Chapter 31- Rakhi Pt.1

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"Wake up you sleeping angels" Kiara screamed turning on the lights
"What? It's Sunday" Virat groaned sitting up
"Mumma no" Kian mumbled
"It's your turn" Virat said to Kian
"No yours" Kian argued going back to sleep
"If I don't get to sleep, you don't too" Virat said picking Kian up
"DADDA NO" Kian screamed

"What do you need help with?" Virat asked Kiara who was running around the whole house
"I need to cook a lot of stuff, so you both can take the cleaning duties" Kiara said
"But sleep" Kian yawned
"You young man, will be cleaning up your toys and put them aside in a box" Kiara orded
"Mamu kab?" Kian asked
"Rohi bhai will be here soon baby" Kiara answered
"No Jonny mamu" Kian said
"I don't know" Kiara answered trying to smile
"He'll be here by 11, now go clean the hall" Virat ordered Kian
"How are you so sure? Did- did you um talked to him?" Kiara asked hopefully
"He'll be here Ki, your bear of a brother is not going to miss Rakhi" Virat said

**********After 30 mins***********

"Bhabhijaan" Siraj smiled entering the house with Ashwin and Prithi with him.
"Is Kiara spiralling yet due to the cooking?" Ashwin laughed seeing Virat
"Hey guys" Kiara smiled from the kitchen
"She is not spiraling, what the hell man. You woke me up for this" Ash groaned
"Ki why aren't you ready yet? The team will be here in an hour" Prithi said
"Aap birayni bana rahe ho?" Siraj asked
"Yes it's bhai's favourite" Kiara replied
"And vada pav?" Ashwin asked
"Rohi bhai's favourite" Kiara shrugged
"Go get ready, Ash and I'll see this" Prithi said taking the spoon from her hand
"Is that kheer? What the hell? Since when did you started cooking so much?" Ashwin asked
"Since I have a kid" Kiara shrugged going towards her room.

"Cheeks! Can you help me out with the heels?" Kiara called out struggling to wear heels
"You look gorgeous" Virat exclaimed seeing Kiara in a blue suit
"And you look so handsome" Kiara replied as Virat was dressed up in a beige kurta matched with a light blue waistcoat
"Are you both done flirting? Thank you very much" Ashwin said entering the room
"Not again" Virat replied as his moment was interrupted

"IRU" Rohit called out
"ROHI BHAI" Kiara exclaimed happily running downstairs
"Do you think she is going to listen?" Ashwin laughed following them downstairs
"IRU" Rohit exclaimed hugging her sister and twirling her around.
"Rohi bhaiiii" Kiara giggled

"Kal hi toh the saath mai" Rahul said
"Tujhe bahut dikkat ho rahi hai" Jaddu laughed
"Finally after three years" Kiara smiled
"Finally after three years" Rohit said hugging her tightly
"Rohit bhaiya hold your gifts yourself" Shardul and Sky exclaimed struggling to carry the 15 gifts
"Rohi bhai I said no gifts, what the hell is all of this?" Kiara asked
"Tune bola aur maine sunn liya and I missed out the last three years" Rohit shrugged
"You didn't missed out, you gave the gifts to Cheeks, like I gave my rakhi to him" Kiara said

"I couldn't wait to finally spend Rakhi with you" Rohit said
"Me too bhai" Kiara smiled
"So what are we waiting for?" Rohit asked
"The food is not done yet, you'll have to wait" Kiara lied going to the kitchen
"Is he not here yet?" Rohit asked Virat
"No he is not" Virat answered
"Rahul" Rohit signalled

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Rahul screamed on the phone
"Jesus Christ, hey I am not the one you should be screaming at, I'm almost there" Stokes said removing the phone from his ear
"If you want to enter the house, you enter the house with Jonny, otherwise you don't" Rahul ended the call
"How long?" Rohit asked
"Half an hour" Rahul said

*********Half an hour later*********

"Iru it's okay if the food is not done yet, I have been dying since the past three years to spend rakhi with you, I will live without food" Rohit said
"Rohit sharma will live without food?" The whole team gasped
"Not till the food is done" Kiara replied
"I know it's not about food, it's about that English dumbass" Rohit groaned
"Don't be rude Rohi bhai" Kiara replied from the kitchen
"Rohit calm down" Ritika said
"I am calm, I don't see why I have to wait because that clown won't show up" Rohit said raising his voice
"THAT IDIOT, YOU GUYS WAIT HERE" Kiara groaned going towards her garden
"Love where are you going?" Virat asked
"To get my other brother" Kiara shouted

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