't contemplate what was happening but majorly she was trying to focus on her breathing so that she doesn't enter a panic attack. All the pushing made her lost her balance and fell on the floor.

"BHAI" Kiara instinctively called out for her brothers hoping they would appear to save her as Rohit and Jonny did each and every time.

"KIARA! MARK HELP HER I CANNOT GET THROUGH" Morgan shouted running outside the conference hall as soon as he heard her scream.
"Jos, KIARA" Mark shouted making her way towards the group of people
"Back off" Jos shouted pushing people off Kiara
"BACK OFF RIGHT NOW" Mark roared pushing the repoters away, making a little protective circle around her.
"NOT A STEP NEAR HER" Jos shouted 

Before they could ask Kiara if she was alright, they saw a very worried Jonny running towards them.

"IRU, what happened? Are you-" Jonny knelt to the ground and took a sharp breathe in when he saw a blue swollen mark on her forehead dripping down a little blood. More importantly for a minute he saw tears in her eyes as she was clutching her favourite diary tightly.

He held her face to examine her wound carefully while the reporters were clicking as many pictures as they could to make this the new headline. It's not every day they get to witness English players being concerned for the Indian Captain's fiancee.
"What? I-" She tried to say but flinched due to the increasing flashlights.
"ENOUGH WITH YOUR BLOODY PICTURES" Mark screamed which made the flashlight stop but they still decided to continue recording

"Bhai is here Iru, no need to worry now. Take a deep breath" Jonny said and she sighed heavily as the assurance decided to wash over her.
"Up you go" Mark said helping her stand
"Ouch ouch, my ankle" She groaned due to the pain shooting up her leg.
"Yup it's swollen, can you walk Kia?" Jos asked looking at the swollen ankle.
"Ohh my specs" She remembered them flying to the other end of the room
"We will find them, Jonny take her to her room" Jos said as the reporters weren't done filming the incident.
"I- Nope- it hurts" She said trying to held back her scream.

"I'll pick you up if it hurts too much" Jonny offered
"No, l don't want these jackasses saying you kidnapped me to win the series because we all know England isn't winning otherwise" She joked to hide she was under a lot of pain.
"She definitely does not have a concussion" Jos smiled 
"Don't cry, don't cry or Cheeks will kill everyone in this hotel" She mumbled to herself trying to walk but miserably falling at it.
"Here love" Stokes said giving her support from the other side.
"Stokesy the Saviour" Kiara tried to smile.

"Not even a single reporter leaves the room" Stokes whispered to Mark who nodded in response. Jonny and Stokes escorted her back to the room while Jos and Morgan shared a knowing looks of distress wondering how they would explain the incident to her team who will return from practice soon enough.

**At the ground**

"Yeah her second pairs are with me, why does she needs them? WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU GUYS DOING THERE THEN? CALL THE SECURITY I DONT WANT ANYONE ON HER FLOOR." Laila screamed on the phone.
"What happened to her?" Rahul asked concerned dropping the gloves in his hands.
"Paparazzi" Laila said
"SHIT" Rohit gasped running towards the car, followed by Rahul, Virat and Laila.

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