Chapter 3- Convincing the lads

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"Bhai I wanted to talk to you about some- what's happening over here?" Kiara entered Jonny's room along with Virat and saw Ben, Jos and Kian watching a movie together whereas Jonny was sitting besides Kian and feeding him fries.

"Shit" Ben exclaimed scared
"Jesus how did you entered the room?"' Jos asked keeping a hand on his chest
"What are you both doing here?" Kiara asked squinting her eyes.
"Uhh" They both tried to think of an excuse. 
"That's it, you guys are on a timeout" Kiara said frustrated
"But Ki" Ben tried to defend
"No I don't want to hear a thing, Kian was supposed to go to sleep an hour ago and Jonny too" Kiara said
"We tried but the movie was interesting" Jonny defended
"Kian was supposed to sleep" Virat said irritated

"You guys don't get to play with Kian for two days" Kiara announced
"No that's not fair, Ki you can't do that" Jos argues
"Watch me" She replied
"Ki anything but don't stop us from playing with the little guy" Stokes pleaded
"I'm going to my parents so you won't get to meet him anyways" She said quickly
"What? No way" The three of them said together
"Before you guys continue with the discussion, let me take away Kian and she'll do whatever she wants too" Virat said taking Kian away.

"There is no way you are going there back alone" Stokes added
"Kian needs to meet his grandparents" She said
"So then take him to meet Virat's parents" Stokes suggested
"Stokesy it doesn't works like that, you know it" She tried to explain
"Bullshit, you are not going there" Stokes announced
"Kiara please this wasn't on the list, besides you told Virat, Kian is going to be here at all times" Jos added
"Yeah and I talked to him about it" She said 

"Iru you should not get hurt, do whatever you want to but I don't want you getting hurt" Jonny said and this was one of the reasons Kiara knew Jonny is her brother, called her with the her nickname whenever concerned, always caring for her. It's like she shared a similar bond with both the openers and both the relationships had their own beauty.

"I will try my best, just a few days" She assured 
"FEW DAYS?" Stoked shrieked
"Calm down Stokesy, she must have thought this through" Jos reminded
"Don't even try to go on a vacation, we will track you down if necessary." Jonny reminded

"Idiot" Stokes coughed 
"Over protective" Jos coughed
"But a vacation to New Zealand sounds good, Kane wouldn't mind" She snorted and the three men looked like they could kill someone with their bare hands.
"I was kidding, geez guys" She said immediately
"Not funny at all" Jonny said
"You are not going over there and that's final" Stokes announced leaving the room.

"Tell you what, you convince Stokesy to let you go and I won't interfere with your plans" Jonny said
"That's not fair, he is the most stubborn person I have ever met, well most stubborn after my boyfriend" She said
"Wonder why Jonny said that" Jos mocked


"Dadda fries" Kian said
"No fries, mumma will scold me" Virat replied entering Kiara's room with the players still being there
"I want French fries" Kian whined jumping on the bed
"Kian I said no fries" Virat scolded
"Dilva do na bhai" Bumrah said

"Mamu" Kian called out sweetly
"Yes bacha" Rohit answered
"What the-" Virat tried to say
"Fries ch-chaiye please" Kian requested thinking the correct Hindi word.
"I'll get you all the fries you want" Rohit said trying to find a phone
"But Rohit he cannot have fries" Virat said
"Dekh Cheeku tu mere aur mere bache ke beech mai mat bol" Rohit warned him angrily and Virat raised his arms in surrender.

"Look at how he is smiling" Rahul signalled towards a grinning Kian
"Ohh he is like you" Ajju said
"I am not like this" Virat replied
"Yeah have you seen yourself with Mahi bhai?" Bhuvi said
"The minute coach would deny you something, you would go running to Mahi bhai" Bumrah reminded laughing
"Mahi bhai voh dekho na coach ne yeh bolo" Yuzi mimicked him 
"Tu ruk" Virat said running after Yuzi.


