Zayn- Chapter Twenty

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The day I had Ashley really in my arms for the first time, I felt alive. I felt changed. I was holding her and all my worries went away. It was just me and her in my bed alone and away from the world. That was the moment I knew that I really did want her for the rest of my life. I have always been alone. I never had any friends or girlfriends, so admitting to myself that I want and need Ashley forever has been proven difficult. I can still remember when I told her I would buy us a house after she finished high school. Coquensetenly, this was also the day her parents found out about us.

The air was warm and the sun was shining high in the sky. It has turned out to be a beautiful spring day with the birds chirping and a slight breeze here and there. I had Ashley's head on my chest and she was listening to the steady beats of my heart.

Out of nowhere, she stated, "I really want to live in London."

"Yeah? I would like to live in London too. Maybe after you graduate, I'll buy a house in London and we could live together." I said nonchalantly.

Ashley lifted her head off my chest and looked at me in shock. "You would buy a house for us?" She didn't think I was serious but I totally was.

"Yes, of course. I want to live with you, Ashley." She smiled and rested her head back on my chest.

The rest of the day and night was filled with us talking and learning more about each other. When it got late we fell asleep with me holding her.

I was sleeping soundly when I was shaken awake by Ashley. "What? What's wrong"

"Shh. My parents are home." She whispered. What?! There were not supposed to be home until tomorrow.

"Shit." I cursed.

The footsteps were getting closer to her room. There was nowhere for me to go. We both got up and put our clothes back on.

The footsteps stopped right outside Ashley's door. Her parents do not know about us. Ashley was going to tell them after graduation but things don't always work out. I have no idea what she is going to tell her parents.

The doorknob turned and we both looked at each other. "Ashley, are you awake?" Shit!

I sat on her bed when I watched Ashley pace back and forth around the room. I wanted to comfort her so badly. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The doorknob turned and the door slowly opened. Ashley was frozen in fear. I, however, was wide-eyed and scared. What is she going to say to her mom? "Oh, my kidnapper and I are dating."

"Hi, Ashley. Who is this?" There it is. The question neither of us are ready for.

Since Ashley was standing frozen, I took it upon myself to introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Zayn."

"Nice to meet you, Zayn." Her mom said cautiously. "Ashley, can I see you for a moment?"

As Ashley followed her mom out of the room, she gave me a sorry glance and I just shrugged my shoulders. There was nothing we could do at the moment. I just had to wait in her room for her to come back.

Half an hour later, Ashley came back. I shot up from my place on the bed. "How did it go?" I asked.

"She's not thrilled that I'm with you but she's not going to forbid us from being together. I am grounded for two weeks for lying."

"Okay, so not too bad."

"Yeah. It could have been worse but let's not think of that." She moved closer to me and hugged me. I hugged her back and rested my head on the top of her head. "You do need to leave though. I'll text you when I'm not grounded anymore."

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