Chapter 9- The day spent

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"Finally a day spent with Kian, It's been like forever" Virat said
"Yeah, you know how hard it was to put him to sleep? He is so excited" Kiara smiled
"He still likes Spider-Man right?" Virat asked
"Cheeku you know everything about him, you used to face time him everyday, no need to be nervous" She assured
"But it's been so long since he actually spent time with me, he has grown up so much." He said
"And since then he has been only asking to spend time with you. You are a great father" She reminded
"But I also want to spend time with you" He pouted
"And you are going to or did you forgot about date night?" She asked

"Your date night might turn into team night" Rohit said entering the room
"Rohi bhai you could have knocked" Kiara said throwing a pillow at her brother who interrupted the moment
"I had to say something before you both started kissing" Rohit pointed out
"How long have you been standing there?" Kiara questioned
"Zero privacy in this team, I might also start locking my door like Boom" Virat blabbered
"You look cute when you babble" Kiara winked
"Shut up" Virat blushed

"What's this about you guys ruining my date night?" Kiara asked noticing Rishab standing at the door
"Team bonding session" Rishab shrugged entering the room
"Yes Smartypants, organising those sessions is a part of my job" Kiara replied
"Well about that, the coach has asked-" Rohit trailed
"No- not tomorrow" Kiara sighed
"Why you got plans?" Rishab asked
"Yeah I got plans with bh-" Kiara tried to say but noticed the look on Rohit's face
"Which bhai?" Rishab asked amused
"Rohi bhai" Kiara completed
"Done, a dayspent with both the children" Virat smirked
"Tu idhar toh aa" Rohit said chasing Virat

***** Next Day******

"Rohi bhai your wife will be here tomorrow, any tips how I can explain all this to her?" Kiara requested
"Just don't trouble my Ritika" Rohit frowned
"Ahh yes I forgot how protective you all are about your partners" Kiara sighed
"How can you forget that? You got the most protective one of all" Rohit said signalling towards Virat
"He is a cutie" Kiara smiled looking at a happy Virat playing Kian who was running around the ground.

"What happened at home?" Rohit asked
"Nothing I want to discuss" Kiara replied looking away
"Iru would you share things with me like you used to?" Rohit asked seriously
"Yes, I am just a bit scared" She hesitated
"I am your Rohi bhai, Iru, you don't need to think twice before telling me things. Still the same "forgetting my things everywhere" Sharma" Rohit said trying to make her laugh
"Yes Rohi bhai, I just- I- Where are you taking me?" Kiara asked
"Surprise" He replied dragging his sister along

Meanwhile Virat was having the day of his life with his child. Just the two of them playing all around the stadium, being the captain has its own perks and yes you can get the stadium for a day when your kid asks you to show your workplace. Though Kiara opposed the idea because of them not actually telling the fans about the kid and was scared that the media will click a picture somehow, Virat assured her that no one is allowed inside the stadium except the team members. Playing hide and seek, running around and acting like Spider-Man with his dadda was all Kian could ever wished for. Having this day was a bliss, Virat remembered the number of times Kian cried asking for him and how much it broke his heart telling the little kid he can't be with him but hopefully, somehow hopefully this time Virat would make up for the lost time.

"Kian watch the ball" Virat shouted from the other end and threw a ball towards his son, Kian being a two year old thought that his father meant to keep his eye on the ball and then watch it.
"You know how proud your uncle AB will be after watching this" Virat laughed
"AB uncle?" Kian asked
"Yes baby, you will get to meet him soon. He has two sons and a little baby girl" Virat replied
"Like GG?" Kian asked
"Who's GG?" Virat asked
"Dadda GG my bestfriend" Kian answered
"You like her?" Virat smirked
"She is my bestfriend?" Kian repeated confused
"Kian see I like your mummy, do you like GG like I like your mummy?" Virat questioned hopefully the kid would understand
"No, dadda throw I will hit" Kian answered running towards the other end with his bat.

"Can someone tell me why Rohit called me here?" The person asked on the phone
"Mahi bhai?" Kiara questioned entering the hallway and seeing the man on the call
"Iru?" Mahi ended the call instantly hearing the voice
"MAHI BHAI" She shouted running towards him and hugging him tightly
"Iru I missed you so much kiddo" Mahi hugged his sister tightly
"The only person I don't mind you calling brother" Rohit laughed
"Is he being the over possessive brother again?" Mahi asked
"Excuse me he ever stopped doing that?" Kiara laughed

"What's all this about you making that English wicketkeeper your brother? I was not enough for you, you found another wicketkeeper?" Mahi asked
"You know you will always be my wicketkeeper but Jonny is sweet" She answered
"I thought it was Jos" Mahi said amused
"Your fanboy? He is sweet but bhai is well bhai, I can't really explain" Kiara smiled

"I told you na she calls him bhai" Rohit argued
"Alright Shaana I saw that but this isn't our topic of discussion, is it?" Mahi reminded
"Rohi bhai you didn't dragged him all the way here so that I would talk" Kiara gasped
"Don't give yourself so much importance, he wanted to meet the team, your thing was just a coincidence and why would you think I would do that?" Rohit laughed

"Well the lads may or may not have dragged certain players to my home for some reasons" She answered not meeting their eyes.
"They spoiled you that much? I would love to meet them and you had to tell that to your already over jealous brother who hates "the lads" right now?" Mahi asked raising his eyebrow
"Just a little motivation before the series?" She smiled

"We three are going on a drive like we used to before I smash something" Rohit said angrily leaving the hallway
"That's on you" Kiara said to Mahi
"How the fuck is that on me? Your fault" Mahi argued
"Only if you hadn't pointed out the obvious" She laughed
"Ten minutes in and you both have already started fighting and now are blaming it on me" Mahi sighed following them.
"Jo sikha hai aapse hi sikha hai" Kiara and Rohit replied together

A drive was all it took to remind Kiara even after three years nothing has changed between the three so called siblings. Her brothers are still the same old pranksters and she can be the same old Kiara with them. These events reminded her of a conversation she had with Jonny few months ago.


"Wh- what if they ha- I don't want to say it" She sighed
"What if they hate you now? I already told you that's not possible" Jonny shrugged
"It's been like three years, I left without telling them and I think-" She tried to say
"Stop right there, you think a lot and they are your brothers. They would be dying to talk to you like you are dying to talk to them. All I know is if Rebecca ever disappeared and came back to me, I would just want my sister to be with me no matter what." Jonny interrupted her
"I just hope you are right Jonny because I am accompanying on your flight to India" She confessed
"Ohh love, I am always right, do you reckon how irritated Sharma is going to be after you tell him about me and the lads?" Jonny laughed
"I would be lying if I say he won't be finding reasons to punch you" She laughed


"Coffee and chips?" Mahi asked
"Yes please" Kiara answered
"Bas pure waqt yeh bakwas khaana hai, chup chap hotel mai lunch karna" Mahi scolded
"Jab lena nahi tha toh offer kyu kara Mahi bhai" Kiara pouted
"Mahi bhai let's buy her the stuff na, see there is a shop nearby" Rohit requested
"Ho gaya tum dono ka natak" Mahi asked raising his eyebrow and Kiara remained silent
"You want something else with the chips Iru?" Rohit asked ignoring his captain.
"No just that" Kiara replied happily
"I am not stopping anywhere Mahi bhai before you get angry on me, I will simply ask the hotel to arrange the stuff" Rohit explained
"When are you and Cheeku getting married?" Mahi asked
"Bhai voh-" Kiara trailed

Author's note

Hah, fuck the writer's block. Finally wrote something! What's your favourite moment from the chapter?

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