Chapter 4- A cute discussion

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A hand pulled her inside the room and as she was about to scream she noticed who it was.
"Virat what the fuck?" She exclaimed trying to calm down
"Your brothers won't leave us alone, not my fault" He shrugged closing the door behind him
"No no, why would it be your fault" She mocked
"Are you mocking me Miss.Kiara?" He asked
"Maybe, maybe I am" She answered walking backwards
"That's a bold statement for someone who has no place to escape" He smirked now that he had her cornered against the wall.
"What do you want Virat?" She asked smiling
"Yuzi challenged me that we both won't be able to spend time alone, so here we are and weren't you going to come back around the ODIs?" He asked
"Surprise" She laughed
"I love you" He laughed hugging her.
"Not more than me Cheeks" She said hugging him back
"Ofcourse more than you" He laughed

"So" She tried to say
"Soo" He sang
"I missed you so much" She sighed relaxing in his arms
"If you missed me so much, why are you going away?" He asked

"I thought we talked about this" She said going towards the bedroom
"Let me come with you" He requested following her.
"I don't want you to have a bad day just before the series, this tour is important no?" She asked
"You are more important, our kid is most important and there will be many tours like this one" He said kissing her hands sitting beside her.
"If things go wrong people won't understand how dedicated you are to your job" She sighed

"That's it darling, I don't care what others think and I know you don't too, and that's one of the reason you rejected my first proposal" He said smiling about the last part
"Because I didn't want our new step to be based on some pressure, I want it to happen when we both are happy" She smiled
"Why are you scared of me meeting your parents then?" He asked keeping a hand on her shoulder
"I don't know the last time I tried to talk them about us, I flew to London and risked every relationship I had" She confessed
"You did what you had to do, you didn't risked anything, you just paused your life for a few moments while creating a whole new world" He said

"I'm sorry you don't get to spend much time with him" She confessed
"Hey I love every moment I spend with him and even if you had been in India, I wouldn't have dragged you guys everywhere I went" He explained
"I feel bad for your PR team" She said thinking about how they would handle the situation when the fans will get to know about their child.
"I feel bad for BCCI" He laughed
"So when do you want to get married?" She asked
"Is that how you ask me? So much for being a romantic" He scoffed

"Mr.Virat Kohli will you do the honours of finalising the wedding date with me?" She asked getting down on one knee
"Yes, yes I will" He said fake crying

Author's note

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