Chapter 11- A Very Friendly Huggable Bear

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Two ice creams in hand and strolling through the park is what Kiara thought would help but then buying a second cup of ice cream when you are all alone isn't really helpful. It's not like she ran away from home, she simply bid goodbye to her mother saying she got a job in London. The constant fights were getting sickening, she couldn't bear fighting with her father on the same topic. Out of all the things she couldn't believe her boyfriend tried to support her father in the matter, it was the most painful thing because for the first time in life she felt like she couldn't explain her pain to him and if he couldn't understand what she was feeling then there is no person in the world that could or atleast that's what she thought.

She sat on a nearby bench lost in her own mind when a sniffle brought her back to reality. She noticed a man in his late twenties trying his best not to cry. 
"Hey is everything okay?" She asked politely. The man looked towards her surprised by the intrusion and that's when she realised he was none other than England's wicketkeeper Jonny Bairstow.

"N-no" Jonny answered thinking the girl infront of him didn't recognised him which was helpful considering the situation.
"Do you want some ice cream? It helps" She offered
"Are you sure?" He asked
"Yeah buying two cups is force of habit" She scoffed handing him the ice cream.
"Ex boyfriend?" Jonny asked trying to distract himself from his thoughts.
"You tell me, crying because someone left you?" She cross questioned a bit amused.
"Well I'm not crying" Jonny scoffed
"Honey tell that to those tears in your eyes which can fall any minute now" She teased
"Alright, I fought with my family and here I am in London's random park" He confessed making Kiara laugh in the process.
"I'm sorry is something funny?" He asked confused

"No it's just, I also fought with my family and here I am in London's random park" She said trying to smile 
"How can you smile when you are so heartbroken right now?" He asked looking towards her
"I- I am not heartbroken" She denied
"Love you are not the only one who can read eyes" He shrugged
"How about you share what happened and leave with a less heavy heart?" She offered

After listening to Jonny's story and silently eating ice cream together in the park, the pair decided to stroll around the park. Though they didn't know each other but they bonded quite well over the pain they could share.

"Do you always think so much?" She asked
"After a fight? Yes" He replied
"Sharing the story didn't helped so let's get some drinks in your system and all that pain out" She suggested
"I'm sorry but how are you so comfortable, hanging out with me?" He asked
"For starters you look like a very friendly huggable bear and you remind me of someone very close to my heart" She replied
"A huggable bear you say, are you calling my chubby?" He scoffed
"I am not, your cheeks are" Kiara said pulling his cheeks
"Oh no you didn't" Jonny said running after a laughing Kiara.
"I am not sorry" She laughed running away.

They both entered a local pub and Jonny managed to get drunk on the first two shots he had meanwhile Kiara refused to drink anything.
"Did you took those shots on an empty stomach?" She shrieked
"I may have, it's fine you can go home" Jonny slurred

"What is wrong with our cricket team anyways? Looks like they can't play properly" A person said sitting on the table next to them
"What did you-" Jonny said angrily but Kiara held him back.
"I can't leave you here like this, it would be a PR disaster" She said the ICC guidelines and the habbit of helping any player in this type of situation kicking in.


"You should have left him there. Do you have no sense of security? He was a stranger" Mahi said
"He is the wicketkeeper of the England's team and Yuzi was well aquatinted with him" Kiara defended
"I know him too but how the fuck did you two bonded so well you didn't even knew each other?" Mahi asked  
"It just happened" She replied
"Just continue the story" Mahi sighed 

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