Chapter 30- A sensitive condition

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"Kiara Sharma" Jonny and Virat said reaching the reception at the same time, while Virat couldn't look more confused to why an English player was asking for his girlfriend but for the time being he decided reaching to his girlfriend was more important than fighting with a player.
"You are?" The receptionist asked
"Father of the baby" Virat answered panting
"Tell me her room number, you guys just fucking called me" Jonny screamed 
"We are her emergency contact" Stokes replied holding Jonny
"Room 4507, it is in a private area as you requested" The receptionist replied

The players ran towards the corridor and saw Rebecca pacing around.
"Becky why are you not in the room with her?" Jonny asked holding Rebecca
"They dragged me out Jonny, she is crying so much" Rebecca tried to say before an ear defeaning scream was heard
"Doctor how is she? Can I go in? I am the father of the baby" Virat asked as soon as he saw the doctor exiting the room
"Kiara is having her contractions as per time but she looks like in significant pain, there might be some complications in the delivery" The doctor said
"She'll be fine doctor?" Rahul asked 
"We can't say that for now and only one of you can enter the room" The doctor said leaving the hallway

"She'll be fine, she'll be fine, my Iru di will be fine" Rahul mumbled to himself, calling Kiara "di" for the first time.
"She'll be fine Becky, she is our little fighter" Stokes assured a crying Rebecca
"THIS IS ALL BECASUE OF YOU" Jonny screamed and punched Virat in the face.
"Fuck" Virat groaned holding his face.
"NOW GO IN AND BE THERE WITH MY SISTER" Jonny said pushing Virat towards the room.

"Kiara" Virat whispered when he saw Kiara lying on the bed exhausted with a oxygen mask on.
"I am here, I am so sorry I put you through this" Virat kissed her hand gently
"Cheeks" Kiara mumbled opening her eyes and removing her oxygen mask
"Yes honey?" Virat asked
"The... the baby will b-be fine na?" Kiara asked in a low voice
"You and the baby, both will be fine and healthy" Virat said trying to smile
"Th-the doc-doctor" Kiara said
"You both will be fine, don't listen to them" Virat said caressing her forehead
"M-my little baby sho-should be fine, if you have to ch-choose between me or baby, th-the-" Kiara tried to say
"I am not choosing, you both will be fine Kiara. You have to be" Virat said raising his voice a little, angry that Kiara could even think this thing.

"B-be prac-practical Cheeks, you might-" Kiara mumbled
"Iru don't you dare complete that sentence" Virat said tears streaming down his eyes
"Lo-love" Kiara smiled sadly
"You have to be strong, I will never ask you to do anything after all of this is over. Please honey, please please do this for us... do this for me" Virat begged thinking blackmailing her might help as she never denied any of his requests and Kiara nodded her head.
"I love you cutiepie" Kiara managed to say in one go
"I will reply to that, after you and the baby are fine" Virat said looking down to the floor and Kiara smiled knowing Virat was too scared to reply.
"Go and get yourself some water Mr.Kohli, I can't have you in here spiralling" The doctor said
"Do-don't go" Kiara whispered
"I am not leaving you" Virat replied holding her hand.

"Doctor can I please go inside? I just need to see my sister, I won't say anything" Jonny pleaded as soon as the doctor came out
"That's what this glass is for" The doctor said tapping on the little window on the door
"Did you examined her? Is she better?" Stokes asked
"I am afraid she is not, her condition has worsened. Though seeing she was talking to the father fully, we have hope" The doctor said and Rahul slid down to the floor in a little bit of relief.

"Rahul" Jonny said running to Rahul's aid
"Ofcourse she will be fine now, "her jaan" is with her" Rahul smiled closing his eyes
"Our sister will be fine, she has to be" Jonny said, more over tried to assure himself
"Our? What in the world are you both doing here? She is my sister, don't even try to call her your sister" Rahul asked realising he was talking to an English player all this time
"She warned us about this possessive behaviour" Stokes laughed
"You don't get to talk to her" Rahul said getting angry
"Hey tiger, calm down" Jonny said said holding him back

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