Chapter 28- Travel day

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"Ohho aaj aap piche kya kar rahi hai?" Ashwin teased Kiara
"This is my seat Ash, if you are forgetting" Kiara replied
"Since you have officially started dating our captain, you have forgotten that you used to sit with us" Ashwin said sarcastically
"You know your captain requires a lot of attention" Kiara replied
"Especially yours" Ashwin laughed
"What?" Virat asked walking in with Kian

"Nothing" Kiara and Ashwin replied
"You are also going to sit with us?" Rahul asked Virat like he never clinged to Virat during bus rides.
"Am I not supposed to? Are you guys making fun of me again?" Virat asked
"Ohh we haven't even started yet" Kiara and Ashwin said at the same time

"Ash and Iru are sitting nearby?" Rohit asked entering the bus
"Yes they are" Virat sighed
"I am not going near them, Ritika today we will sit in the front" Rohit said taking a nearby seat
"Aree but why?" Ritika asked
"Because their sarcasm never stops, I just want sleep" Rohit replied
"Kiara are you giving me a holiday from Ashwin?" Prithi asked
"I am the one that's getting a holiday from you" Ashwin argued

"Hello lovebirds" Kiara exclaimed taking a seat infront of Rahul and Athiya
"Kya bhabhi" Athiya blushed
"Do whatever you want with him, just feed him when it's 2" Virat said handing Kian to Rahul and Athiya
"Bhabhi feels weird, call me Kiara" Kiara said
"I think juniors and their girlfriends calling you bhabhi suits you very much" Virat argued and Kiara rolled her eyes
"MAMU" Kian cheered happily
"KIAN" Rahul replied with more excitement
"Seems like you both are trying to sneak in a holiday" Ashwin commented

"You think handling a hyperactive kid with his hyperactive father and simultaneously managing content of a team which requires 24/7 attention, including juniors who must have supervision, is easy?" Kiara asked
"Have your day, have as many days as you want" Ashwin raised his hand in surrender after hearing the arguments
"I am not hyperactive" Virat pointed out
"And Rohit doesn't likes to sleep, come on Virat" Ashwin said

"He doesn't.... wants to play with the kids?" Rahul asked as politely as he could
"Why, you don't want to babysit him?" Virat questioned
"Ofcourse we want to bhaiya" Athiya smiled already playing with Kian
"You did this on purpose, didn't you?" Rahul whispered leaning towards Virat
"Spoiled the time you were planning to spend with Athiya alone? Yes I did, that's what you get for blocking my kiss" Virat smirked
"IT WAS JUST ONE KISS" Rahul whispered screamed

"Do something like that again and I will assure that Kian stays with Athiya" Virat smiled wickedly
"This is not over Virat bhai, two can play this game" Rahul smirked
"What exactly do you mean when you say that?" Virat asked a bit scared because he knew if Rahul seemed even remotely sad, just like Virat, Kiara would flip the world upside down to make him smile.
"Don't worry I will give you an example" Rahul smirked and went on to look outside the window for a minute or two

"Baba what happened?" Kiara asked noticing Rahul
"Nothing" Rahul shaked his head
"Come on baba, tell me" Kiara said
"It's nothing Iru" Rahul replied sighing heavily
"You know what, let's the four of us have dinner together" Kiara smiled thinking that will cheer Rahul up
"But honey, it's supposed to be our date night" Virat protested

"Cheeks we can do that sometimes else also, I am not leaving Rahul alone" Kiara said pointing to a Rahul who was acting to be sad.
"Haan bhabhi, it will be so fun, right Rahul?" Athiya smiled looking towards Rahul
"Yeah ofcourse it will be" Rahul replied smiling and Virat just sunk back in his seat sulking.
"Your move" Rahul whispered
"Wait and watch" Virat replied

*****Few minutes later*****

"You know, we should stop counting you guys for two seats, you end up snuggling each other anyways" Ashwin remarked seeing Kiara lazily sitting on top of Virat, her one side on top of his chest and head kept on his shoulder while her legs were taking up space of the next seat.
"Don't be jealous Ash" Kiara replied trying to doze off to sleep.

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