Ashley-Chapter Five

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When I woke up, I was no longer in the warm bed. I was back to the chair in the cold empty room with the only light being the half-open window. My hands and feet were tied back to the chair. The sun was shining through the window, making little rainbows on the floor. My clothes were on and I was still cold. I was dehydrated and weak. I have not eaten for the whole time I was here. I was starting to lose track of time. My figure was beginning to lose weight. My arms were starting to look fragile. I could not see myself but I bet I had tired lines on my face and big bags under my eyes. My legs that were once strong, were now tired and weak. All I wanted was to go home. Or at least see Zayn again.

To my request, Zayn came in through the heavy metal door on the opposite side of the room.

"Morning sunshine." He said as he walked over to me.

"Morning." I tried to get out but my mouth was dry from not drinking.

"You don't look that well." Zayn noticed.

I wanted to say something back. Something sarcastic, but I didn't have the energy in me to do it.

When Zayn finally did reach me, he bent down on his knees to get a better look at me. "You know what. I am going to go to the store. I am running out of food here for me and some other things. I'll get water there for you and if you're good when I get back, I'll give some to you. Sound fair?"

I was willing to agree to about anything Zayn said at the moment. "Yes, sir."

Zayn got up and played with my hair for a bit. "Okay, then. I will be right back. Don't think about escaping. I will be watching you." He left me and went over to the window and slammed it closed. The sound echoed throughout the room.

He didn't even bother to say goodbye. I have to admit that hurt at first but I realized that he just doesn't care about me.

I watched Zayn leave and flinched when the door closed shut.

Now I sat here, in the quiet room. I looked to the window and it was starting to get cloudy, signaling that it was going to rain. I watched as the sun disappeared behind the clouds, never to be seen again. In that moment, I was like the sun. I was always happy and bright and when Zayn kidnapped me, I disappeared into the darkness, hiding from the world. The room was starting to get darker. There were no lights in the room. My shadow on the floor was starting to blend in with whatever was underneath me.

Soon enough the rain fell. The only sound that could be heard was the raindrops hitting the window outside and the occasional sound of thunder. I was starting to get colder. The goosebumps on my arms were getting bigger.

After watching the rain, I got tired of sitting here. I tried to wiggle out of my ties. To my surprise, the ties on my wrists came undone. The rope fell to the ground. I was free! I reached down and untied my feet. I was now able to get up. I stood up for the first time since yesterday morning. I stretched. I bent down to touch my toes and raised my hands above my head. I ran. I ran to the window and looked out. What I saw were trees and more trees. I was in the middle of the woods. I looked harder. Past the trees, I saw a train zoom past. When I tried to open the window I couldn't because it was locked. So my plan of escaping from the window failed. Then I ran to the door. It took all the strength that I had left to open the heavy door. But I finally did. I held it open as I ran out. I ran down the hallways. Down every twist and turn, I came across. When I reached dead ends, I turned around and ran back. After what felt like an hour of running I was starting to lose my breath and I was starting to feel weak again. All the adrenaline left my body and I rested my back against the cold wall. It felt good with the heat radiating off my body.

I don't know how long I was waiting there but it was long enough to hear Zayn's screams bounce off the walls. I got scared. I have no idea where I was and where Zayn was. I pushed myself off the wall and tried to run again. I ran, ran and ran. I tried to retrace my steps to get back to the room. But I knew that Zayn was either going to be there, waiting for me or he was chasing after me.

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