Zayn- Chapter Eighteen

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It was eight in the morning when I got a text from Ashley. I didn't open it right away. Instead, I thought about what I said to her last night. I asked her to run away with me. At the time, I wasn't thinking. My brain was too full of alcohol to process my decisions. But, now that I am looking back at it, it seems like a pretty decent proposal. She lied to the cops and now she has to run away because if they ever found her, she would be thrown in jail. I need her with me too. I can't help these feelings that I am having towards her. She is the only one that can fix me. I need and want to be fixed.

After my thoughts finally settled down, I opened the message from her. "Hi. I have been thinking about what you asked me. I need to see you. We need to talk about this. Please." It looks like she is begging to talk to me. I need to see her too. She is the only one who can change me.

I let that message stay unanswered. Am I really going to risk everything to go see Ashley again? She already talked to the cops, what if they recognize me? I could be in danger of getting arrested. But it's all for love right? I made up my mind. I have to see her.

Walking back into my room, I opened my closet doors to look for an outfit that nobody would recognize me in. I decided on a long brown trench coat, black skinny jeans, and a red plaid shirt. After I got dressed, I texted Ashley back. "Train station, 10:30."

By the time I texted her back, it was close to nine. The train station is an hour and a half away from my house. However, I decided that I do not want to show up early. I want to make her wait. I want to make her wait long enough that as soon as she is about to leave, I show up. So, I wait around until ten. I don't know what to expect when I see her today. Will she be angry at me? I know she wants to talk about my proposal but what can I say to her without her getting upset. I can't just say, "oh I was drunk" because what if she is actually planning on running away with me. I don't want to take that hope away from her because I already took so much away to begin with.

I leave my house at ten and take my time driving to her. While I am driving to the train station so many thoughts are running through my head. I could get recognized by a cop and then be arrested. I can't believe I am risking everything to go see Ashley. But it has been too long without her. I miss her.

I get to the train station at eleven and find a parking spot. cautiously get out of my car and go find Ashley. There are a bunch of people at the train station who are waiting to go to work. When I get there, so many people are crowding around each other, but then I see her. When I see Ashely waiting on the bench, suddenly the crowd of people disappears and it is only her. I can only see her. She looked up from her phone and her eyes locked on mine. I could see a small smile making its way to her face. I move closer to her and through the crowds of people that don't matter at the moment. The only thing that matters is Ashley. I know that I just saw her but she looks different. She is dressed in real clothes and not just pajamas. Her makeup and hair are done nicely. She looks beautiful. The sun is shining over our heads that give her a halo look. She is stunning. I wish I could see her look like this all the time.

"Hi," Ashley says when I finally get to her.

"Let's not do this here. Follow me," I said as I looked down at her.

Ashley gathered her things and followed me towards my car. Once we made it to the car, I demanded her to get in. I could see that she wanted to say 'yes, sir' so badly. Good to know that I still have an effect on her.

She got in the passenger seat and I walked around the car and got in the driver's side. However, I did not turn the car on. We just sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Hi," She said again, her voice soft.

"Hi," I responded, my tone matching hers. "Why did you want to meet up?" I knew exactly why she wanted to meet me, I just wanted to push her.

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