Chapter 10- Team bonding session

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"Everyone gets a day off except my wife" Virat said folding his hands
"Fiancé" Rohit and Jonny reminded

"Eh, what are you doing here?" Rohit asked noticing Jonny standing by his side
"Mate I came here to meet Kian" Jonny answered
"He will spend time with us today" Rohit replied annoyed
"But Iru-" Jonny tried to say
"Hey I am not sharing the Iru rights with anyone" Mahi said surprised that someone other than him and Rohit called Kiara by that name.
"Hello MS, how are you?" Jonny smiled shaking his hand
"Not that great Jonny to be honest, did you just called my sister Iru?" Mahi asked
"I think you mean our sister and If those three get to know you are here" Jonny smiled
"Our sister? and which three?" Mahi asked confused unaware of the rakhi Jonny gets every year.

"I heard MS is here" Sam said running in the room
"Did someone say MS?" Jos asked following
"MS where?" Stokes asked
"The kid, the fanboy and the teammate" Kiara laughed
"Mahi bhai right, did I got it right this time?" Sam asked excitedly
"Get away from him at once" Rishab said entering the room
"But I- Ohh come on" Sam sighed
"Don't even try to go near him Jos" Rohit reminded
"Aww man" Jos sighed
"Hah there is no one to stop me" Stokes smirked
"Turn around mate" Jonny said trying to hold his laughter.
"Jesus Christ" Stokes sighed seeing Virat holding Kian in his arms.

"MAHI BHAI" Virat shouted as soon as he spotted his favourite human being in the world
"Hand him over to me" Kiara said taking Kian in his arms.
"Mummy sleepy" Kian mumbled hugging Kiara
"Everyone can get lost" Virat said hugging Mahi and the boys shrugged like they were used to this behaviour.
"Who let you guys in? I only asked Jonny to be here" Kiara asked smirking
"The attitude" Jos gasped
"Only if Woody was here" Ben sighed
"Damn Kia di" Sam said
"Well now that you are here, Mahi bhai these two and that wicketkeeper are the ones who have been with me from the past three years"
"Forgot about me lass?" Mark asked entering the room
"Ofcourse not Woody, them and this giant too" She laughed
"Ofcourse I am a giant for you, you dwarf" Mark laughed tickling her

"Hmm so you are the ones who have been taking care of my sister?" Mahi asked changing his tone
"Yes sir" They replied
"Our sister" Jonny corrected, it's not like Stokes didn't wanted to but he would never say that infront of MS.
"Are you really trying to pull stunts infront of Mahi bhai?" Kiara whispered to Jonny
"Don't change teams now, I know you have been enjoying your brother's possessive act, that's why you never stopped us" Jonny replied
"Well it is fun to tease them" Kiara laughed
"It won't be fun when he beats us" Mark reminded
"No he won't-" Jonny said looking towards Kiara
"He might" Kiara laughed
"What are you talking about?" Rohit asked

"Nothing, well now you guys are here please take Kian with you" Kiara requested
"YES" Stokes and Jos cheered
"Off you go, mummy will see you tomorrow love" Kiara kissed Kian's forehead
"Goodnight mummy, goodnight dadda, goodnight" Kian said going away with his uncles.

"Off you go" Rohit mocked her vocabulary
"Is it me or is she turning British?" Rahul asked 
"Fuck off" Kiara replied

"Welcome to the team bonding session boys, tonight's activity is going to be done in groups of three and we could not have a better person in the room to divide the pairs" Kiara announced looking at Mahi
"Where is the team staff and everyone else?" Rishab asked
"Well this activity is strictly for the team members, no staff, no coaches and most importantly no rules to play by" Kiara smirked
"We are in danger" The juniors chuckled
"So they just left us in here with you? Without any security? You guys can shut up we are the actual people who are in danger. She is reckless without the team staff" Bhuvi scoffed
"Aww poor Bhuvi. Scared of a little fun?" She mocked
"Hardly, bring it on" Bhuvi challenged

