Zayn- Chapter Four

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One month ago...

I know I shouldn't be doing this. I know I should leave this poor girl alone. She doesn't deserve this but I can't help myself. I'm a sick and twisted man thanks to my mother. I can't help but want her. I want to see what she feels like, what her voice sounds like, what she would look like with me.

She turns a corner and I follow in pursuit. Not too close because I don't want her to catch me. I want to catch her. The streets are pretty crowded and it's dark out but I find her through the mist of people. How could I ever lose such a pretty girl like her?

I walk casually behind her. Following her where she goes. I'm too busy staring at her that I don't realize how covered the streets are in crushed up leaves. I'm too busy watching her that I'm not watching where I'm going. All too soon, in my pursuit of this gorgeous girl, I make myself known. I stepped into a pile of leaves that make the loudest crinkling sound known to man. I watch as she turns around and I quickly duck behind a tree. She can't see me. At least not yet. I want her to know me before she sees me.

She turns back around and starts to walk faster to her home. Her home that I have been to many times. The home where I watched her through a window. Where I watched her with her friends, her parents. The home where I watched her sleep at night, wishing so badly that I could touch her cheek while she sleeps.

The girl weaves her way in and out of the crowded streets. I'm always two steps behind her. She doesn't know that I can almost reach out and touch her. I want so badly to touch her. But not yet. It's too soon. I have to be patient. I have to wait. I can't jeopardize this plan that I have been working on for the longest time.

I know better than to just reach out and touch her even though that's all I want to do. The girl I'm following, her name is Ashley, and she is not the first girl I have wanted and abducted. She is actually my fourth. But she, Ashley, has been the one I wanted for the longest time and now that I have her in my sights, I am never going to let her go.

Lost in my train of thought, I lose her in the crowd and it's getting too dark to see in front of me. Even though, I know where she is going, I turn around and head back home.

My house is a little apartment off of a busy street. It was the best I could get with the amount of money I have but I have learned to make the best of it. I am not usually home that much anyway, so when I am, it doesn't really bother me.

When I get into my house, I go straight for my little study. In here is where I keep all the files of the girls I have taken. The file on Ashley is sitting on top of my desk. I sit in my chair and read over her file. This file has her entire life in it, where she was born, what time, to whom, where she has lived, what schools she has gone to, her friends, her family. Basically I got everything on her.

I flick through the pages and decide that she will be one of the funniest girls I've had and one of the most rewarding. 

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