Ashley- Chapter Twenty One

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It was an email from James. The heading of the email was "Lauren Raine". There was also something attached to it. Taking one more glance at Zayn, I tapped the link. It was a file on this girl whom I'm guessing is Lauren. It has her picture and more candid shots of her walking around town, eating lunch with her friends, and even her changing in her bedroom. Why would James have these pictures and why would he send them to Zayn?

I scrolled down on the file and it had information about Lauren. Her full name, birthday, eye color, height, skin color, where she works, and her address. Why does James have all this information? The more I looked at the file, the stronger that bad feeling in my stomach became. Immediately, I knew what was going on.

Zayn was kidnapping again. This is his new victim.

Now knowing the truth, I closed his phone and placed it back on the side table. I can't sleep in here with Zayn knowing what he's up to. Knowing the lies he probably told me.

I took the blanket that was lying unused across our bed and went into one of the spare bedrooms. I locked the door and crawled into bed. Once I was in bed, I stared up at the ceiling. Why would Zayn be kidnapping again? I thought we moved on from that. Is he not happy with me anymore? Does he not want me anymore? Am I not good enough? He told me that day at the cafe that he wouldn't kidnap anymore. So why did he lie to me?

Rolling on my side, I pushed away all these thoughts and tried to sleep.


"Ashley. Ashley, where are you?!" I heard Zayn scream. It jolted me awake. I got out of bed and quietly unlocked the door. I opened it slowly and looked out. Zayn was nowhere in sight. I didn't want to face him this morning. I hate it when I have been lied to. Who knows how many more lies Zayn has told me. Did he lie when he said he loved me?

It's too early to think about all this. I went back to our room to find that Zayn wasn't in it. Good. I went to the closet and picked out a red dress. I have an interview today for a job. Zayn has told me countless times that I do not need work but I hate being cooped up in the house. I want to contribute somehow. As I was walking out of the closet, Zayn came running into the room.

"Ashley, there you are. Where the hell were you?"

"Why do you care?" I snapped back. Walking over to the bed, I placed my dress down and then went back into the closet to pick out a pair of shoes. Beige flats would work.

"I care because I love you. You had me worried sick." Zayn stated.

"Bull." I shot back when I was back in the room. I placed my shoes by my dress and walked towards the bathroom.

"What do you mean bull?" He yelled.

"You don't love me." As soon as I said that I shut the bathroom door and locked it.

"I do love you. What the hell are you talking about?" Zayn banged on the door.

I ignored him and started up my shower. Maybe I'm overreacting. But he told me he wants me yet he is looking to kidnap someone new. What the hell am I supposed to make of this?

When I finished my shower, I dried myself and then put the towel on my head; wrapping my hair in the towel. Then I stepped out of the bathroom and saw Zayn sitting on our bed.

"Ashley, come on. What is all this about?"

I ignored him again and proceeded to get dressed. I picked out red undergarments and put them on.

"Zayn." Mike tried again.

Finally, I spoke. I turned to him in just my undergarments and said, "Am I enough for you?"

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