"Okay so I have to divide them into group of three right? And who is going to be my partner?" Mahi asked
"Really? You still ask that question?" Boom sighed
"Can anyone come between Cheeku and his Mahi bhai?" Rohit mocked
"Excuse me misters, Mahi bhai is with me as he is the host" Kiara reminded
"But but I-" Virat folded his hands and everyone looked at Virat surprised
"Wow" Bhuvi commented
"And you say nothing to her?" Rohit asked
"Aree mai kehta hu hyprocrisy ki bhi seema hoti hai" Chahal added
"What do you want me to say to her? I love her, I don't mind if she calls dibs on him" Virat argued
"That's very cute of my fiancé but let's continue" Kiara laughed

The groups were divided as follows
Mahi- Shaana, Cheeku
Team members- Oooo
Mahi- And Ishan
Team members- Are you sure Mahi bhai? Virat bhaiya and Ishan?
Ishan- Virat bhaiya loves me more than anyone so shut the fuck up
Rahul- What did you just say? He is only my-
Virat- It's okay Rahul calm down
Mahi- Next is Rahul, Bhuvi and Chahal
Bhuvi- Bilkul bhi taras nahi aata na aapko mujhpe?
Kiara- Take your places
Mahi- Hardik, Boom and Shreyas
Mahi- And the last one is Rishab, Washi and Shikhar
Washi- Ohh god Mahi bhai yeh kya kar rahe ho, yeh dono mera dimag kharab kar denge

After a few minutes into the game

Ishan- What did I do now?
Shikhar- You lost Cheeku just accept it
Chahal- Shikha paaji you are the one who cheated
Washi- You are one to talk you cheater
Bhuvi- Ohh like you were playing by the rules

"I am so sick of this team" Kiara sighed
"They are bonding though, Cheeku is defending Ishan. Washi is with Shikhar and even Bhuvi is supporting Chahal. The most surprising factor is that Team Boom is way too quiet for this activity" Mahi laughed

Hardik- It's not like Shaana didn't cheated
Shreyas- Haan haan cheated, he cheated
Boom- Itni cheating achi baat nahi
Rohit- IPL mai dekh lunga

"The chaotic element of our team" Kiara laughed
"Please do the honours of calming them down" Mahi laughed
"Your fiancé started it" Shikhar pointed out
"And from the looks of it Aisha's husband is going to be the one to pay for it" She frowned
"Ooo" The team commented

"How can you guys fight so much over dumb charades?" Mahi asked
"Mahi bhai Ishan ne cheating kari" Rishab added
"Ishan ne Kuch cheating nahi kari, Shikhar ko dekha hai" Virat said
"Oh my god" Kiara and Mahi sighed as the boy started arguing once again.
"How about we twist the game a little bit? Each team gets a movie by Mahi bhai and since he is a dinasaur he will recommend movies I have never seen, so whichever team makes me guess the movie in the least time wins. Capiche?" Kiara explained
"Capiche" Virat shrugged as if it was nothing
"Capiche" Rahul answered looking confident
"Capiche" Rishab accepted the challenge
"Capiche?" Boom questioned
"Did you just called me a dinasaur?" Mahi asked

The session ended with a draw and everyone mutually decided to rule out Virat's win, since he has the greatest understanding with Kiara he was easily able to make her guess the movie.

"I missed this so much" Kiara mumbled looking at the boys having fun and teasing each other relentlessly.
"And we missed you" Mahi said standing beside her
"You are not angry?" She questioned
"On you? No, no I was there when you made that dreadful call to Cheeks" Mahi answered
"I was never planning to make the call and explain that I ran away to London. I thought he would be better off without me and my baggage" She confessed
"Better off without you- are you crazy, who taught you all this? But what changed your mind?" Mahi scoffed keeping a hand on her shoulder.
"Full story?" She asked
"Including how you met Rohit's English version" Mahi laughed
"Let's go somewhere else" She said escaping the team room.
"I am not making you coffee" Mahi said walking with her.

Author's note

Just a cute one for you guys, the next chapter might be heart breaking but who knows😳

So many more players I wanted to add in the story from both the teams but it's so difficult to write with so many characters😔

What was your favourite moment from the chapter?

Can someone bring Mahi bhai back in international matches??😭😭

Can someone bring Mahi bhai back in international matches??😭😭

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