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𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙋𝙏𝙀𝙍 𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙀ミ★ ( something wicked, act one ) ★彡

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ミ★ ( something wicked, act one ) ★彡

Rhea lives by the expect the unexpected quote like it's an absolute law. She feels like it's the only way to never get surprised by anything, ever. But it became clear a few months ago that you can never always expect the unexpected. As annoying as it was, she's learned to adapt to this new change. She's afraid—she's really fucking scared—of what's to come; it's hard for her to accept what's in store for her especially after what she had watched. Mason had to drink wolfsbane mixed with water in hopes that it would weaken him, but he could barely get it down without wanting to vomit it back up, and it barely did anything to slow him down. The video she watched went on for hours, and Rhea still wished that she hadn't watched.

     The sounds of his screams were only getting louder and louder as time went on and they now replayed in her ear repeatedly. Reading his journal entries didn't help at all, only placing his thoughts of how painful it all was into words; practically putting Rhea into his shoes—she felt his pain, like she was turning with him; and now she doesn't believe she has the stomach for it. She no longer wanted to hear or watch what her future held—the thought of an unimaginable pain that felt as if it would never end, and that she would experience one of the worst nights of her life every month.

     The only thing that slightly made it better was the reminder that the transformation would speed up over time; but there was no indication of how long it would take until it would begin to feel that way... if it ever even would. Who knew how many full moons Rhea would have to endure until her transformations would shorten—even by an hour at best. Rhea wouldn't know what to do with herself if she was stuck transforming for over six hours every full moon.

It was the night before the full moon, and Rhea's nerves were all over the place in anticipation for her first ever transformation into a werewolf—which still feels ridiculous to say to her. She could still hear the familiar screams from Mason's transformation video from down the hall where Tyler was watching it in their dad's office. He had watched it so many times since Rhea had given it to him that Rhea could pinpoint the exact moment the video was up to.

She walks into his office to see Tyler sitting at Richard's old desk, his phone in hand, leaving Mason yet another voicemail, "Mason, it's Tyler again. Look, your cell's voicemail is full. I need to talk to you. It's a full moon tomorrow and... I found your recording and I'm freaking out over here. So, just call me back, please."

He hangs up the phone and Rhea grabs the chains off of the floor and placed them into the bag on top of their father's old desk along with the other equipment they figured they'd need for the full moon the next day, "You need to stop watching that." Rhea scolded, but Tyler didn't respond as he tried to send one last voicemail to Mason. Rhea believed he was just trying to pull a hail Mary at that point. Mason was long gone, and so was all of her last bit of faith in him. All she could hear was his screams, so the younger twin closed the laptop from the way it was making the hair on the back of her neck stand up, "Seriously, Ty. It's been giving me nightmares and I'm not about to freak myself before tomorrow." She told him sternly.

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 ― 𝐞. 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧¹Where stories live. Discover now