"You should not run near the pool it's slippery" Stokes exclaimed seeing Kiara ran towards him.
"Then stop walking away from me" She replied
"Ki are you sure about your decision?" Stokes asked
"Yes Ben I am and don't worry this is India" She said
"That's why I am more worried Ki, Jonny and I can't do much here, things won't be in our control and I am afraid" Stokes confessed
"You don't need to be Stokesy, I may have managed to fool my team last time but they won't be leaving me anytime soon, not after knowing about their little nephew and let's not forget about my boyfriend." She said similing. Stokes tried to argue but got interrupted by her phone.

"Why are there so many notifications?" Kiara said checking her phone
"Little guy alright?" Stokes asked concerned
"Yes he is, my social team decided to announce their boss is back in the most public way ever" Kiara laughed showing Stokes an insta video of the boys hugging Kiara and crying. Caption- "ICT is a family, our players love each and every one of us as much as we love them."
"That is cute though" Stokes commented.

After a few minutes of arguing and whining, Stokes finally agreed with her plans and then cursed her twice for always talking him into agreeing with her.

"What the hell is happening over here?" Kiara asked entering the room
"Mamu got fries" Kian smiled and Kiara looked at the boys who were avoiding eye contact
"Which one of you did this?" She asked
"Mamu.. Ro... Roh Mamu?" Kian tried to speak Rohit's name but failed
"Hey that's a cute name" Rahul spoke
"You want more fries bacha?" Rohit asked his heart melting at the new nickname his nephew gave him to which Kian nodded enthusiastically.
"No fries, only sleep" Kiara scolded taking away the plate

"Aree let him finish those" Ajju argued
"He had those with bhai, anymore and he will end up skipping his dinner, Virat you are the father too, say something" Kiara said looking exhausted
"Haan haan, Kian no more fries" Virat said and all the boy tried to hid their laughter at the lack of authority in their captain's voice.

"Stop calling that angrez bhai" Rohit scoffed
"Why? I tie him rakhi so I may as well call him bhai" Kiara shrugged not realising she how badly she revealed those memories.
"Tune, us..usko rakhi bandhi?" Rohit asked carefully
"Uh oh" Everyone added 
"Mai toh chutiya hu na" Rohit screamed leaving the room

"Rohi bhai, no this is not the time to show you are a cricketer" She screamed trying to chase him down
"Tu jaa uske pas, usko bhai bol mai toh hu hi nahi" Rohit shrugged entering his room and locking the door behind him.
"Bhai open the door" She knocked on the door

"Popcorn kaun laya hai?" Ajju asked
"Yeh lo na khao" Rahul replied passing the popcorn
"Aree aaj toh movie ulti chalegi" Bumrah laughed sipping his drink
"Ho gaya inka drama chalu" Bhuvi commented

"Fuck off guys" Kiara said
"Ooo scary" They said together uninterested in Kiara's anger
"Rohi bhai aap door khol rahe ho ya nahi?" She said knocking relentlessly
"Nahi khol raha kya kar legi" Rohit answered
"I am absolutely loving the masterpiece" Rahul commented

After five minutes Kiara managed to enter the room and found a sulking Rohit in the corner.

"You know why I like Jonny?" She asked sitting beside him and as usual the boys followed the drama but maintained distance for their own safety.
"No and I don't want to know" Rohit scoffed going near the window
"Think about it Rohi bhai, I could have tied rakhi to anyone else, Stokesy wouldn't mind, Jos is a great guy but I choose Jonny" She continued standing beside him
"Listen I am not interested in knowing your relationship with those guys" Rohit said irritated

"Because he reminded me of you, because whenever I was hurt he was with me like you were, no questions asked, mostly those guys are around me because I couldn't have bare hurting you guys due to my problems" She explained
"But rakhi" Rohit tried to say something
"Jonny is my brother now and yes he is important to me but that doesn't means you are not important unless you think we can't have that type of relationship anymore" She said, her voice breaking at the last sentence a little bit.
"Tu pagal hai kya, you cannot escape being my little sister" He laughed hugging her.

"Awww" Ajju exclaimed
"So emotional" Rahul said wiping fake tears from his eyes.
"I would rate it 4 out of 5" Bhuvi commented
"That's it?" Bumrah asked
"Please we have seen more dramatic fights" Bhuvi laughed

Author's note

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