Ashley- Chapter Nineteen

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As I looked out the huge glass wall that overlooked the meadow beneath our house and the beautiful skyline of London, I thought about the last day I spent with my family:

"I still don't understand why you have to go?" My mom said as I packed my lilac suitcase.

"I told you. I love him. There is nothing holding me here. I finished school. There is no need for me to stay here anymore."

"But he kidnapped you. Why would you want to live with him?"

I stopped packing and turned around. Running my hands through my hair, I sighed. "It's difficult to explain. But I love him. So much. Yes, he did kidnap me. Yes, he did hurt me mentally and physically. But I really love him and I know he loves me too. I can't explain the kind of love we have. But all I know is that when I look into his eyes I see a man I want to spend my life with. It's been a bumpy road to get to where we are now. And I know I'm young, way too young to think I'm in love. But with him, it's easy. He makes me feel special and loved and I want to be with him."

When I was done, my mom stared at me in shock. She couldn't believe something so profound and sophisticated came out of my mouth. But everything I said was true. Zayn is the love of my life. I don't regret anything we did. He means the world to me and now that I have him, I can't imagine my life without him.

"Okay," My mom whispered. "All I want is for you to be happy. If you're happy with him, then I'm not going to stop you. I just can't believe you're leaving us. Text me every day, alright. I love you so much." She came over and hugged me.

When we pulled apart, I wiped the tears that threatened to escape and zipped up my suitcases.

I took one more look around my now blank and empty room. I'm going to miss this place but I know my life is going to be better off somewhere new. Better off with Zayn.

I turned off my light, signifying closing out this chapter of my life. My mom followed me as I left my room and went into the living room. My dad stood when he saw us.

"So you're really leaving?" He asked.

"I am dad." He walked over to me and hugged me tightly. "I'm going to miss you," I said into his shoulder.

"Me too." He huffed and held me tighter.

When he let me go, I tried to keep the tears from falling but I broke like a dam. All these emotions came to me and I broke down.

"Honey, come here. Don't cry." My mom held me again. "I know it's hard leaving us but the way you speak of Zayn, I know he's a great guy. You're going to be happy with him. I'm always here if you want to call me. I love you so much, sweetie."

"Oh, mom," I sobbed harder.

I heard a car honk outside and I knew that was Zayn.

"That's my ride." I hugged my dad again and kissed my mom on the cheek. Walking to the door, I said my last goodbye.

Then with watering eyes, I closed the door behind me; closing my old life. I dragged my suitcases down to his car. As I got closer, he jumped out and helped me load my bags in his SUV.

"Hey, are you okay?" Zayn asked, noticing my eyes.

No! I wanted to scream because I was leaving my family and my life behind. "Yeah. I'm happy to be with you." And finally, that was the truth.

Zayn smiled and kissed my head. "Let's get going."

Zayn and I have been living together since I finished high school. After that day at the train station, I made up my mind when I got home. I knew I wanted to be with him. I wanted to run away with him. And that's what I did. I finished high school living with my parents and then the day after, I packed up and Zayn and I moved to London together. He brought a house here when I was finishing up senior year.

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