Ashley- Chapter Seventeen

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Run away with me

Run away with me

Run away with me

All I could think about for the next few days was Zayn's unpredicted proposal. It was like a dark thought clouding up my head. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. The only thing I could think about was Zayn telling me to 'run away with him'.

What if I did accept this idea? What if I ran away forever and never looked back? Do you know how much easier life would be? I wouldn't have a care in the world. It would be me and Zayn. Zayn and I. I wouldn't have to worry about school, my friends, or my family pushing me to be perfect.

I can imagine it now: Zayn and I cruising down the highway in a blue convertible with the top down. Our hair would be blowing in the wind and the sun would be beating down on our skins. We would be doing 90 in a 70 zone. Zayn and I would have the music blasting with our sunglasses on, not thinking about where we are heading or where we came from. We would just drive, drive and drive.

Zayn and I would create a life for ourselves. I would finally have my happily ever after. His happily ever after. Our ever after.

But would my family say? What would they think? I can't just tell them that I'm running away with my kidnapper. They would never understand. I don't even understand. They would think that I'm crazy. But aren't we all a little crazy? After all, I have been through, all Zayn put me through, I want a happily ever after. I need it and I know Zayn needs it too. Zayn has been through worse than hell, he deserves to be happy, even if he is a horrible person.

Zayn is a monster, though. He kidnaps people for his own needs. He's so selfish. He wants other people to feel how he felt. And I mean, I get it. I get why Zayn did what he did. Why he acts the way he does. I can't blame him. But if I was in his position, I wouldn't have done anything he's done. For all I know, he is out there, on the streets, watching and following his next victim.

Do I really trust him? What if this is all an elaborate scheme to kidnap me again and this time keep me forever. Do I really love him enough to run away and live with him for God knows how long?

So many doubts and questions are running through my mind. I need to talk to Zayn. I need to know if his proposal was real or if he was just drunk.

Breaking my staring contest with the ceiling, I pulled the covers off my body and planted my feet on the floor. I sat up on my bed and pushed myself up. Ever since Zayn texted me that promise a week ago, I have been laying in bed and only getting up to shower.

I walked across my room and grabbed my phone from where it was charging. Once I got my phone, I jumped back in bed and pulled the blankets over my head. I unlocked my phone and went to my messages like before. My breathing started getting faster when I clicked on Zayn's name. Of course, the first message to catch my attention was "run away with me". I can't do anything to escape it. Those words are always there, lingering around me.

I started to type out a message, then deleted it. I tried again and erased everything I wrote. I had no idea what to say. One last time, I tried to text a message:

"Hi. I have been thinking about what you asked me. I need to see you. We need to talk about this. Please."

I read it over a million times, delaying actually sending the message. But, I took a deep breath and pressed send. The message was now out there. Traveling through the internet, going to Zayn's phone. There is no way I could take it back now.

I stayed in my bed, waiting for Zayn to reply. I didn't think he would answer so soon because it was early. It was eight A.M on a weekend.

Maybe he is with his new victim? He doesn't want to hear from you. Maybe he's over you because you never answered him. My subconscious snapped at me.

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