Ashley-Chapter Eleven

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As I was sitting against the fence, it began to rain. No, it began to pour. The weather accurately reflected my mood. The pitch-black sky opened up and the raindrops fell down. I was getting soaked. My once dry hair was now dripping wet onto my pants. My clothes were sticking to me and see-through. The rain was cold on my exposed body. Goosebumps were rising every second. I could feel the grass underneath me turning into mud. It was cold and disgusting.

I kind of expected Zayn to come look for me like he did before. But he never came. I sat in the mud and pouring rain all night. As usual, I got no sleep. The rain kept me up.

When the sun did decide to come up, I was still in the same spot. My legs were bent up against my chest and I hugged them closer. Sometime during the night, the rain stopped pouring. I was still wet and covered in mud.

I debating getting up and walking back down to my room, but my thought was short-lived when I heard the door slam in the distance. I heard someone running down the paths. I knew it would only be seconds until Zayn found me. But this time, I wasn't scared.

"Ashley. Ashley." He called out.

"Ah, there you are." Zayn came closer to me and kneeled down. "What the hell are you doing up here? I have been looking for you all morning." He reached up to touch my face but I turned my head away.

"You obviously didn't look that hard," I whispered. "There are only so many places I can go."

"What are you talking about? I did look for you. I just didn't expect you to come up here. Why are you here anyway?"

"Like you don't know," I said back.

"No, Ashley, I don't know." He stood up and ran his fingers through his hair.

There was silence for a while. Both of us thinking of what to say.

I spoke up. "Why is she here?" I was trying to hold back tears.

"Who?" He asked looking down at me.

I wasn't looking him in the eyes. I was looking down. The ground seemed like a better place to lay my eyes. "Eleanor. Why is she here?"

He didn't say anything. Maybe he didn't know what to say.

"Did you get bored of me?" Finally, I looked him in the eyes. They were filled with worry.

"No. Ashley, I didn't get bored with you." He spoke.

For the first time since I got out here, I stood up. We were now face to face even though he was a few inches taller.

"Why then?" I asked again.

"God Ashley. I don't know okay. I don't know why she is here." He was starting to get frustrated.

"Well, there must be a reason. You just don't kidnap people for no reason. So tell me Zayn what was your reason?" I was starting to get angry at him. He's not being honest with me.

He ran his fingers through his hair again. Then he turned his back on me. I thought he was going to leave me. But then turned back around and this time he had tears in his eyes.

"She is here because something is happening to me. I brought her here to prove to myself that it's nothing. That I'm not losing my mind. That I am still the same person who kidnaps people." I could tell that was hard for him to say.

"What's happening to you, Zayn?" I felt sympathy for him.

"I don't know. But ever since I brought you here, something is changing within me. I don't feel the need to kidnap anyone anymore. Everything we did together was everything that I was not supposed to do. I never bring anyone up to the garden. I never gave anyone my jacket. Hell, I never kissed the others like I kissed you."

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